Strawberry Panic 1

Yurrriiiii! /seizure
Yeah, I'll check this series out when I get home. Two episodes in with season 2 of Marimite, impressions will be up later on.
Strawberry Panic 1
I watched two episodes of Code Geass a while back. Nothing really compelled me to watch more of it. :-/
I watched two episodes of Code Geass a while back. Nothing really compelled me to watch more of it. :-/
This was, I think, the only time in my life I've been seriously pissed off at a work of fiction.Everytime Code geass gets brought up, it gets my blood boiling forwhat they did with poor Shirley.
This was, I think, the only time in my life I've been seriously pissed off at a work of fiction.
And I'm nearly 40, so it's not like I simply haven't been exposed to much.
But that episode...not so much the fact that happened, but the way it went down...Especially that guy. No, not Rolo. I'm talking about that police officer or whoever he was, the one Suzaku ordered to take care of her. "Herp derp Knight of the Round gave me an order but I guess she'll be fine, no need to go after her." THAT mutherfucker. All of my rage. ALL OF IT. I'd wish him dead in the Freya incident but that would be too quick. He needs to suffer more.
I was a massive fan of the series up to that point and had the whole series Blu-rays on pre-order, both seasons. (The first season was originally DVD only, and the BDs came out later at the same time as R2.) Something around $1000 of Japanese BDs. But then that episode aired and my first thought was to rage-cancel the entire thing to express my frothing anger.
I went outside my apartment and walked around the parking lot for about thirty minutes to calm down. Never done anything like that before or since.
......Eh, I got over it.
So yeah, watch Code Geass, anyone who hasn't yet.
It contains many experiences of various sorts.
Yami to Boushi - 04
At some point this will start making sense right.... RIGHT?
Not a fan of mech shows?
You're just seeing things man!not in this show
I actually really like mech shows. Just note Code Geass. I like the original Macross and Macross Plus, Gundam Seed and some of Destiny, The Vision of Escaflowne, etc. etc.
Oedipal complexes exist in all forms of fiction for everyone.Blame psychoanalysts if you want!
I find that it's much more helpful to blame Sophocles. That ass.
That's disappointing. Hopefully episode 3 won't be lacking.
Best thing from Code Geass wasOghixVilletaNu happening.
Hmm, after reading through this post I might actually agree with the idea that Rick's Bread isn't just bread.Rick's Brea- I mean, Shining Hearts 1
Meet Rick
He's just your average, everyday baker. Of course, in this world's universe that means he's the toast of the town, and he naturally works with three beautiful young ladies who most likely wish for him to put buns in their ovens.
Their little business has been on a roll lately; it's established early on that they're really raking in the dough.
Good God. That's a lot of effort.
When you put all these characters together you realise how generic those designs are.Upotte!!, Sankarea, Amnesia...
this season has so many girls with hime cuts.
hime cut > ahoge
When you put all these characters together you realise how generic those designs are.
When you put all these characters together you realise how generic those designs are.
You should watch Castle in the Sky.
Wait, I noticed Fantastic Children isn't in your list either. You need to drop everything else and watch that first.![]()
Hmm, after reading through this post I might actually agree with the idea that Rick's Bread isn't just bread.
I think it's definitely drugs.
Why does an alien with futuristic technology need glasses anyway?
ExceptOhgi was a worthless lump who should've died. He's just a few notches above Hathaway Noa.
Still better than Kanna!
*skims thread*
I've no idea what's going on anymore. Just that we're nearing an OT2 it would seem. Might I suggest:
Spring Anime 2012 |OT2| of Be patient laides! Rick has more than enough bread for everyone!
Apologies, my knowledge on the subject is limited, and a quick wiki article scan had a film header, so I just assumed it had already been released given the age of the original series.
Derp Beast.
...and Quille.
...what was I watching again?
you should check it out asap for god tier yuri
Yami to Boushi something something - 01
And someone needs to learn how to hold the camera straight.
Gintama 86-87
I'm continually impressed by the way this show can have huge changes in tone even during a single arc and still come off as genuine and affecting. It probably helps that they get you to like the characters before anything bad happens to them instead of forcing you to care about their situation by shoving drama down your throat.
It even continues to haunt Gundam-GAF in the form of Quant.I woke up in a cold sweat thinking about the Gundam 00 movie last night. Possibly even dreaming about it. I don't think I'll be able to escape it.
So you're saying you're Saya?
She represents the viewer. It's deep.I forgot that. Never change, Code Geass, never change.Nunnally was there THE ENTIRE TIME
How have so many not watched Code Geass?! The anime that defined this generation!
She represents the viewer. It's deep.
Just to step out of the guidelines of genre-recommendations for a moment, I feel that it's worth saying that Aoi Hana should be viewed by people because it's a great show, regardless of it's genre.
Pretty much. Everyone thought Star Driver would take up the mantle, then Guilty Crown, but the wait for a true successor continues.
Virtual NTR! Fun for the whole family!