More than Sailor Moon x Dragon Ball?
You must decide that for yourself.
More than Sailor Moon x Dragon Ball?
To be honest I was kind of embarrassed by it. Dorm room with an open door policy, freshman in college, insecure, football buddies that ripped me down for it, etc. I realized it was stupid the next year and didn't care, but I just never got back into it.
Figured I've missed a few good shows over the past few years, so why not dive back in? Unfortunately I dove into the shallow end.
Just what is being censored here?!
There's a link to a gif in this post I made in the "disturbing/creepy anime gifs" thread. There is a lady pulling a bazooka out of her cleavage as well, so maybe nsfw. No nudity, though.More than Sailor Moon x Dragon Ball?
Japanese copyright still confuses me.I assume its some trademarked character.
Bazooka boobs seems normal for anime!There's a link to a gif in this post I made in the "disturbing/creepy anime gifs" thread. There is a lady pulling a bazooka out of her cleavage as well, so maybe nsfw. No nudity, though.
You are getting a double warning. Be glad I didn't post some of the other ones I've seen.
To be honest I was kind of embarrassed by it. Dorm room with an open door policy, freshman in college, insecure, football buddies that ripped me down for it, etc. I realized it was stupid the next year and didn't care, but I just never got back into it.
Figured I've missed a few good shows over the past few years, so why not dive back in? Unfortunately I dove into the shallow end.
There's a link to a gif in this post I made in the "disturbing/creepy anime gifs" thread. There is a lady pulling a bazooka out of her cleavage as well, so maybe nsfw. No nudity, though.
Kora no Densetsu 1
Anime is saved.
embrace the wideface
I never saw wideface until Madonka Magica.
Still can't get a grasp of that style. It can be so uggs....
I was watching the wrong wideface this entire time!
Think this deserves an add to the list.
Major SpoilersDid they ever mention that Ms Mikami was MC's Aunt Reiko? They showed that flashback of her telling him to not treat her like his aunt at school, but I don't believe they showed that earlier in the series.
embrace the wideface
New Prince of Tennis 13 (end)
-_- where's my continuation for Deadman Wonderland?
How's old boy, Momo doing?
When I watched the first 20-25 episodes of the original way back I remember liking the cut of his jib.
Unless emunoz or some other jerk tells you to watch Midori, in which case don't even google it. I mean it.
and i present both!
New Prince of Tennis 13 (end)
The anime had so much potential, the cool OP the fun ED (Enjoy is a fun song with the visuals) that Im confused how it turned out like this. I felt it lost its way some way through in trying to make this entire training arc feel deep. Too many characters, not enough development, and not enough tennis, almost makes me want to give up the sports anime genre, if they are all like this. I did have some fun with it though, Echizen was always cool and Kintarou was just the best.
I actually enjoyed everything at the training camp thing at the end of the day, though the ending was bafflingthey are just automatically accepted back and in a higher court then the people that beat them? what, thats kind of unfair to them
6 / 10, hopefully we get a season two or something, and well it didnt really convince me to try the manga, if that was their goal of the anime.
Kora no Densetsu 1
Anime is saved.
Kora no Densetsu 2
First we had Avatar with some Baccano, now we have Avatar with some Tron.
K-On!! 22
Poor Azunyan.![]()
WTF am I looking at?They're talking about a different Midori, which is based on a guro manga. This to be precise. NSFW.
Pretty sure it wasn't revealed prior and was supposed to be a twist.You Monocles are terrible.
Another Episode 12
This went Higurashi crazy in the last two episodes.
Major SpoilersDid they ever mention that Ms Mikami was MC's Aunt Reiko? They showed that flashback of her telling him to not treat her like his aunt at school, but I don't believe they showed that earlier in the series.
I'm not sure how I feel about the end.
Kid Icarus Thanatos Rising Part 3 END
ragequit...a you fucking kidding me? is really the bestI.GNAS can do? fuck me. the other shorts better make up for how awful this was.
Oh, nigglesnoosh. You know that by "some other jerk" I meant. <3me
This page has a (colored) comparison shot between movie and mango that makes it a bit easier to discern what's going on there. (The accompanying blog also does a fine job of conveying what it's like and why it works, if anyone's curious.)
Not safe for anywhere, obviously.
I concur.
You have to reach the point of forgetting it's a mech show before they'll actually let you have what you want. Just let go.Flower Declaration of Your Heart 4
The problem with Rinne is that there is too much Lan and not enough Muginami.
looks like a good backlog season