The soundtrack alone is gonna make Apollon worth watching.
And yet you don't want to watch Cowboy Bebop.
The soundtrack alone is gonna make Apollon worth watching.
Symphogay episode 13
Well, we got trolled...big time.MORE!Since all three survived, they can form a singing group. And Miku got to keep her waifu.
noitaminA 2012:
Kids on the Slope:
Moyashimon Returns:
Natsuyuki Rendezvous:
It's so shitty how seiyuu can't have a normal life because of the crazy fanbase. Seriously, sometimes I'm ashamed to see how this type of fanbase is crazy about these things. =/
Amen. It's because of people like this that noitaminA has been corrupted.
I fail to see how unnecessary underboobs make more sense in action.
I don't know if such a thing can be saved.
Now you will never have to watch it again! Also, it's all about!puberty
Christ, never mind then. I thought people might like the grid layout but apparently not.
Psycho-Pass sounds like something Bones would do.
Psycho-Pass sounds like something Bones would do.
noitaminA 2012:
Kids on the Slope:
Moyashimon Returns:
Natsuyuki Rendezvous:
Kaichou wa Maid-sama 01:
How do you make a maid show without maid fanservice and not alienate maid fans? Make it a shoujo! Ayuzawa Misaki is pretty clearly designed to be relatable to female viewers--behind the maid persona, she lives a pretty troubled life and doesn't particularly enjoy being a maid, only doing it because she needs to make ends meet and is too weak for physical labor. Even Soredemo's unsexy, raging idiot Hotori is closer to the maid ideal than Misaki.
Really, I was surprised how little Misaki has going on for her. Of course, she has the whole shoujo unappreciated beauty thing going on, but there's not a lot to envy about her life. She's. She has a knight in shining armor swooping in to save her from everything right from the beginning, but she has it rough. I get tired just watching her.impoverished, feared by the student populace for her overbearing strictness as student council president, and overworked to the point of illness
Naturally, the most popular boy in school takes an interest in her. When a character is introduced by casually responding "oh, just turning down a confession" when asked what he's doing, you know you're dealing with a super-ultra-bishounen. Usui always seems to magically be in the right place at the right time, and he'd pretty much have the romance wrapped up in a single episode if it weren't for the sillything that's going to apparently need undoing over the course of the series.he's so popular that he's lost interest in girls entirely!
Good first episode, and I'm going to try to get in an episode or two of this every day. Even if the show had no other redeeming qualities, Misaki is still the hottest shoujo protagonist ever.
A lot of it are dem eyes. Big, expressive, and a really bright gold. Misaki <3 <3 <3
Also, from the OP:
Is this just a garter or are those actual bloomer undergarments? The answer to this could potentially rip open yesterday's debate again.
Someone needs to gif Kaoru's walk at 1:00. Got damn so much swag.
I thought we could be friends. But now I see that is impossible.
I never said if it would be good or bad!
I'm really digging that art style for Tsuritama. Especially in the background details.
Definitely gonna check this one out.
He has more of an opinion than you've ever voiced here.Amen. It's because of people like this that noitaminA has been corrupted.
I remember when Guilty Crown was going to save anime.
Just sayin'.
I'm really digging that art style for Tsuritama. Especially in the background details.
Definitely gonna check this one out.
I don't know if anyone was ever serious about that, though. People just wanted it to be as memorable as Code Geass. I 'dropped' the show very early on, but from all accounts it was extremely stupid. By that standard, I suppose it succeeded.
For those who missed it earlier, the noitaminA conference can still be watched, and apparently not just for premium users!
Time stamps for performances:
0:01:10 - Moanin' (Piano: Takashi Matsunaga, Drums: Jun Ishikawa)
0:29:20 - Someday my prince will come (Piano: Takashi Matsunaga, Drums: Jun Ishikawa)
0:34:10 - Pythagora Switch (Kuricorder Quartet)
0:44:45 - Tsuritama March (Kuricorder Quartet)
1:10:30 - Special Session Medley (Kuricorder Quartet, Piano: Takashi Matsunaga, Drums: Jun Ishikawa)
This is the first anime season in a long time where I don't have any fears of dropping the shows I will check on. :X Mah backlog
That's a good thing though, right? Ideally, every anime season would give us so many shows that we wouldn't need to touch our backlogs.
I guess the realisation that you won't be able to tackle your (perhaps large) backlog is a little disheartening, but in reality you'd never be able to conquer it anyway. If you go and do some digging into how many shows and movies and OVA's have been made that you might well be interested you'll note that there's probably hundreds of titles you haven't checked out.
Well, at least, that's how it was for me whenever I thought I'd "cleared my backlog". There is always more anime to watch.
What other news sites do anime fans really have to rely on besides ANN?
Poor Jex, probably sitting there at his laptop, watching some KEY show, in a coffee stained wife beater vest and sporting stubble close to a borderline beard.
What have you done, Cajun. For shame.
Reading the news in the original Japanese, various blogs and of course twitter.
I'd like to dissuade you from thinking that I somehow own a laptop. That's a lie.
Will we never be free of the scourge of Ano Hana?
I'd give it a couple of years before it fades into the background, never to be mentioned again. Just like Toradora.
Who the fuck is hating on Toradora?![]()
Kora no Densetsu 2
First we had Avatar with some Baccano, now we have Avatar with some Tron.
Nobody is hating on Toradora. It's not worth talking about, it's just a forgettable series.
Top 10 GAF 2010 Anime of the Year. Well deserved!
Yes I did like Angel Beats. Whatever.
Ano hana wasn't that bad, when you consider the fact that shows like No.6, UN-GO, [C], Fractale, and Guilty crown came out in the same year it was in.![]()
I doubt most gaffers that barely post in this thread even know what DEEN is.
Need to finish dinner before I start on dessert, so I suppose my Maid-sama marathon is on standby until I can get some episodes from this past week out of the way.
Ano Natsu 12 (END):
Everything wrapped up as expected..Ichika and Kaito make it to their destination, she's forced to leave, there are tears, life goes on without her (until epilogue)
Probably the one thing that anyone with a heart who watched this show can agree upon is thatgot an incredibly raw deal in the end. I still don't know what she has againstTanigawaat this point becausedating Tetsurou, but in spite of this I can't believe how relentlesslyeven if Kaito WOULD date her, she'd always have to live with the shame of only being his silver medalfor the entire series. There was never even any suspense or ambiguity over the subject.Kaito remained interested in Ichika
Firehawk managed to shift my feelings toward the series from dislike to ambiguity by convincing me to un-drop it. Mission accomplished?
This actually works better than I assumed because both Baccano and Kora have ugly CG mechanical animation! To be fair, so even amazing animated movies like The Illusionist have that problem as well.
Ano hana wasn't that bad, when you consider the fact that shows like No.6, UN-GO, [C], Fractale, and Guilty crown came out in the same year it was in.![]()
I'd give it a couple of years before it fades into the background, never to be mentioned again. Just like Toradora.
Kaichou wa Maid-sama 01:
Good first episode, and I'm going to try to get in an episode or two of this every day. Even if the show had no other redeeming qualities, Misaki is still the hottest shoujo protagonist ever.
Except Apollon has females in it.