needs moar CLAMP am i rite?^
omfg NEED
edit: oh my god the song is even GREAT
EDIT2: KUWABARATHEMAN having hipster opinions again
I...needs moar CLAMP am i rite?
Maybe I'm not as irate because I was brought up with another song, but it is not a bad cover. It is not metal rock or whatever the fuck the original was, but it still has a nice youth.
I just love the original Pegasus Fantasy so much. The new version doesn't sound nearly as majestic.
I don't think it's an overstatement to say this is the most promising season since 2007. Not to say there haven't been good seasons since then, but the breadth of shows in this one which seem to have a decent chance of being special is substantial.
I don't think it's an overstatement to say this is the most promising season since 2007. Not to say there haven't been good seasons since then, but the breadth of shows in this one which seem to have a decent chance of being special is substantial.
needs moar CLAMP am i rite?
I need this.
I need crossdressing cures designed by CLAMP animated by Sunrise.
What was promising in the seasons of 2007?
Only started in 2009 so have no idea of these things.
needs moar CLAMP am i rite?
I don't know what gender they are. lolneeds moar CLAMP am i rite?
What was promising in the seasons of 2007?
Only started in 2009 so have no idea of these things.
What was promising in the seasons of 2007?
Only started in 2009 so have no idea of these things. youth.
I just love the original Pegasus Fantasy so much. The new version doesn't sound nearly as majestic.
Icarus gets it.Does it matter?
No, I suppose it doesn't!Does it matter?
This > ThatI do agree wit hthe track being a travesty next to the original
I have a feeling that I'll be seeing a lot of this.
Another - FIN:
I decided to give this another try and finished the show. And um... yeah, my problems remain the same.
I think it's absolutely no secret around this side of GAF that I have a very loooow bar for Suspension of Disbelief®. This is especially true when it comes to anime. I'm willing to forgive a lot of bullshit, or at the very least turn a blind eye to it. With Another... I just can't look past it. It's not even the over-the-top bullshit deaths (though those are kinda funny in how far they push it) or unbelievable characters; it's the premise.
There's absolutely no way, no how, that their school would still be standing. It's established early on that this "curse" has been going on for fucking YEARS now.
Well, at least Mei is cute.
Shit, I knew I was forgetting something. I loved it a lot, and was one of the last good comedies for me anyways in recent history.Seto no Hanayome
It also makes matches hype as youth.
I just love the original Pegasus Fantasy so much. The new version doesn't sound nearly as majestic.
Spring 2007 had
Gurren Lagann
Oh Edo Rocket
Darker than Black
Seirei no Moribito
The Skullman
Dennou Coil
Lucky Star
To name a few notable titles.
Summer 2007
School Days
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Code Geass
needs moar CLAMP am i rite?
I was told that Chihayafuru saved anime. Confirm/denyYes, I would say it's time. Although I honestly think you should check out shows like Ano Natsu and Chihayafuru from this season and the last as well.
I don't know what gender they are. lol
I was told that Chihayafuru saved anime. Confirm/deny
I was told that Chihayafuru saved anime. Confirm/deny
But were you entertained? That's the real question.After having a few days to let the ending of Another sink in, here are my thoughts.
The last two episodes were sloppy in characterization. Let's get it over with that the calamity had bullshit added "effects" that made people forget memories of who died before and then for some reason even affects physical media to even allow the story to play out the way it did.
Most of people in the lodge ended up going bat shit insane. Is this the result of the calamity like the teacher? The one guy falls two stories, somehow survives, and then somehow starts stabbing people. Red haired girl sees crazy friend choked to death (of her own accord) sees Misaki Mei with the blade or whatever it was, goes crazy by somehow jumping to conclusions that because she had the blade in her hand something something the friend got choked. What? Red Haired girl going crazy was so out of character.
The Misaki Mei being a twin came out at the last moment, though they tied it in with things shown previously, and was used as the plot point to cause the fucking retarded girl and classmates to think Mei was the dead person. The twins didn't even look exactly alike.
Old lady going crazy. Killing her husband for some reason. The slowest fire EVER. I don't think fires work that way when the one guy opened the door and the flame went flamethrower mode. You can't explain that with oxygen being available to the fire, because the fire would have died without oxygen anyways in that room it was in for what seemed like fucking hours.
The extra chair being in the faculty room was just fucking retarded. I don't even remember Reiko mentioning she was the teacher.
Plus all of the fucking crazy people were just disappearing like the fucking joker.
How would they close a school over a "curse."? And it also seemed like, at least, the curse is inactive several months of the year.
Persona 4
I liked the show a lot, but I have no idea how it would feel to watch the show without playing the game first. Definitely a fun companion piece to the game though, and I look forward to the final act in August.
I sure as hell wouldn't send my kid there, but you have to keep in mind that all/most of the deaths could be explained by mundane circumstances. It wasn't like magical ghost shit was going down. It was basically just bad luck.Over a "curse"? Not officially, no. However if several children from the same class at the same school were dying en mass at the same time of every year for multiple years, an investigation would have happened and likely the school would be shut down. And it's quite clear the people in this town believe it isn't a coincidence, but they still send their kids there? I'm having a hard time believing that.
Is it something that should be watched?I can't believe you guys are watching Maid-sama.
I sure as hell wouldn't send my kid there, but you have to keep in mind that all/most of the deaths could be explained by mundane circumstances. It wasn't like magical ghost shit was going down. It was basically just bad luck.
Nice.I forgot; the SSOmega screening also revealed the name of the music composer: Toshihiko Sahashi.
Over a "curse"? Not officially, no. However if several children from the same class at the same school were dying en mass at the same time of every year for multiple years, an investigation would have happened and likely the school would be shut down. And it's quite clear the people in this town believe it isn't a coincidence, but they still send their kids there? I'm having a hard time believing that.
I think it did a decent job of selling me on the game, a shame playing the game requires me having to shelf out for both the hardware and the actual game...I dont even know if I could embrace the dub, is Ichigo Kurosaki/Zero/Lelouch/Sasori really voicing Adachi?! How even...
Im just really curious what the bad ending is, if I recall.
This post is good and you should feel good.Tsubasa wo Kudasai does give it a run for its money, though.
Some people would, though. It's like those dipsticks who refuse to evacuate in an emergency, despite the government telling everyone to gtfo.If a bunch of people are dying, people aren't going to say "oh, well, but it's all explainable by mundane science. Nothing to worry about! Go on to school, son."
If you like generic shoujo I suppose.Is it something that should be watched?
I wonder what man-Moonlight looks like. I'd like to wear purple/white!This allows you, the viewer, to put yourself in theirshoesmagical dresses, regardless of gender!
I wish I could think of something else in the last 5 years that didn't ironically make me laugh, like Ano Hana.That distant sound you hear is Hitokage knocking over a magazine rack.
Is it something that should be watched?
Maybe the memory altering mechanism in the series is implicated in why they keep sending people there?
Some people would, though. It's like those dipsticks who refuse to evacuate in an emergency, despite the government telling everyone to gtfo.
I won't start a shitstorm on this, but my opinion on the English dub is that overall I hated it except for Kanji, so I bought a Japanese copy. The characters just felt so wrongly done, and it felt like a completely different game with completely different characters in English to me.I found it enjoyable without knowing the source material. I mean if I played the game thenbeing the culprit wouldnt have had the same emotional impact. I think it did a decent job of selling me on the game, a shame playing the game requires me having to shelf out for both the hardware and the actual game...I dont even know if I could embrace the dub, is Ichigo Kurosaki/Zero/Lelouch/Sasori really voicing Adachi?! How even...Adachi
Im just really curious what the bad ending is, if I recall.
The story revolves around Ichiko Sakura, a girl whose blissful life comes from her bountiful "happiness energy" — gained by sapping that energy from other people. To restore the balance, the Binbō-gami (Poverty God) Momiji Binbada attempts to eliminate her.
If you like generic shoujo I suppose.
imo, Adachi's English VA does an awesome job. The only dubs that stood out as less than stellar were Yukiko's and Margaret's. I couldn't stand Chie's at first, but it really grew on me.I found it enjoyable without knowing the source material. I mean if I played the game thenbeing the culprit wouldnt have had the same emotional impact. I think it did a decent job of selling me on the game, a shame playing the game requires me having to shelf out for both the hardware and the actual game...I dont even know if I could embrace the dub, is Ichigo Kurosaki/Zero/Lelouch/Sasori really voicing Adachi?! How even...Adachi
I won't start a shitstorm on this, but my opinion on the English dub is that overall I hated it except for Kanji, so I bought a Japanese copy. The characters just felt so wrongly done, and it felt like a completely different game with completely different characters in English.
Such faith in humanity. You don't see that often on the internet.If it involves themselves, sure. They're children? I'm still not really buying it.