An English (European English) accent that is horrible.
Also Houki is horrible, large-bust sensei is horrible, half the women have lisps, onee-san's is horrible.
Pika-tan is acceptable.
You cant replace Charles goddess voice. Its blasphemous.
I'm not even talking about the ending, because the actual end of the show is probably the best they could have done given the material.
What I'm saying is whether or not a writer can come in and basically took the manga and make a real TV show as opposed to something that is faithful to the manga. Compress the tournament arcs, push the character development forward in directions not even anticipated by the mangaka - basically do what the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime did when they ran out of manga material to adapt the first time around.
Something about manga adaptations have to be safe and I assume it's because you don't want the anime to trample over the manga if at all possible. I just wonder who you blame at that point for a tepid adaptation? If anime producers are necessarily beholden to the source text, then it's the mangaka that's basically at fault here. But then again, in a manga context, maybe having volumes and volumes of karuta playing is perfectly fine because people reading manga are used to endless pages of battles and fighting anyway.
2 awesum 2 b real
I hope they can best their previous record of 28 animation directors for a movie. Go for 50!I have a feeling that Shaft could make the Madoka movie severely good if they do it right. If they animate the Madoka movie even with a little bit of the quality seen in their regular openings, then it has potential to work really well. The studio has matured quite a bit beyond the Negima Movie, and their attention to quality has also grown.
I'll admit to being a little too hung up on the ending, which I do recognize to have been the only good way for the story to end after frittering away half the series on karuta. You've made the other point that I'd like to make about my problems with the second part of Chihayafuru, that being that it wasn't properly adapted into a television series but stayed in the realm of animated manga adaptation. There's a pretty important distinction between the two, with the former being willing to go beyond the existing source material in order to create a satisfying narrative. Your example of the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime is probably one of the best examples of an ongoing manga properly adapted for television, regardless of one's personal feelings on the quality of the anime-original portion.
Ultimately there's enough blame to go around for how Chihayafuru ended up. Bad source material is a factor in and of itself, and there's no denying that there was a failure to properly adapt the source material. Regardless of whether or not there was a valid justification for the poor adaptation (pressure from the mangaka not to alter the story, pressure from the manga publisher to promote the manga with an intentionally unsatisfying ending, etc.), the result remains the same. It's pretty safe to assume that there were multiple sources of mishandling--if it was only the source material to blame and there were no restrictions on the adaptation, we'd probably have more anime-original character development and resolution. If it was only the animation studio to blame, we'd have a good story that rushes through and arrives at some other non-end. Neither of these redeeming qualities were present, unfortunately.
I'll admit to being a little too hung up on the ending, which I do recognize to have been the only good way for the story to end after frittering away half the series on karuta. You've made the other point that I'd like to make about my problems with the second part of Chihayafuru, that being that it wasn't properly adapted into a television series but stayed in the realm of animated manga adaptation. There's a pretty important distinction between the two, with the former being willing to go beyond the existing source material in order to create a satisfying narrative. Your example of the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime is probably one of the best examples of an ongoing manga properly adapted for television, regardless of one's personal feelings on the quality of the anime-original portion.
Ultimately there's enough blame to go around for how Chihayafuru ended up. Bad source material is a factor in and of itself, and there's no denying that there was a failure to properly adapt the source material. Regardless of whether or not there was a valid justification for the poor adaptation (pressure from the mangaka not to alter the story, pressure from the manga publisher to promote the manga with an intentionally unsatisfying ending, etc.), the result remains the same. It's pretty safe to assume that there were multiple sources of mishandling--if it was only the source material to blame and there were no restrictions on the adaptation, we'd probably have more anime-original character development and resolution. If it was only the animation studio to blame, we'd have a good story that rushes through and arrives at some other non-end. Neither of these redeeming qualities were present, unfortunately.
Did the karuta come with special move names and accompanying crazy visuals?!
Of course not. I am cry...
2 awesum 2 b real
The robot has boobs. Mass Effect 3's influence is reaching Japan.
Fate/Stay Night 9:
Hey, they actually tried to animate this fight! Mostly. Quite a bit. Kinda. Well, somewhat. Sigh.
Looks like Ilya's going to be in the next episode.
You should watch The Legend of Koizumi sometime.
The robot has boobs. Mass Effect 3's influence is reaching Japan.
Mass Effect 3? Metropolis did it first, 85 years ago.The robot has boobs. Mass Effect 3's influence is reaching Japan.
It may have what I'm looking for, but is it good?
The robot has boobs. Mass Effect 3's influence is reaching Japan.
It may have what I'm looking for, but is it good?
Never followed along with any anime seasons as they're airing. I have to look into it. Been looking for some stuff to watch.
That's pretty DFC man!
I suppose not. lolDo you really believe robots with boobs is something new to Japan?
lol, your expectations are too high.
But, hey, you could think of it this way. It's at least got more and better animation than the VN right?![]()
Also read the manga afterwards because it's longer.
You have no idea, do you? Go watch it now before you get spoiled.
Hmm, duly noted. I'll add it to the list.
Will they be terribly confusing for me if I have no clue how to play mahjong?
Rurouni Kenshin: Shin Kyoto-hen Pt. 1
I fail to see why this even exists. It's the absolute bare shell of Kenshin's fantastic Kyoto arc and, apart from a couple of unimportant plot alterations, doesn't take the story in a particularly different direction. Was this made to celebrate some milestone anniversary for the manga? Because if it isn't, the rationale for bringing the Kenshin franchise back from the dead solely for this lifeless one-off production escapes me.
Can I say anything at all about this? It had lush backgrounds, the animation was solid, and, uhh...that's pretty much it. The modernized, homogenized overhauls of Watsuki's character designs are pretty off-putting. Kenshin is more bishounen than ever. Misao's role was oddly prominent. Apparently her stock has risen in the past decade thanks to her being an adolescent girl. For real this time, I'm out of things to say. Don't bother watching it.
Seitokai Yakuindomo
Sekirei S2
Sengoku Basara S2
Occult Academy
Highschool of the Dead
Great season, unless you live in a nursing home. No offense Jex.
Gunslinger Girl -II Teatrino- 1-2
What have you done, Artland? What have you done? Madhouse established a beautiful, calculated world with the first Gunslinger Girl and now it's become this bright and moe cartoon that feels more like a low-budget Saturday morning special.
I'm sure this has already been mentioned before in past threads but I just have to post it. Season 1 (Madhouse) left, compared to 2 (Artland) right. The picture itself doesn't even do the disparity justice because season 2 looks worse in motion.
Lasted about two episodes or something because the world was not ready for such things, unfortunately.![]()
Fuck yeah.
I don't know if Star Trek really goes quite that far, it has to appeal to the modern-day audience after all...But in the 22nd century, mankind has completely abandoned sexual taboos and as such has eradicated the power of clothing to titillate, so sadly this is not a counterexample![]()
Yeah, no way is that show an accurate depiction of high schoolers.If a high schooler ever existed as awesome as Karasawa, high school students globally would get a less infamous rap. That's the only male representation that matters.
Also, no high school girl's as awesome in their primal nature as Ringo. At least, not without adding drrrrrr-amaaaa in the mix. /generalization101
As for Funky High School Girls...that's probably pretty accurate in some areas.
It's kind of boring to have lots of posts that never get replies, but I see you did reply to some of them, that's nice.Oh, I didn't know if you were expecting replies since you seemed to just answer my questions and reaffirm a few of my thoughts. I'll go reply to some.
But as anyone who has watched the show should know, when your food is as limited as it is for them, that reaction sort of makes sense... it's both funny and works, a good combination!Yeah man, they are something else when it comes to grub!
Kokoro is probably the funnies one of them, but that's not really a fair comparison, given that almost all of their humor is centered on how ridiculous Kokoro is... as for ranking those four though, I don't know. Pink hair there might be in first, not sure.I like her a lot! Though for some reason like green hair the best of "Genius 4" which is strange as she isn't that "forward" a character in her personality, so I could see her being last in other people's rankings. The Beach one is the only one so far where she has really shined for me.
Yeah, I appreciate the explanation. After watching 10, it's coming together for me much more clearly now.
Yeah, agreed, that's true. The second half of the episode in particular made it a bit more interesting than just your average beach episode, once they started exploring that cave... (though yes, they were still in their bathing suits through that part, it was more of an adventure certainly).Apart from that, that episode -- the beach episode -- is one of the more fanservicey ones, but it's not too overdone, and the episode is pretty funny; it maintains that Milky Holmes humor in good form.![]()
Among the main four? Hmm, I'd probably say Hercule is first, Sherlock second, Nero third, and Cordelia fourth.I asked you before, but you may have missed it. What is your Milky Holmes ranking(just the gang)?
Yeah, it's definitely a very funny show.The whipping part had my stomach hurting in laughter.
Can't get enough, "LOOK AT MEEEEE~!"
Yeah, those IQ numbers ...Ha! Let me guess, she keeps it for season 2!
I noticed the numbers thing too, at one point she said "13 billion I.Q." or something like that. Oh Kokoro, may you hit the trillions!
Following the plot was one of the harder things about the dream episode, from what I remember.Yeah, it wasn't the best. It was okay though.
Honestly i enjoyed the karuta tournament parts the most. Frankly i didnt care much if the relationship stuff worked or not.
The show pretty much ended like i expected it to and i was more than satisfied with it.
I suppose i had different reasons to like the show and different expectations for the outcome so it worked for me.
I suppose one other factor is that if you treat the manga as a series of storyboards, you basically have half the work done already.
It's probably some kind of industry thing where people keep doing the same thing because it's the only thing they know how to do.
All of this is to say that I have no idea who to point the finger at, I suppose. Let's just blame Japan, as we always do!
Never followed along with any anime seasons as they're airing. I have to look into it. Been looking for some stuff to watch.
The fourth season of Hidamari Sketch has been named and dated: Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb will be airing this October.
The fourth season of Hidamari Sketch has been named and dated: Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb will be airing this October.
yyyeeesssssThe fourth season of Hidamari Sketch has been named and dated: Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb will be airing this October.
The fourth season of Hidamari Sketch has been named and dated: Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb will be airing this October.
Space Bros 1
My comparison of Ayumu Watanabe to Isao Takahata was not off base.
Well, the OVA's supposed to be the retelling of that arc through Misao's perspective, so that's not odd at all.
But I can't add anything to this post. The OVA was severely lackluster.
Will they be terribly confusing for me if I have no clue how to play mahjong?
Among the main four? Hmm, I'd probably say Hercule is first, Sherlock second, Nero third, and Cordelia fourth.
Yeah, those IQ numbers ...they keep increasing. Go back to the first time and you'll see that she just keeps increasing that number just about every episode she mentions it. It's funny stuff.
Yeah, it wasFollowing the plot was one of the harder things about the dream episode, from what I remember.
The fourth season of Hidamari Sketch has been named and dated: Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb will be airing this October.