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Spring Anime 2012 | Welcome Home, Space Cowboy

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Upotte 2

So we go from Guns Gone Wild to moe SOCOM? What the hell is this show?

Acchi Kocchi 2

Too... much... moe...

Good thing I watched Fate/Zero along with this to suppress things a bit.
lol corkscrew blow


Yami to Boushi 11

So apparently Princess Mairel's soul was turned into a frog, Meirin is the other self of the drunken fox milf and Hatsumi/Jill/Eve just randomly pops up out of nowhere
...i'm speechless


The Light of El Cantare
Saintcatch Seiyacure 02:

This is still babby's first shounen, but the Umakoshi designs will carry me through until the plot picks up. I just wish that there was stronger direction.

When Koga said that he'd
go to the ends of the earth to rescue Athena
, I didn't realize that this was literally going to happen, hah.
Watching Soma and Koga traverse jungles, deserts, and mountains on foot to get to the Palaestra
is really cornball.


Ozma 5

Big reveals would be better if they weren't telegraphed all to hell. I can't imagine how this will be wrapped up as there was never anything really to wrap up.


sealed with a kiss
Saintcatch Seiyacure 02:

This is still babby's first shounen, but the Umakoshi designs will carry me through until the plot picks up. I just wish that there was stronger direction.

When Koga said that he'd
go to the ends of the earth to rescue Athena
, I didn't realize that this was literally going to happen, hah.
Watching Soma and Koga traverse jungles, deserts, and mountains on foot to get to the Palaestra
is really cornball.

I actually liked the traveling part a lot, especially because the background art was so nice.


[Gintama 214]

A great arc with a great ending. These short-arcs are so efficient, it's impressive how much they can do in five episodes.

Unlike nearly every other arc in Gintama the protagonists, antagonists and supporting players were all characters from the show, including people from minor episodes It wasn't just fanservice either - it tied into the story. This made made the action far weightier than normal, because we weren't just dealing with characters created solely for this arc, for the most part at least.

I assume these two are going to go out and form a 80's hair club preservation society -


Good man. It was with that Arc that I was certain that we were in for a series-wide tone switch--
'Sorachi gonna Sorachi as he do', so that didn't come to pass, completely so; Still,
I feel like it had larger implications as to the direction he's heading in with the series. As, I agree completely, it was definitely the heaviest of Arcs yet, and seeing extents gone to in that one for drama, I have to wonder how heavy the one involving Takasugi and Kamui will be.

My only criticism is that the arc wasn't "bigger" in scope. I could almost see why the Shinsengumi wouldn't come to help (even though that makes no sense really), but people like Kyubei, Zura, Tsuki, Sachan, and so forth? It felt really odd that they wouldn't come the one time that Gintoki and company actually needed help.

Yeah, that was quite silly, in retrospect, cause, tbch, I didn't at all notice them missing when watching through it the first time, lol. I was caught up in the moment, completely. But, kind of like I touched on in the the reply to Jex though, I do think the next major arc is going to be the MASSIVE one we're all hoping for. Just by it being Takasugi and Kamui in the helm, and what was done in T4D arc, I'm thinking some of that ever elusive history will probably be probed, at the least, and not just for Gin, but Kagura--who hasn't seen any exploring since Yoshiwara.
Fate/Zero 15:
Some cool action bits, and Gilgamesh was pretty awesome. I don't think it was one of the better episodes of the series, but it was still good.
The scenes with Kirei and Kariya
were the best parts of the episode, in my mind.


sigh... if only modern gaf got gif avatars. cat ears are just cat ears... until they wiggle!

nekomimi are mankind's magnum opus.


Sabre is a terrible character.

At least Kanna is rightfully ahead of the boob alien!

Saber is a hot character with lots of potential. the problem is nobody was able to utilize her powers properly. Oh well she makes a great figurine.

It's right up there

but nothing beats Jupiter Jazz Pt I

This is true. My favorite episode. The credits music at the end ties the two-part episode together in a very memorable way.

Wow, I've been away for a few hours.

I'll catch up in a minute, but before I do, I have a new member to welcome to my Anime BluRay family! Say hello for squidly sake!


NICE. I will double dip for this. The DVDs are super cheap.

To commemorate this, here is an excerpt from Hisako Kanemoto's Ika Musume radio show wherein she attempts to complete two user-submitted tounge-twister challenges.


Oh my god so cute. Favorited.

Acchi Kocchi 02:





Totally gonna watch this asap. Tsumiki is love.

Eureka 7 AO - 01

Fuck yes. Yes yes yes. Hype mode engaged.

Also Chiaki Omigawa next week. Prepare yourselves.

Yeah it is a good starting episode. the arty and animation is pretty good and more importantly, Ao >>>> Renton. Downside is too little of Elena Peoples.

Oreimo 4-6

I feel better now. This is such a fun show to just unwind with.

Wait a second... I just realized... people have custom titles on gaf o_O.

Which mods must i fellate for this?

My first one was because I only watch dubbed Utena. My second one is because I spend ludicrous amount of cash in the pursuit of [redacted]

only 6 episodes left until kannazuki no miko. maybe i should use the e7 movie as an inbetween mental break

Kannazuki no Miko is special. I had to make it part of the collection. The artbox is pretty.
and lesbiany.

Acchi Kocchi 2

I figured I could use some mindless moeshit before I went off the deep end and by god did this deliver!

now...onto the last 5 episodes of yami to boushi

Thats a good way to numb the pain.

Acchi Kocchi - 02





*coughs blood*

Oh yes. I CANT WAIT.
If I die, it was worth it.


Shining Hearts -Rick's Happy Bread- 1

This really works a lot better when you just assume bread is an euphemism for penis. It's still totally terrible, for sure, but at least it's more amusing this way. Fuck that snobby elf douche for not wanting to get himself some of that rock hard throbbing delicious bread.

I appreciate that the main dude already has his harem of cosplaying dudettes assembled from the get-go. Saves a lot of time on silly things like set-up or characterization. Do you get to pick a waifu in the game? Cause I'd totally go with the green one.

Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth 2

Yeah, I still think these are way too damn long. As "hilarious" as it may be to watch Lee get the shit beat out of him for whatever reason for the umpteenth time I think it's safe to say that I'm done here.

Kaminarineko 16

You know the writers are doing a damn fine job when they have the main character actually say out loud that maybe he's finally started learning his lessons after one little training arc
(which he failed)
and numerous examples to the contrary in the past that would suggest otherwise. I also found it hilarious how quickly most of the cast came to accept Raion-O's
failure and apparent demise
without giving it a second thought. The one character who didn't felt more like a pity vote than anything else.

And not only has the writing been consistently subpar for a while, everything from the art to animation to direction felt really mediocre for what this particular episode is supposed to represent. It's supposed to be this strong character growth episode where we see how far Raion-O has come and how Taigura finally learns to accept his
inadequacy as a leader
but nothing has any real gravitas to it and all proceedings end up feeling flat and by the numbers. I get the feeling the status quo probably isn't even gonna change going forward anyway.

semi-NTR'ing (lol)
Raion-O outta nowhere remains the highlight of this show.


Shining Hearts -Rick's Happy Bread- 1
I appreciate that the main dude already has his harem of cosplaying dudettes assembled from the get-go. Saves a lot of time on silly things like set-up or characterization. Do you get to pick a waifu in the game? Cause I'd totally go with the green one.

Are they real? From the ED, I'd assumed they were all flesh soul bread eating monsters.


Shining Hearts -Rick's Happy Bread- 1

This really works a lot better when you just assume bread is an euphemism for penis. It's still totally terrible, for sure, but at least it's more amusing this way. Fuck that snobby elf douche for not wanting to get himself some of that rock hard throbbing delicious bread.

I appreciate that the main dude already has his harem of cosplaying dudettes assembled from the get-go. Saves a lot of time on silly things like set-up or characterization. Do you get to pick a waifu in the game? Cause I'd totally go with the green one.

Maybe there is some joy to be gained from this show aside from the catgirl after all.


Some thoughts on Fate/Zero Episode 15:

The direction in general wasn't as sharp as last week's episode, but it was still pretty entertaining. There were some things I didn't particularly like about it though. The way certain events are handled felt a bit rushed and weak.

The confrontation between Kariya and Tokiomi in particular was handled very poorly imo. I get the intention that they want to show there's a huge gulf in ability between the two of them, and that Kariya is just a suicidal guy with no real chance at all, but the way it was presented wasn't exciting and just felt stupid after all the build up from last week. It was just lame.

The Berserker stuff was pretty interesting, and it's quite a feat when you consider that it actually took three Servants to basically takes him out of action in the end. Saber as a decoy, Lancer as a melee striker, and Archer striking him from the back while he was focused on Saber. It definitely made him feel like a worthy and dangerous foe, and that should play out well in the future as well.

Loved the dialogue between Archer and Rider at the end. They should definitely do more talking on the show, since that's the main reason I watch this to begin with. The action is just extra eye candy gravy. :)
Fate/Zero 15

Unf this show is so good. I lol'd at how Kariya
continued to use his bug swarm even though it was clearly wasn't working.

Saber, Rider, and Archer were all cool, the last two like usual.

I'm going to guess that Kirei is
stealing Beserker from Kariya?

Can't wait for next week already!


Bodacious Space Pirates 14

+Insurance guy.
+Marika in that
[redacted to the maaaaax]

-The princesses are still on this show

This felt like a real Marika-centric episode. The first half of it was good and then
a princess showed up in the second half
and made it blah. Judging by this episode's ED, it seems we're not getting rid of those characters any time soon. I find it funny that this episode revolved around Marika trying to figure out
what a good crew was made up of as she really didn't know. I, as the viewer, didn't know either because this show doesn't really care about the ship's crew.
They were put out of commission so easily that perhaps it was the intent of the writers that we as the audience aren't supposed to care about
the crew.


The Light of El Cantare
When not-Kyubey was eating Rick's bread I felt funny in my pants and thought of you.

Wait that came out wrong.


Don't worry, you wouldn't be human if you didn't feel at least something at the sight of Rick's bread between a woman's fingers.

Rick doesn't deny anyone his bread based on race, gender, or even species. He merely has the benevolent goal of stuffing the face of every creature on the planet full of his bread.


Upotte!! 2

Perviness was turned down for something more comedic and I think the show was better off for it.


I think it will be. The fun of this show is that its a bunch of guns and gun jokes encapsulated into a moe slice of life. It doesnt really have to be that perverted to work.

Acchi Kocchi 02

Io's cake is better than Rick's bread.
What a wonderful way to wake up in the morning. So cute~


Bodacious Space Pirates 14

+Insurance guy.
+Marika in that
[redacted to the maaaaax]

-The princesses are still on this show

This felt like a real Marika-centric episode. The first half of it was good and then
a princess showed up in the second half
and made it blah. Judging by this episode's ED, it seems we're not getting rid of those characters any time soon. I find it funny that this episode revolved around Marika trying to figure out
what a good crew was made up of as she really didn't know. I, as the viewer, didn't know either because this show doesn't really care about the ship's crew.
They were put out of commission so easily that perhaps it was the intent of the writers that we as the audience aren't supposed to care about
the crew.

Cant wait to resume this. I really have to have blurays of this. Whatever the cost.


The Light of El Cantare
wonzo, I learned absolutely nothing about Yami from your impressions and they were still by far the most amusing I've ever read. Bravo. You are truly a connoisseur of suffering.


sealed with a kiss
wonzo, I learned absolutely nothing about Yami from your impressions and they were still by far the most amusing I've ever read. Bravo. You are truly a connoisseur of suffering.

Yami is an odyssey one must venture on by one's self. No description can do it justice.
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