Yup.Worth catching up hero academy?
Yup.Worth catching up hero academy?
If you're like me, don't read the Manga because you'll catch up to the Manga and its so God damn far ahead I have little desire to come back to these arcs in Anime form this soon after reading
I give them props for adding fanservice into the show. Well, not just fanservice, but 15 mins of bath scenes with just the office woman, lol. Despite that, it was a cute episode with the normal New Game charm.
...and Team Try just effortlessly rekts its shit in just over an minute.![]()
How do you not follow up on this?
Damn, when this show gets intense, it's pretty damn intense. Issei is still a huge mystery though.
A lot of good Akko faces, in what was a pretty bland episode otherwise. It would have been more interesting if it wasn't a two parter and if I actually cared about Diana. Also, Akko looked like a kid in this episode, especially on the scene with the dress.![]()
Red eyes + darkness = truly evil person
If go home? If what?
Someone please tell me this LWA episode was outsourced.
Looking at the credits, it appears that episode 19 was outsourced to Studio Silver. I think that's Kou Yoshinari's studio.
I read that as Train and for a moment thought you were talking about Kabaneri, Pshyco, lol
I didn't know he had a studio.
I don't know if I'll ever watch the new season of Crystal because of stuff like this. The original anime made Mimette into a fun character, more than just a one off villain. I liked how it did that with most of the antagonists, who were very minor in the manga, but became more fleshed out in the anime. Crystal has always struck me as losing that sense of camp and fun that the original had.
Serial Experiments Lain 2-6
Lain is blessed with a very special family. A creepy dad that loves hardware and an even creepier mother that only seems to eat and kiss.Also, I still can't understand Lain, the character. I don't understand if she's good or evil, if she knows what she's doing or not, if she realizes her room looks like a jungle.Lain's sister was the only one that acted like a normal person and she was erased from existence or something, like a punishment for being normal.
The show definitely outweirds almost anything I've watched, but it remains very interesting. I just can't believe that it will eventually have an explanation for everything it has shown, but its thematic and the fact that a higher power exists, kind of allows that, so maybe it's not impossible.
Does this war agree with you?Just hold off watching some anime and now watching old video from video games FMV from Wing Commander 3 & 4. Make me wonder if they is any anime which have the similar tune like Wing Commander except Macross and Gundam. I am kinda have this itch to watch one. Why do I like old FMV stuff.
Some pretty cool scenes in here, but man did Koyuki screw things up with Naho. Stay away from friends like that dude, she's old news. His stage performance was pretty dope though. Good scene..
Eromanga-sensei 6
Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. PLEASE!!!
That pigs head in the toilet thing seemed like another wacky JoJo thing but later I learned that pig latrines are totally real and not uncommon in rural areas of India and China. JoJo is oddly accurate when it comes to locations.
Ok, that was a stupid way to end that opening fight, but the rest of the episode was pretty damn good. That final scene was pretty damn well done as well. I want my good times adventure back..
I just assume most of the details like that are things Araki found cool during research and so found some excuse to include them. This was extra neat because the appearance of the pig's head in the toilet after Polnareff took a second look at it served to foreshadow the appearance of Hanged Man in the window after he took a second look at it.
Eromanga-sensei 6
Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. PLEASE!!!
Eromanga-sensei 6
Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. Please don't go the way of Oreimo. PLEASE!!!
I'm not sure why are you even watching it.
There's something about a giant fire breathing reptile burning everything to ashes that just does it for me.
That's what Crystal is; a manga adaptation, for better or for worse. That means every villain becomes a one-off. That said, they're doing it with WAY more charisma than Crystal 1 & 2 did, and are giving Haruka and Michiru some pretty interesting depth.
First let me talk about the visuals. For a two-parter that is supposed to be possibly one of the highlights of both the show and Diana as a character, the storyboarding and visuals were flat as fuck. The camera angles are almost always straight horizontal to the character speaking. I understand the Cavendish mansion is supposed to be decrepit but they didn't do a good job of selling that, especially after the scene with Diana arriving at home. The character animation was extremely lackluster coming off two fairly strong episodes in that field. The only thing impressive from a visual standpoint was the tapestry. That was my positive comments about the episode.
Now before I rip into the writing, let me just call out how unbelievably lazy this storyboarding, and storytelling, is. She literally has a snake go into her dress and exits a scene by apparently extinguishing the lights and fades away with glowing red eyes. Fucking really? This is about as subtle as a goddamn brick to the head and seems ridiculously overkill. I just checked, Ragyo's introduction was more subtle than this. Let that sink in. The woman who molested her daughter and tried to kill off humanity had a more subtle intro than this. Continuining from this, apparently blonde hair is a dominant gene in this universe.
This is such lazy character design and is beating a dead horse at this point. This was Yoshinari's chance to expand the Cavendish family into a more interesting entity and we get this. Two sisters who have no personality other than following their mother's orders. There's so many ways of executing the 'step-mother's daughters' trope without making them clones of each other. Just as a point of contrast, let's look at Cinderella's family:
There's differences in height, personality, and color. All three characters in the above picture exert the same spoiled and rotten personality but their designs are different and they show off how a person can be spoiled in different ways. Maybe they have more personality in the second half but they maybe had ten lines total in this entire episode and pretty much never interacted with Diana by herself. There's a number of writing decisions where I'm wondering why is this even happening.
Another one is Andrew and his father appearing to go to a dinner. Maybe Andrew does something in the second half but his father and him show up, drop off Akko, go to dinner, say no to the aunt and walk out. Were they just supposed to be Akko's ride? I'll just assume that Andrew does something that justifies his existence later but it ties into a larger point about this episode in that it has a lot of bloat and not much character substance was given out about anyone. Unless that upcoming episode is full of action and tearjerkers, I'm already wondering if this should have been condensed into just one episode.
So first off, in a previous episode the teachers are running around as if an immediate emergency had happened with the Cavendish family. However here we learn that the aunt has been steadily draining the family's finances and resources. Now this doesn't make any sense. This would have been a known problem even before Diana entered school so it shouldn't be a surprise or new event essentially to anybody unless her aunt bet big on something and the stock collapsed in the past few weeks. However no immediate cause is brought up about the state of Diana's family and instead is shown to have been a long term issue. The second thing is that Diana has been in that school for less than a year. Why did she even bother signing up if she knew she would potentially have to take control of the family not one year in. Did she not know the date that the stars would line up? The maid says that she wanted to hold off the Aunt until graduation but even after Diana graduated she still wouldn't be head of the household as the ritual comes X number of years. Diana's mother seemingly died when she was young but the maid treats the servants leaving as a recent event. So the aunt burned through most of the finances in under a year?![]()
One scene from episode 17 and the other from episode 19.
Expanding on this, the audience is never showed how the Cavendish family brought in an income in the past. Do they own stock in companies? Magical Walmart? What is Diana managing if she quits school right now? Most of her servants are already gone so is she just taking control of the property? In which case does that require her to quit school and do this fulltime? I guess her aunt is selling the magical heirlooms to pay taxes.![]()
The whole 'magic is outdated' concept is brought up here but it doesn't even make sense in terms of the argument. What the aunt is doing is at best delaying the inevitable. She's not even doing something 'modern' related that is providing an interest point of contrast for Diana's traditional ways. This is a problem because there's no real reason to take the aunt's position and her argument comes off as nonsensical. If she was using that money to invest in some techfirms, that might be a justifiable stance but there's no mention of what she's doing with the money. In fact the assumption is that the aunt splurges the money on dinner parties and clothing due to the way her children and she dress.![]()
But you're not even bringing in a stable source of revenue?
I still have questions about whether most witches even go to school to begin with? It seems to be treated in a fairly casual manner. I understand Luna Nova looks to be about the equivalent of an inner city school with their focus on 'teaching' but do people get credentialed at all? Don't you need some form of high school education? Even elites need degrees from Oxford or whatever. None of this makes sense. That's on top of an episode that was supposed to have fleshed out Diana but instead came across as a waste of runtime.![]()
bitch you aint doing shit either
I'm not sure why are you even watching it.
Brother and Sister
Same dude that made Oreimo made this
It all makes now.
just admit you want to watch perverted anime instead of pretending you're disgusted by where it's going lol. Or stop watching. I can't think a show with that name ever lied to you where it was going.
I must have missed this due to being busy with moving, but Pony Canyon USA is releasing Kuromukuro on BD in two sets. They're even making an English dub for it.
I'm honestly surprised. They had gone so quiet lately, I thought they had just silently shut their doors.
I'm surprised how cool Netflix is with people releasing their anime Netflix Originals on BD and using their dubs. Can't think of any "Netflix Original" that gets the same treatment. Same is happening with Seven Deadly Sins (the battle action series, not the porn one).
Whatever happened to Crunchyroll's plans to release Blurays?
I recall them having Kabaneri in their lineup.
Whatever happened to Crunchyroll's plans to release Blurays?
I recall them having Kabaneri in their lineup.