Samurai Flamenco was fucking awesome
Man, that is like half the cast on this show.
Present day.
Remember when Gunpla was about fun?
Alright that's pretty good.
Yeah, Zero was pretty dump.Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho 06
I don't blame Tiger for distrusting Zero. I mean of course he'd have a drop of doubt in his heart about her intentions. Her people regularly put his people's heads on a spike.
That's the scene that recovered the first series' sense of intimacy in the encounters. Try is really guilty of impersonal fights and it would have been better off with more one on one scenarios to draw out the characterization since the team dynamic failed entirely when attempted there.
I think what the first season did really well was set up its characters before they clashed with the leads. The first 10 episodes of GBF mostly just introduce the cast. There's really not that much focus on the qualifying matches. Many characters in those first 10 episodes got multiple scenes establishing their personalities and style of Gunpla. GBF had very few throwaway characters. By contrast, Try has loads of them.
Oreimo - Season 2 Episode 14
Still puzzled at the stupidity that was the 3 extra episodes of Oreimo after Season 2 ended.
Three more after the 16?
Ah ok. 13 plus the three that are on the home release.
There's only 13 episodes, no more ;p
I'll be honest, although cute at first the novelty of how shy and innocent they are has begun wearing thin on me. Luckily the writer seems to have realized the same around this point in time and actually has them interacting more. Still, I hardly can call this couple the "most interesting in the world". Show is slow, and so are these 2 kid's advancements in their relationship.Tsuki ga Kirei 5
Somehow this show manages to make these two awkward middle schoolers into the most interesting couple in the world.
Surprisingly good post-ED skits this episode too.
But those last 3 are truly something special :<
Tsuki ga Kirei 5
Somehow this show manages to make these two awkward middle schoolers into the most interesting couple in the world.
Surprisingly good post-ED skits this episode too.
I'll be honest, although cute at first the novelty of how shy and innocent they are has begun wearing thin on me. Luckily the writer seems to have realized the same around this point in time and actually has them interacting more. Still, I hardly can call this couple the "most interesting in the world". Show is slow, and so are these 2 kid's advancements in their relationship.
Also to everyone complaining about SukaSuka 6 episodes in, I can honestly say it was evident it was going to fall down that rabbit hole as soon as you reach the second episode and the girl does nothing but fawn over the MC as if he was Goldsmith from Dos Equis.
I just can't stand how he means everything to everyone. "You're the only one in the world these girls could possibly connect with, please ignore the Troll-mama/big sister who has been taking care of them forever." or "You're the only possible person who can help us take back the surface." Ugh.My bigger issue, as I think you're right that by Episode 2 the whole love progression was fairly evident, is how Episode 6 just kinds of throws up a lot of its mysteries all over you. It's a real game changer episode as we learn a lot of truth, but it doesn't do any of those reveals all that well in my opinion. Then it tries to have some movingThat's my big issue with it anyway.will she survive or won't she? moment, but rushes through that idea so quickly that it never feels like Ctholly was actually ever in any danger to begin with.
Team aspect just meant bloat. Try was such a disappointing experience. used to rush home to watch the latest GBF but Try started burning me and I found it rather hard to care as things went on and it became clear things wouldn't be fixed. I think Jexhius (maybe) had some decent posts about there being some clear rewriting going on as some promised plot threads fizzle out and other elements come across as rushed at best but typically just half-baked.
No it's not. It has some problems,but it's fun. Really great characters.Is The Boy and the Beast really that bad?
Like I said before, I was kind of hoping that the show might go down the road that Chtholly's romantic feelings were based more on finding someone who believed she could save herself, but that it might wane to become more platonic as Chtholly's confidence in herself grew. Perhaps that's expecting too much from a light novel.I just can't stand how he means everything to everyone. "You're the only one in the world these girls could possibly connect with, please ignore the Troll-mama/big sister who has been taking care of them forever." or "You're the only possible person who can help us take back the surface." Ugh.
Is The Boy and the Beast really that bad?
Which one is Hosoda's best? Wolf Children? I've only seen Summer Wars.
Which one is Hosoda's best? Wolf Children? I've only seen Summer Wars.
Which one is Hosoda's best? Wolf Children? I've only seen Summer Wars.
Which one is Hosoda's best? Wolf Children? I've only seen Summer Wars.
Is The Boy and the Beast really that bad?
The digimon movies are the best, then summer wars, then wolf children.Which one is Hosoda's best? Wolf Children? I've only seen Summer Wars.
I'll be honest, although cute at first the novelty of how shy and innocent they are has begun wearing thin on me. Luckily the writer seems to have realized the same around this point in time and actually has them interacting more. Still, I hardly can call this couple the "most interesting in the world". Show is slow, and so are these 2 kid's advancements in their relationship.
I was never into Digimon. Wolf Children it is, then.
Gotta say I'm with you on this. While I am disappointed in the direction it is going, I'm still going to finish it since I'm so far into it now.Like I said before, I was kind of hoping that the show might go down the road that Chtholly's romantic feelings were based more on finding someone who believed she could save herself, but that it might wane to become more platonic as Chtholly's confidence in herself grew. Perhaps that's expecting too much from a light novel.
If there was one thing this show didn't need, though, it was to give Willem savior status and rob Chtholly of her agency as an emerging hero. She will probably still save the day in the end, but in a way that feels very articifically constructed to create despair.
I do want to watch Summer Wars at some point thou..
Could this actually be a Mamoru Hosoda movie without furries.
I also hope that it doesn't take 84 years until Cornbread stops posting screenshot with the incorrect aspect ratio.
Which one is Hosoda's best? Wolf Children? I've only seen Summer Wars.
Man Boruto has just been delivering great episode on great episode since it started. The class interactions are just the best. I currently really love the combo of BorutoxMitsukixShikadai. They really work well together. Then the mysteries every week with that weird shadow have all been on point. Damn was this week creepy though, poor class rep. I love how they help expend on a different character each week. Also damn is the animation on point. Each character is super dynamic visually and the action is really cool looking. This is definitely one of the show where I have this feeling of one more episode. This season has been pretty great on it and I have 3 of those in MHA, Boruto and Tsukigakirei. These are also the 3 which I would consider my personal this season top 3 easily.
I can imagine myself from a few years ago fawning over Tsuki ga Kirei if it's anything like what I'm assuming based on what I've read and seen. My experiences with Tamako Love Story and Your Name kind of have me reconsider giving it a chance right away. It's not that they left a bad aftertaste, it feels like I'm more or less getting over highschool love story settings.
Good thing Tsuki ga Kirei is middle school!