I like the setup it builds and the way it pushes forward to see how things unfold.
Kado: 2-5
I thought I would like the show. Heck it looked like it was going to be like Arrival, which I really liked. But I began to have an uneasy feeling and as I progressed with the episodes, I realized I hated this show. I hate the way the characters are just some dumbass ideals and not really people. Seriously, what is Shindo but the ideal person who is nonetheless an empty shell of a human being? I hate the stupid scientist with her stupid cutesy act. I hate how the woman negotiator is just another obnoxious anime archetype that was given nothing to do. I hate the way they just shove all the complicated questions under the rug. I hate the smug, self satisfying way that Japan has the moral superiority and wins out over all the other nations. I just think this show has its head so far up its own ass that it thinks it's clever, but it's not, it's disgustingly self indulgent.
Now, I wish I could figure out why this show in particular makes me react so negatively when I have watched worse shows than this, and came out with way less agitated.
So yeah, I am dropping this.
I don't disagree with anything here. I was going to write something similar after the last episode, but never got around to it. My biggest gripe with the show is that it's got a simplistic view of everything: people, work, science, the media, geopolitics - but it wraps itself up in the clothes of a 'serious' work.
It's a truly pretentious series.
I don't disagree with anything here. I was going to write something similar after the last episode, but never got around to it. My biggest gripe with the show is that it's got a simplistic view of everything: people, work, science, the media, geopolitics - but it wraps itself up in the clothes of a 'serious' work.
It's a truly pretentious series.
Disregards a show when one person says it's bad.Aaaaannnd there goes any and all interest I had in watching this.
Disregards a show when one person says it's bad.
Never watches a show when multiple persons say it's good.
I kid.Or do I?
Lord Jexhius has spoken!Disregards a show when one person says it's bad.
Never watches a show when multiple persons say it's good.
I kid.Or do I?
Sakura Quest Episode 9:
Fluffy Centaur is not lewd!
That just Emilia from Re:Zero![]()
Slightly older eromanga-sensei? ;P
Disregards a show when one person says it's bad.
Never watches a show when multiple persons say it's good.
I kid.Or do I?
If I didn't know better I'd say this is next season's lewd comedy. Hmmm....
I think y'all are just thinking too much about Kado.
the story's about what this alien actually came to earth for, and the "character who's given nothing to do" is apparently going to be leading the i don't trust this weirdo movement. the I've created a thing that can help humanity but ends up causing problems is one of the oldest sci-fi tropes.
and with the politics, society, media, etc....
it's not actively presenting anything where they're saying and here's the problem with X, they're just letting this story roll along and any message you want to take away from it is up to you.
I've watched pretentious shit before. Kado isn't pretentious
and the cube looks so cool
I'm of two minds when it comes to Kado. On the one hand I think it's potentially a slow build show. It's already proven itself disinterested in escalation, one of the primary tenants of compelling entertainment. Every good series gradually ups the stakes and the tension, and the best series, in my opinion, tend not to let up, constantly throwing a cascade of problems at our heroes for them to surmount and defeat.
Trouble is Kado is way more interested in its idea, about the anisotropic and it's affect on humanity and our civilization. It spends a lot more time considering and working around logistics, rather than the human drama, which, well, is generally what most people watch entertainment for.
After last week's episode I do wonder if we're maybe going to finally get some real tension and pay off for all the work it's been doing up till now. But because the show seems so disinterested in that already, I think more likely the series is going to continue on this path of logistics and exploring its base concept rather than try to deal with the real drama that might spring from that.
In some ways the series feels realistic, as in that things don't really escalate the way we'd like in dramatic entertainment. But in others it feels perhaps too optimistic that various issues just blow over and so many characters seem to be less at odds with each other, or skeptical of the alien than they should be.
As we get further into the series I really begin to wonder what was even the point of Episode 0. At first I thought Episode 0 was a way to dole out important character information for anyone interested and allow the series to otherwise take a strong plot focus. But what's come after all that leads me to feel like Episode 0 really doesn't matter. At all.
I'm not as negative as most people seem to be here, but I can't say I'm not feeling disappointed in the series, especially when it had such a strong, mysterious and engaging start. I don't know that I would go so far as to cal it pretentious, but it certainly lacks the depth one might have expected from what initially felt like a 'hard scifi' anime.
The way I currently see it is that Kado is a fun exploration of a concept, focused on the logistics of what happens when humanity is introduced alien technology that could catapult our way of life forward significantly. But I think there's a really limited appeal there and without smarter writing Kado feels kinda hollow.
Slightly older eromanga-sensei? ;P
I just don't have much of an issue with those points. The scientist character served her purpose and the show was self-aware enough that while she did clash with the tone of the anime, it enhanced the point they were making. The depiction of Japan is so utterly harmless that I don't feel it's worth being upset over. Every country's media depicts their own country in a positive light. Look at Arrival for example where it was the Americans who pretty much broke the language even if there were negative factions inside the country itself. Unless it's particularly egregious like in GATE's case, I don't think it's a particularly big deal either way.I think this is pretty much the only thing I like in Kado. The premise is good enough and there were certainly some bizarre developments over the past few episodes. However, the execution is very lacking and pretty much anything else is unappealing, if not downright terrible. Especially the characters, I very much agree with ibyea's post. The reactions on Kado make me think that people are just thirsty for a sci-fi anime, and they're willing to excuse its missteps, because I can't justify the (seemingly) positive reception.
I don't disagree with anything here. I was going to write something similar after the last episode, but never got around to it. My biggest gripe with the show is that it's got a simplistic view of everything: people, work, science, the media, geopolitics - but it wraps itself up in the clothes of a 'serious' work.
It's a truly pretentious series.
I am not too sure what the consequences are though. So far my experience with the show has been that a complicated problem is presented, a simplistic solution is found, and nothing really occurs on the other side of that. There is no real hardship, struggle, or change. Things just kind of....happen with no real result or follow-through. The international incident and the introduction of infinite energy sources was especially egregious in this regard. I'm just not really sure what the show has going for it other than the premise.Yikes, Japan/Japanese or not, I like the setup it builds and the way it pushes forward to see how things unfold. Even if the choices themselves aren't reflective of someone/an entity's behaviour IRL, the consequences for every event feels compelling enough along with the questions it brings up.
I get the criticism towards Shindo though.
I don't disagree with anything here. I was going to write something similar after the last episode, but never got around to it. My biggest gripe with the show is that it's got a simplistic view of everything: people, work, science, the media, geopolitics - but it wraps itself up in the clothes of a 'serious' work.
It's a truly pretentious series.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on those topics. I've heard from others on the other two.
See, the show is disingenuous in those aspects. It's trying to deal with the effect the wam being introduced into society, which along with it contains themes of the dangers of nationalism. But underlying the whole thing, there is an obnoxious "Fuck yeah Japan!" vibe to it that totally muddles what the show is trying to tell. And personally, I think you can't separate the human part from the logistic parts. If you want to tell a story of how humans would react to first contact, then you should have humans dealing with it, not idealistic machines as their stand in.
I don't know that I really agree yet that there's a significant undertone of nationalism. We do see some small hints that while the Japanese government is all buddy buddy with the alien, there are people in Japan hardly thrilled with the situation. I think the bigger trouble is Kado is so focused trying to tell its story on a larger scale, with its human characters more as vehicles for the ideas than the people themselves, that it loses a lot of the details that would make it more overtly interesting.
I think you're right that there's an inherent contradiction with trying to deal with the effects of Wam and Sansa (Not that one) but diminishing the significance society's reaction might play. The human component is important to a first contact story, though I think there's still potential interest to be had with the core concept itself and the macroscopic story it's trying to tell.
I'm waiting to pass a final judgement though. I'm still enjoying it, but I think it was episode 7 when I really started to feel like Kado was losing me.
Is Kado to Japanese politics as Gate is to Japanese military?See, I thought I was being unfair to the show regarding that, but then I remembered the explanation the alien gave as to why they landed on Japan, the way the UN looks thoroughly like a villain, and Japan has the noble prime minister sticking it to those greedy politicians and always thinking about humanity. It just feels bizarrely lopsided in its view points.
Is Kado to Japanese politics as Gate is to Japanese military?
Well, I can answer the science part. Firstly, physicists are overrated as heck in a first contact situation. Not to mention I hate the insinuation that physicists are the "smart" scientists. Anyways, I don't think it's asking much get a variety of scientists to work on this sort of situation. Science is a collaborative effort. This lone genius trope is all just a mythologizing of science. Which okay, this is like in a lot of science fiction and stuff, so normally I wouldn't begrudge them for it.
But then they went ahead and did that scene with the paper folding, and fuck me, that scene was unbearable in its smugness. It's a scene that on the surface looks so clever, but in reality it's freaking stupid. It's the vision of science from a child's perspective. It's the sort of crap that just outright smashes all pretense that it is "grounded", and it's nothing but hot air. At least in other shows with shallow representation of science, they understand that what scientists do are detective work, but this show couldn't even be bothered with that. Furthermore, this situation makes me think if like Shindou, if we are even dealing with a person here. What is this thing that just looks at these spheres and just go, okay it's just shapes!? This is the ideal of a scientist, not a real scientist, And even then, it's more like the ideal of a robot whose programming is some twisted idea of "science". They took the idea of genius so far that it made her look an obnoxious inhuman who thoroughly flaunts the concept of professionalism when this delicate situation is precisely the situation where professionalism is very important.
See, I thought I was being unfair to the show regarding that, but then I remembered the explanation the alien gave as to why they landed on Japan, the way the UN looks thoroughly like a villain, and Japan has the noble prime minister sticking it to those greedy politicians and always thinking about humanity. It just feels bizarrely lopsided in its view points. In fact, this show is more akin to Independence Day than to Arrival. Except at least Independence Day realizes it's a fun super not serious movie despite the obnoxious "Fuck yeah America!" underlying it.
Is Kado to Japanese politics as Gate is to Japanese military?
The show however repeatedly points out that Japan would be just like the UN if the shoe was on the other foot. The UN depiction is probably fairly accurate. The problem has more to do with the Japanese depiction but again media is generally favorable to the host country and the anime does depict that not everybody, inside Japan, is happy with the current scenario.See, I thought I was being unfair to the show regarding that, but then I remembered the explanation the alien gave as to why they landed on Japan, the way the UN looks thoroughly like a villain, and Japan has the noble prime minister sticking it to those greedy politicians and always thinking about humanity. It just feels bizarrely lopsided in its view points. In fact, this show is more akin to Independence Day than to Arrival. Except at least Independence Day realizes it's a fun super not serious movie despite the obnoxious "Fuck yeah America!" underlying it.
It's not the type of show though to have those sort of interesting moments. We're not going to get any type of Cuban Missile Crisis scenarios. Yaha by all accounts is seemingly a friendly alien and is doing his best to have humanity adjust to the technology.This last page of discussion about Kado has been more interesting than the last few episodes of Kado.
It's not the type of show though to have those sort of interesting moments. We're not going to get any type of Cuban Missile Crisis scenarios. Yaha by all accounts is seemingly a friendly alien and is doing his best to have humanity adjust to the technology.
The show however repratedly points out that Japan would be just look the UN if the shoe was on the other foot. The UN depiction is probably fairly accurate. The problem has more to do with the Japanese depiction but again media is generally favorable to the host country and the anime does depict that not everybody is happy with the current scenario.
This makes me want to show the series to my father, a physicist, and see how he reacts to it. Though right now he's watching Game of Thrones from the beginning because he's increasingly unsure the books will ever finish.
I feel like the writer knows things aren't as simple as they appear here - there are offhanded comments made a couple times that raise good potential issues with the scenario being presented - but the show leaves them as offhanded comments and shrinks away from actually engaging with them. Perhaps the director/producers aren't interested in going too far down the road they're on.
Yeah, this is why I compared it to the movie Independence Day. It's not the worst thing ever, but it's fairly obnoxious.
I would be interested in the perspective of a working physicist. My perspective comes from me being a PhD physics student, so I don't know how different it might be.
Even in 'thinking' scifi shows/media, American exceptionalism is all over the place. What matters is the extremity to which aspects like these are taken.Yeah, this is why I compared it to the movie Independence Day. It's not the worst thing ever, but it's fairly obnoxious.
I think this is pretty much the only thing I like in Kado. The premise is good enough and there were certainly some bizarre developments over the past few episodes. However, the execution is very lacking and pretty much anything else is unappealing, if not downright terrible. Especially the characters, I very much agree with ibyea's post. The reactions on Kado make me think that people are just thirsty for a sci-fi anime, and they're willing to excuse its missteps, because I can't justify the (seemingly) positive reception.
Even in 'thinking' scifi shows/media, American exceptionalism is all over the place. What matters is the extremity to which aspects like these are taken.
Kado is a "serious" story featuring a cast entirely of adults, and I think some people are so eager to see that kind of story told in anime that they're willing to give the show a lot of goodwill just for going with that kind of premise.
I want Kyubey to pop out of one of the cubes.Unless he whips out a certain cook book.
Even in 'thinking' scifi shows/media, American exceptionalism is all over the place. What matters is the extremity to which aspects like these are taken.
I want Kyubey to pop out of one of the cubes.
I agree that even Arrival has a little bit of that. But at least in the example of that movie, it was balanced by collaborations with scientists all over the world, with a fairly balanced view of the nations where even America had its villanous aspect, and with the characters being actual character instead of just being a living embodiment of whatever human trait American culture happened to favor (which in this specific aspect even Independence Day looks better, lol).
Kado is Independence Day level of exceptionalism without the fun of Independence Day and the seriousness and balance of Arrival. It makes for a terrible combo.