The worst part about Squadron 42 releasing is that I won't have a PC capable of running it for quite some time. ;_;
Guys. That starmap. It's live on the website. Turbulent can really work some magic.
The worst part about Squadron 42 releasing is that I won't have a PC capable of running it for quite some time. ;_;
Firefox is working for me. Ran into a few audio glitches but it's all very impressive.
Guys. That starmap. It's live on the website. Turbulent can really work some magic.
Melted some stuff and got a Sabre. Gorgeous craft. Sucks that it doesn't get LTI when you CCU to it. But the F-14ness is a must for me.
I sort-of hope they get Gary Oldman to redo the voice for the senate speech. The speech itself and the overall scene is great, but he sounds like he's about to croak. Maybe I'll get used to it
Please leave your SC membership card at the counter, KKRT00.
Ya, they don't need to redo the voice, it's fine, but they need to polish up the character model so that it reflects the voice of the character.Please leave your SC membership card at the counter, KKRT00.
Well, gameplay wise the Sabre is less of a armored gunboat that the Super Hornet is and more like an F22 raptor, basically stealth systems, speed, and maneuverability. So ask yourself, which style of gameplay do you prefer?Thanks for posting this.
Not sure if I want to trade a super hornet out for a sabre, I like the design a bit more. It looks damn cool.
Ya, they don't need to redo the voice, it's fine, but they need to polish up the character model so that it reflects the voice of the character.
Model is fine, textures are fine too, the problem is the lighting. We just need better lighting and camera work.
SVOGI come on, implement Yourself![]()
To be honest, it might be due to screen and video quality. Actual lighting is always better in real life rather than sent through the internet, for any game. Compression is always the first to screw up lighting. Just compare early AC videos with the game on your PC now, it makes a huge difference.
Ya, they don't need to redo the voice, it's fine, but they need to polish up the character model so that it reflects the voice of the character.
Just need to age him a bit more maybe by about 10 years. Sounded a lot like Brian Cox as Visari in the Killzone series (who is GOAT for those grandiose war speech).
I'm torn between the saber or super hornet. Anyone have experience with both? I already have an avenger that I don't really care to keep so I'll upgrade it to one of those two.
Sweet melted my non-lti gladius and used the credits and some extra scratch to get an LTI Sabre. Going to be rolling hot and heavy with my Sabre and Vanguard. Not going to lie, I was looking in my budget to see if I could somehow afford the Armada pack lol... stupid buying a house.
Wish there was an easy way to split something like that between people.
This speech was so great.
Killzone 2 was awesome, what a pity it is console exclusive, i would really want to play it with m&k, i think this a game that would be even great 10 years from now in terms of MP. Awesome game, and AI was great too.
I'm torn between the saber or super hornet. Anyone have experience with both? I already have an avenger that I don't really care to keep so I'll upgrade it to one of those two.
The Sabre looks to be somewhat akin to the Vanguard in being rather forward fire focused. It'll probably be superior in taking down a single less maneuverable craft, but in turn less capable of dealing with multiple hostiles that might be more maneuverable than it.
Mind you, this is all speculation.
I've put like 500+ hours in KZ2, the clan system tactics in the MP were endless fun for me. Loved the feel of the game which had the weight closer to realism without going full sim. The guns and reload animations are still second to none.
The Sabre is not even hanger ready, let alone flyable in AC. Nobody has experience with it. That said, one key difference between the two is that the Super Hornet is a two person craft while the Sabre is a single seater. While the SH can be flown solo, when you have a second person in it, you'll have somebody with full control of the ball turret. This'll give the SH the ability to focus on more than one target at the same time and have a wider range of coverage in general.
The Sabre looks to be somewhat akin to the Vanguard in being rather forward fire focused. It'll probably be superior in taking down a single less maneuverable craft, but in turn less capable of dealing with multiple hostiles that might be more maneuverable than it.
Mind you, this is all speculation.
Ah I didn't realize it wasn't also put into AC. So if I got a SH I could fly it right now in vanduul swarm?
Yes, the SH is AC ready so you could both view it in your hanger and fly it in AC. It's actually a decent time to get one if you don't have one as it has 3 year insurance currently. You could even CCU to a Sabre later on when it's AC ready for $5-$10.
It's important to note that the SH is only available as a stand alone ship currently. You'll need an actual package with AC access first in order to fly it. Alternatively you could CCU a package ship to the SH, but unless you have a LTI based ship package from long ago, buying the ship as an extra makes more sense from an insurance standpoint.
That cast list is absolutely bonkers, does Roberts get some kind of former Hollywood producer's discount?
Nope, he's literally pissing money away because he wishes he was a film director.
Just saw that the Citizencon fly free code for 2 weeks includes all the ships including the Scythe and Glaive.
I really don't dig it. By all mean I love what I see, just like I was blown away by the Star Citizen Multicrew demo of gamescon 2015.I dig the change of Arena Commander 2.0 transforming into PU pre-alpha.
Female face looks amazing too:
Nice try.
He actually is a close friend to Mark Hamill and some others from the cast so getting them wasn't that hard.