Marc B. Poblet #1 said:So, if we want to play more than one character, or more than one role (not at the same time, obviously, but sometimes I may be in the mood to play an explorer/salvager, sometimes a smuggler, sometimes a miner...), we have to pay twice (or more!), or play in an hypotetical private server (that every time that is mentinoned seems to be less and less capable, to the point that I don't expect offline play to be possible anymore in any meaningful way at all).
I'm all for supporting the game (heck, I've dropped more money into this game than I can afford, several times more than in any other game, ever), but this is a cash grab, pure and simple.
You want roleplaying replayability, pay up.
You want to play a different role, either forget about roleplaying and do everything with a single character with multiple personality disorder, or pay up.
That's most of the game content locked up behind a paywall for anyone who cares about character consistency.
That's basically equivalent to day-one DLC (one for each role), something I never thought I would see anywhere near Star Citizen.
Everything that affected gameplay was supposed to be obtainable in-game, that's how the game was sold to us, that's how we raised 20 million. Now it turns out that some of the more interesting parts of the game have to actually be paid for separately, against all we thought this game stood for.
Extremely unexpected, worrying and disappointing, I'm sorry to say.![]()
Chris Roberts #1 said:We appreciate your support Marc!
Just to clarify, as I think your concern is off base, the system we are proposing only increases the options that you have - I don't see how it is a cash grab or something that takes away from what most people were expecting (and what most online games give you)
Normally in a standard non subscription MMO setup you would have one character. If you want to play multiple characters simultaneously (say your scenario of an explorer / salvager or a smuggler or miner) you would have to open multiple accounts. You could of course do all these things from one character (there's no reason why you couldn't be an explorer / salvager / miner that does some smuggling on the side). Star Citizen by its design lets you be / do whoever you want to be. There are no class restrictions - you want to be a law abiding citizen and then "break bad" and become a pirate you can. This is a core tenant of the design. You should not think of Star Citizen the way you would a traditional MMO with tightly bound character classes that force you to have different characters (tank, healer, ranged etc) for different roles. Our versions of multiple classes are really the multiple ships you have in your hangar.
The solution we proposed was to address the issue of people have multiple game packages but wanting to combine all the assets under one character but not lose the value of their "game keys" (which in our in-fiction setup become Character Slots). This allows people to get a benefit from a game package they were feeling they were losing, either by gifting to a friend to join them as crew (or buy just a ship and join the game), play multiple characters from the same account (as opposed to having to open up separate accounts) or by turning the slot into a customizable character for their crew (think the tight knit crew of the Serenity)
Also to be clear when a Character Slot NPC dies, you get to create another one to take his place, much like you would create a successor in the Death of a Spaceman mechanic. If you've designated a Character Slot NPC as your Character's successor, then the Character Slot NPC becomes your player character and you can chose to have your deceased player character slot either go back into your Character Slot pool or turn him / her into a Character Slot NPC (think of it as recruiting a new team member after the death of another)
We are only offering people the ability to buy additional Character Slots as if we didn't we would get a lot of people complaining they don't want to have to buy a full package just to get an additional character or have the ability to customize an NPC. Its actually financially worse for us as previously you would need to buy a game package to get in the game or play multiple characters at once. Now we're allowing a cheaper (but more limited) option. Please remember that I want the game to only require the purchase of a base game package and after that you should be able to pay for free if you want - there is nothing outside the initial game package (which a character slot is a baby version of) that is only purchasable by money. Everything else, ships, equipment, real estate is all purchasable via UEC credits which can be earned via gameplay.
Once Star Citizen is live creating ongoing content, new functionality and running online servers costs money. As Star Citizen isn't a subscription MMO our only sources of revenue to support these ongoing costs are initial game packages, Squadron 42 sized single player stories (think Wing Commander mission packs) and the people willing to trade some money for UEC as they don't have the time or patience to earn in game. There's a lot of people out there that think I'm crazy for taking this route (as most online games have a lot of cash only game items to generate money via micro-transactions) but I'm betting that Star Citizen with its low overhead will do well enough to allow us to continue to manage and expand the universe, even if we don't bring in the money the way World of Tanks, World of Warcraft or League of Legends do.
Marc B. Poblet #2 said:First of all, thanks a lot for your answer.
I mostly backed this game because I thoroughly enjoyed your previous ones, but, at that age, didn't pay for them (they were gifts).
Backing Star Citizen was a way of paying you back for those many, many hours of fun. For that, too, my most sincere thanks and admiration. Even if I decide not to play Star Citizen, I'll still consider it money well spent.
Now, though, it seems like the MMO aspect is driving key aspects of the design, in my (very personal) opinion for the worse.
What you are telling me, if I'm not seriously misinterpreting you (and I completely understand that this is a sandbox, but still, even if the game doesn't restrict us, roleplaying is defining our own restrictions, and working within them), is that I have three options: play a jack of all trades without any personality or roleplaying capability whatsoever, roleplay a single character and get locked away (by my own restrictions, but locked away all the same) from any content that doesn't fit with that character's personality, or pay to unlock said content by buying a second, third, Nth character slot. That, to me, is content that is not obtainable in-game (unless I play the game in a not particularly enjoyable way).
First option will quickly get old and boring. Not the classic Star Citizen could be, but simply another arcade game, fun for some hours but hardly replayable. Second and third options I can't take, because A) they go against my principles and B) they go against the principles of the game I (wrongly, it seems) believed I was supporting.
I understand that supporting the servers implies a constant cost (I don't agree with the need for said servers, as I'd rather play offline and get a better, deeper, more enjoyable experience, but I understand it as a design decision).
I don't necessarily agree with the financial model, but I mostly saw it as positive (I have no problem with the cash shop, but seeing how Valve, for instance, makes quite a lot of cash selling cosmetic items - TF2 hats are the classic example - I don't exactly get how that model isn't also contemplated for Star Citizen, as I doubt it would be controversial and, seeing the way we're backing the game, it would probably generate much more money than the cash shop).
I see this latest development, however, as crossing a red line. I just don't see why there can't be multiple characters (without limit, even!) per account. It's an artificial limitation, a design decision, that doesn't make sense to me. We need a ship to play? So what, we can get loans, can't we? We can get hired as crew in some other ship. We can work our way up to our own Aurora or Avenger, and then further up, and, in time, pay back our loan.
Instead you choose to add an artificial limitation and remove any possibility of meaningful roleplaying from the game unless we pay for it. That, to me, is a micro-(or not so micro, we don't know the price yet)-transaction, it's equivalent to day one DLC, to paywalled content, to something that affects gameplay (and how!) and that you can buy but can't acquire in-game.
I can't say if that's a good or bad decision, that's a matter of opinion (unless it turns out to affect income in a significant way, which doesn't seem likely), but it's simply not the model I thought I was backing, and I'll have to seriously rethink how (if) I'm going to play the game, as I had planned several characters and I'm definitely not going to be paying to unlock them, as that's not a model I can agree with.
That said, again, thanks for the reply and for all the hours of fun (and for the many more hours of fun I'll have, at the very least, playing Squadron 42). Even if I don't agree with some of your design decisions (you can't please everyone!) that doesn't mean I don't still admire your work, and am really happy you're back at it after all this time.
Keep up the good work, even if not all of us agree with every part of how you do it.
Oh, and sorry for the lengthy rant.
Chris Roberts #2 said:I would just ask you to have some patience, I think you will be happy.
Squadron 42 will be the equal of what I would do if was making a Next Gen Wing Commander, and that right there would be a $59.95 game at least from EA.
On top of that Star Citizen is designed to be a completely organic and opened sandbox that hopefully will give everyone years of enjoyment.
My goal is to have it feel as personal as Privateer and Freelancer but more dynamic than a single player scripted experience by taking the good aspects of multi-player (community, unpredictability, dynamism) and trying to minimize the negative ones (griefing, being forced into certain play styles due to rigid character advancement or design), not because some market research study says this will sell the most copies but because that is the game I want to play.
I'm not a big fan of normal MMOs so the multiplayer side of Star Citizen is my answer to the kind of multiplayer game I want to experience. And because of this you should set aside a lot of preconceived notions of how SC will play. As I said before there is not meant to be any character classes in Star Citizen. I see the game as role playing an alter ego in a futuristic universe and I want you to make real choices in what you do. I'm actually not a fan of someone playing multiple characters at once as I feel that allows someone to make easy choices - oh, I can be as bad as I want with no consequence today, and then tomorrow be Joe law abiding. I want you to live and feel your character, almost like a second life and feel loss when him or her finally fights one battle too many (which was the whole point of the Death of the Spaceman mechanic). If you want to veer away from the straight and narrow you should do so considering the risks, and likewise if you want to "go straight" you should have to work to achieve it. That is real role playing for me.
Now, I acknowledged that plenty of other people feel differently and even if I forced people to have one character per account they would just open up multiple ones under different aliases which is a big reason why we support multiple characters under one account - we want to make life as easy as possible for everyone that has supported the project so far and everyone that will play it in the future.
If you need a character, ship and money to start a career in the game, and you're ok with that, I don't see why you are so against having to have the same starting base (or at least a character) for additional characters you may want to play. It does cost additional money to build and support a multiple character system (it is an additional layer of complexity on the account system both in game and on the website), but we decided it was viable as its cost would be covered by the people that wanted to play multiple characters having multiple packages. I understand that in most subscription MMOs they give you multiple character slots from the start, but these games not only cost you $59.95 upfront and force you into rigid character classes - you're a warrior! You're a mage! They also cost you $15 to $20 a month, which SC does not. If you want to play multiple characters and earn everything in game via play I will promise you SC will be a much cheaper option - especially now that we are splitting out a character slot from the full package. And really how many characters do you want to play simultaneously?
I hope this helps in clarifying where I (and the project) is coming from,
As expected, the forum has some dissenters. Oh well. Can't please everyone.
As expected, the forum has some dissenters.
Like most official forums, RSI's is pretty awful. The lack of consistent moderation is a big problem. I stay away.
Like most official forums, RSI's is pretty awful. The lack of consistent moderation is a big problem. I stay away.
Are you implying that they should be silencing people that disagree with the direction of some decisions? I don't visit the RSI forums often, but I have not seen any issues with the moderators, which really should only be there to stop personal attacks and organize discussion.
Are you implying that they should be silencing people that disagree with the direction of some decisions?
Awful is being generous. Much of it is harmless, but things get dark and needy really fast in there.Like most official forums, RSI's is pretty awful. The lack of consistent moderation is a big problem. I stay away.
Awful is being generous. Much of it is harmless, but things get dark and needy really fast in there.
Already almost $300k past $20m. When we hit the end of the month that's another spike thanks to jump point subscribers. I wonder if they'll ever say 'NO' to more money :]
$25M Stretch Goal: Freespace property purchased from Interplay and licensed to Deep Silver.
Nah, Egosoft is doing great with their project.
CIG will have its hands full for a while as well.
Let's get Volition back into the mix.
New ship variant announced!
Starfarer-D, the Donatello.I'm sorry.
Also, we are almost at 20.5 million already. Maybe we can get to 22 million before the 10th.
Only one initial slot for player's character is a bit worrying, to be honest.
Nah, that would be absurd. Well, absurd-er. Unless they release that Hornet brochure + variants ...
They still haven't put up the following for sale:
- Frigates
- Escort Carriers
- Battlecruisers
Those are some heavy hitters.
I don't think you'll pay more than $5 for an extra character.
One thing to remember, though, is that there are no character classes so it's not like an MMO where a different character simply can't do stuff that others can.
They still haven't put up the following for sale:
- Frigates
- Escort Carriers
- Battlecruisers
Those are some heavy hitters.
I missed out on the original Kickstarter because of lack of funds/confusion, and the end point for lifetime insurance (???) for confusion. I like the sound of the game and loved Privateer/Hardwar/etc., but honestly, every time I try to parse their pledge levels I get confused about what the hell I'm buying, or how the game works. Is there a "Star Citizen for Dummies" I can read to give me an easy-to-digest breakdown?
Because I still don't understand what the insurance was for (and if I should be anxious and upset I missed it.), or how the game splits between single player/multi-player (persistent but not MMO?)
Thanks, that made it quite a bit clearer. So lifetime insurance would have been the thing to get, since it remains active in perpetuity for the vessel it's attached to, and wouldn't require a constant in-game subscription.. Damn. :/ That's a pretty big bummer to have missed it.The OP is very informative.
If you want to check out the game through alpha and beta and have access to a small ship when the game starts... check out the $40 tier!
Insurance is detailed here.
LTI is only for the ship, not for the equipment or cargo. Chris Roberts has confirmed that ship insurance is not going to be very expensive.Thanks, that made it quite a bit clearer. So lifetime insurance would have been the thing to get, since it remains active in perpetuity for the vessel it's attached to, and wouldn't require a constant in-game subscription.. Damn. :/ That's a pretty big bummer to have missed it.
Thanks, that made it quite a bit clearer. So lifetime insurance would have been the thing to get, since it remains active in perpetuity for the vessel it's attached to, and wouldn't require a constant in-game subscription.. Damn. :/ That's a pretty big bummer to have missed it.
This probably means we reached 21 million, right? Right?
Xian Scout Unlocked! The Khartu is the light attack craft of the XiAn military. Contrary to Human ship design, the Khartu doesnt have a traditional main thruster, instead featuring an array of maneuvering thrusters on articulated rigs. This design allows for incredible agility, making them the bane of UEE pilots, who bestowed the nickname Quark because when all of the thrusters are firing, the ship looks like a spark flying through space. The Xian Aopoa corporation also manufactures an export model, the Khartu-al, for sale to human civilians as a dedicated scout/explorer. The export model features the same Xian maneuvering rig, but control surfaces modified for human use and a more limited armament.
Chris Roberts ran away with all the money!
This probably means we reached 21 million, right? Right?
Xi’an Scout Unlocked! The Khartu is the light attack craft of the Xi’An military. Contrary to Human ship design, the Khartu doesn’t have a traditional main thruster, instead featuring an array of maneuvering thrusters on articulated rigs. This design allows for incredible agility, making them the bane of UEE pilots, who bestowed the nickname ‘Quark’ because when all of the thrusters are firing, the ship looks like a spark flying through space. The Xi’an Aopoa corporation also manufactures an export model, the Khartu-al, for sale to human civilians as a dedicated scout/explorer. The export model features the same Xi’an maneuvering rig, but control surfaces modified for human use and a more limited armament.
Stretch Goals are such a broken idea, but it has become a crowd-funding staple at this point.
It is obvious from the article and wing commander episodes that they have already been working on the Xi'an ship and face capture technology, and plan on implementing them in game. The stretch goal for those releases are completely arbitrary at this point.
It's a better alternative to feature bloat while still keeping the carrot on a stick. It's harmless.
Stretch Goals are such a broken idea, but it has become a crowd-funding staple at this point.
It is obvious from the article and wing commander episodes that they have already been working on the Xi'an ship and face capture technology, and plan on implementing them in game. The stretch goal for those releases are completely arbitrary at this point.
Stretch Goals are such a broken idea, but it has become a crowd-funding staple at this point.
Can't agree more.
The problem arising is however: should they just stop taking money, or should they put all the extra money into their own pockets? It's hard to find a solution to keep the crowdfund going, and I think SC is facing this problem seeing as we'll probably can double this budget once we're nearing 2015. I'm not even sure what they can do with that other than just wasting it on stuff we don't really need. All the important stuff is already planned and budgeted, as you said.
I should have made my point more clear earlier, I wasn't calling out RSI just the industry as a whole.
The best way to do stretch goals would be make sure you have enough money and choose the stretch goals correctly so you can outsource the work.
As a development studio, you aren't going to be able to get the base game done on your own and the extra stretch goals without over stretching your workers, and budget. I would say make sure there are things like modelling, ports, or sound design, tasks that can easily be outsourced to another studio.
Will they ever release some actual cool looking ships?
I know that.
Will they ever release some actual cool looking ships?
I really should have been more clear though. I've noticed my forum posts are usually not well articulated until I edit them a couple times.