Stealing a picture from the forums here but you can see them in this, right below the fans:
The nose guns there are the Neutron guns all Hornets come with though the Super Hornet has an upgraded pair. The canard turret is a separate thing entirely and none of the civilian models come with it by default, though the Hornet in the trailer has it and you can see its hardpoint in the holotable (and even put the ball turret in it to... Humorous results).
The Gatling guns are simply a glitch, if you look in the holotable they don't even match the model shown there (believe the holotable uses the neutron gun model for them) and they're hilariously undersized at just size 2, allowing them to fit in spots where they really shouldn't (such as the Hornet and 300i's nose). They come attached to the ball turret currently in place of the laser repeaters, but that'll likely be fixed whenever the next patch comes out.
i remember in the tech demo way back when when it showed CR flying it and showing off the physics they had the gatling guns mounted on the side of the nose.
i know it was a long time ago. i know it was the military version. i know things change. i know this is the redesign of the original hornet.but do they still have intentions of mounting guns there or di they just shifted it below the nose instead now?