Haven't tried that myself. What scene configuration are you using?Anyone else get a black screen when they try capturing this in OBS Window Capture?
I've already spent several K... and I want to spend more
I've already spent several K... and I want to spend more
Haven't tried that myself. What scene configuration are you using?
I've given up explaining shit to people. It's no use.
I've given up explaining shit to people. It's no use.
I'm tempted by the M50. So tempted. Zooooooommmmmmm~
Yes, I believe so--that's a perk of having access to the original packages. You'd keep the LTI of whatever the package is.
I have a Digital Colonel, and picked up the Super Hornet upgrade. While I miss out on the special pistol from the Weekend Warrior Package, I save 20 bucks.
Chris Roberts said:Star Citizen IS a PC game. It will NEVER be dumbed down for a lesser platform. We will NOT limit the input options or supported peripherals to the lowest common denominator. We will NOT pass on features and technology just because they will only run on some hardware configurations.
As far as consoles go Star Citizen will never be on the PS3 or Xbox 360. As for the next gen consoles, PS4 and Xbox One, we have NO CURRENT PLANS, but my stance remains open and is consistent with the many interviews I’ve given -
IF the platform holders (Sony & Microsoft) allow us to update the code and data without restrictions and odious time consuming QC procedures, IF they allow our community to openly interact with each other across platforms then I would CONSIDER supporting them. And even then it would only be contemplated as a port from the PC, not the other way around plus we would require a financial commitment by Sony to make it happen.
Chris Roberts posts about Star Citizen and consoles:
wow that quote is very extremist, phrases like " dumbed down for a lesser platform" sounds very antagonistic.
Chris Roberts posts about Star Citizen and consoles:
And yet it absolutely happens. All the time, in fact. The code word is usually "streamlined" or something about accessibility.
Would you prefer that he uses a different word to describe it? I don't see why he'd be worried about offending fans of dull, defanged games.
I have no problem with the wording. It's blunt, yes, but it's the truth. Nothing bad about it. Also, I have no problem with a post-release console port.I would have had a problem if The Roberts had pulled a bait-and-switch on His backers. Which he did not. So all is well.
Now, back to the really important biznach.
Starfarer or Gladiator.
Gladiator is even smaller than the Hornet. You could probably make a cute little dogfighter out of it (putting aside the awesome capship explodification capabilities). ... If you fly on a straight line, that is. Same amount of thrusters, but weighs so much more than the Hornet, gonna be pretty shitty to accelerate and steer. Although, with eight upgrade slots and a nice smattering of weapon slots it ought to be quite a ferocious little beastie.
Starfarer is awesome for ferrying stuff. BIG stuff. And sucking up fuel from gas giants, which is basically free money. Fleets will love you and probably want to protect you. Your meager weapons loadout means they pretty much have to, though. No clue how awesome the Class 7 shields will end up as, though. Maybe you can just sit there and take it. Also: It's farking massive. Thing is the size of a small moon. OK, not quite Idris sized, but ... you know. Idris's are just waaay out there. In all regards.
Decisions, decisions.
30.000.000$ before the end of the year? One can dream.
At this rate, I'd say no problem.
4Mio $ in 2 months? Never ever.
We just hit $28 million, lol.
Guys guys, can you apply the upgrades to game packages or only to single ships? To be more precise, can I buy the Bounty Hunter package and then apply the 325a upgrade to it (60$+15$ compared to the 80$ for the Arbiter package which contains the 325a)?
edit: and of course, keep the LTI.
Yay 28M!
But with the upcomming Dog Fighting Module I would like to purchase a joystick do you guys have any suggestions on this because I don't want to buy a piece of crap... Also my budget for this would be arround 100.00 EUR (or up to 150.00 EUR if its something good.)
Sure seems like it.Wait, I can melt my arbiter package and buy the bounty hunter and upgrade and have $5 left over?
wow that quote is very extremist, phrases like " dumbed down for a lesser platform" sounds very antagonistic.
And yet it absolutely happens. All the time, in fact. The code word is usually "streamlined" or something about accessibility.
Would you prefer that he uses a different word to describe it? I don't see why he'd be worried about offending fans of dull, defanged games.
Mandatory Saitek X52 Pro recommendation. See if you can get one, seems to be sold out in a lot of places.
EDIT: Actually, you should wait another month or so. Saitek has teased the new X55, which could be a substantial update on the X52 Pro ... or just something they made to cash in on the SC sales. A new batch of X52 Pros is expected in December as well.
The first showing of the game was a live demo with much of what you described
Why? It's the CryEngine and the game will be out in what, 2 years? He needed 23 mio and in the end he will get 40-50mio. Should be no problem.As I read more and more about it I can't help but think that this is just not possible lol
The first showing of the game was a live demo with much of what you described
Getting all that to work well is VERY hard, specially for a guy who hasn't made a game in 10 years. We'll see.
As I read more and more about it I can't help but think that this is just not possible lol
Is a bit out of budget but I'll consider it thanks for the info if you have another suggestion thats a bit cheaper let me know![]()
As I read more and more about it I can't help but think that this is just not possible lol
Do you have a link for that ?
I just had the impression that you only could look at your spaceships at this moment before new updates come out.
As big of a space-sim and Wing Commander fan as I am, I've come to regard this game as vaporware until I see a live running demo. When I'm shown a guy controlling a pilot, running through a carrier in space, getting on a fighter cockpit, launching, killing shit in space, going back in and docking back on the hangar bays, run to the bridge to see a captain plot a course to a planet, orbit the planet, board a shuttle and land on the commercial plaza, buy and sell stocks and loot... THEN I'll believe Roberts.
Getting all that to work well is VERY hard, specially for a guy who hasn't made a game in 10 years. We'll see.