Any word on when the Freelancer brochure is due? I seem to remember that it was next on the agenda.
Any word on when the Freelancer brochure is due? I seem to remember that it was next on the agenda.
Was able to do a bit of work on the branding for the org today - if anyone is planning on starting a specialized SC org and would like to use this I'll be happy to share the PSD or modify it for you
Was able to do a bit of work on the branding for the org today - if anyone is planning on starting a specialized GAF org and would like to use this I'll be happy to share the PSD or modify it for you
e: would someone mind taking and linking to me a screenshot of the application page for the org? I can't preview that page so I have no idea what the intro looks like or if the formatting is functional.
I feel like this organization stuff is signing up for gameplay that won't even exist until 12+ months from now.
Has anyone signed up yet to rise through the ranks of a GAF organization, only to betray everyone and turn over the keys at a crucial juncture, Eve style? Someone should, got to keep things interesting.
That is one sexy logo. It looks a bit blurry on the actual corp page for some reason, though :/
I vote us early adapters get to pick our own rank titles.
So far we're all Junior Junior Citizens.
Thanks. The compression is on RSI's end. They're compressing a PNG to save a whole ~20kb.
Yeah I just stuck that on there instead of leaving it at recruit.
This is the entirety of the user rank/role options currently available - still in a very basic form. We can discuss what the titles and rolls can be now, and please do because I'm blanking, but as Blizzard notes this is just an empty shell of what will actually matter down the line.
Ah, you can't make up titles/roles yourself? Like, you can only pick from the presets atm? That sucks.
EDIT: Or wait, you can have Ranks from 0 to 5 and name those? But not more than that?![]()
You can name/assign the ranks and rolls but no more than that. Very bare bones atm.
So we can't do individual ones since there's only 5 differently nameable ones........ damnit.
Guys, Star Citizen is the A Song of Ice and Fire of vidyagames. 2016 release. You heard it here first.No, you haven't.
Was able to do a bit of work on the branding for the org today - if anyone is planning on starting a specialized GAF org and would like to use this I'll be happy to share the PSD or modify it for you
Happy for you to create a custom brand banner for https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/GAF. I made the name (Galactic Air Force) up in about 5 seconds, so I'm open to suggestions. It's sort of... yeah. Dunno how much sense having an 'Air' force makes for space combat. Maybe change to 'Aerospace'?
If we do split org's, I'd probably set up 'GAF' as a dedicated combat/raiding org.
If it was the Song of Ice and Fire for video games I wouldn't expect a release before 2025 though. I can't even remember how long I had to wait for Dance with Dragons.
should go for mass confusion and 'Galactic Air Fleet'
Space + Air + Sea
Can I join Neogaf corp ?
Applications are open, and I'll probably leave them open unless spam becomes an issue or until sending out invites is more efficient than approving applications.
How will the ranking system work?
Sexy targeting system:
Your basic altitude meter:
Sexy targeting system:
Sexy targeting system:
I wonder if/how much you'll be able to customize you UI. This looks cool but in a heated space battle with a lot of participants you might want something more minimalistic.
Looked into RSI's chat stuff today, their xmpp server. I've used IRC for many years and don't have any experience with xmpp so it was a bit offputting, especially as the clients available for xmpp seem to be rather poorly designed, relative to long established irc clients at least, but as xmpp is a newer and more flexible protocol I can see why they're using it for chat both in and outside of the game.
So I looked in to it some more and found a way to connect to xmpp servers via irc using BritlBEE. Unfortunately there practically isn't a windows client yet so, for now at least, using this method means you'll have to use a public pass-through server, but I don't feel that is too much of a concern for this purpose.
I looked through their documentation and was able to get it set up and connect the #general and #neogaf RSI channels in a few minutes, but if others are interested in this I'll write up a guide of the exact commands you'll need to enter to get it all working.
I have my irc client up at pretty much all times so I'll be idling in the neogaf org chat channel as well.
I have my irc client up at pretty much all times so I'll be idling in the neogaf org chat channel as well.
This will be using a server running BitlBEE to pass and translate xmpp channel data to IRC channel data. A local windows client is not presently available so you will have to connect to a public server listed on the BitlBEE site, eg "irc.net:6667".
- Set up the server in your network list and connect using your case-sensitive SC handle.
- When you join the server you should be dumped into #bitlBEE with a bot named root also in the channel. (note, you're communicating with the bot, not using / commands)
- On first run you'll need to register using "register <password>". Create/enter a password for the bitlbee service.
- Next you'll add the SC xmpp account. Handle is case sensitive. XMPP token is found on the settings page of your RSI account. "account add jabber <handle>@robertsspaceindustries.com <token>"
- If working, you should see this account listed as entry #0 with command "account list" - the following assumes #0, change if different.
- Define the server for this account "account 0 set server xmpp.robertsspaceindustries.com"
- Connect to the xmpp server with "account on", you should receive an authentication and log in message.
- Define xmpp channels you want to be able to connect to "chat add 0 <channel>@channels.robertsspaceindustries.com" The default RSI chat channel is "general", the NeoGAF org channel is "neogaf".
- Join a defined channel via normal irc commands, eg "/join #general". Messages and users will be translated to IRC.
You can now set up user commands to automate connecting in the future
- /rsi "say identify <password>"
- /rsi "say account on"
- Set up auto-join channels normally
Thanks. The compression is on RSI's end. They're compressing a PNG to save a whole ~20kb.
They're upscaling to 165x165 and saving the result, then resizing that image again into the smaller size we see on screen (profile). GAF avatars are going to turn into a blurry mess as a result... better to upload 165x165 avatars.