Amazing how a game can have so much funding, yet have such poor art direction.
Why? In my opinion it's pretty solid.
Amazing how a game can have so much funding, yet have such poor art direction.
Except that the entire economy is dynamic based on in game events and locations. Which makes setting exact conversion rates a bit different.
You can debate whether it is a P2W game because of it, but the fact remains that paid advantage is going to be a part of SC if they don't shift to sub-based business model.
No doubt. Everything you say is true. As you said, we'll see.We will see, I have to admit I never believe much in developers resisting to the temptation when you plan to use micro transactions to fund something major/necessary to the game operation at best or the honesty behind that position at worst (a bit like planning major state projects with increased alcohol and cigarette taxes and still mantain that you are trying to get people to be educated about the dangers of ether and reduce their consumption massively/reduce abuse). Even a very very dynamic free market can be influenced and their market is still under their control and the fully dynamic bit has to be delivered and its limitations/influence levers may be difficult to find out.
What he helpfully fails to mention is that you can get that stuff with REC. For all his digs about people hiding information, he'll happily twist it to suit his agenda.
Maybe, but they made a promise not to be sub based, and I'd want to see them keep that promise.
What he helpfully fails to mention is that you can get that stuff with REC. For all his digs about people hiding information, he'll happily twist it to suit his agenda.
Not to mention completely derailing the thread with something offtopic
If they only sold cosmetic bits yeah, but in a game like this anything altering how competitive you are based on how much you spend would justify a sub model, don't you think?
Not to mention completely derailing the thread with something offtopic, there is a general star citizen thread.
I truly think crytek sold off the golden goose when they sold cryengine to amazon. Why would anyone go with crytek when they could close at any moment when they could go to amazon for almost the exact same product!
So it seems by playing competitive multiplayer you can earn rental credits that allows a player to 'rent' an item for a week, yet currently there's no way for a player to earn non-rental credits except by exchanging real money via the store.
To me this just looks like an intentional design to charge for more things. Given a user is still 'technically' paying via UAC they could just allow players to earn it like they do for rental credits.
Considering how almost all mmo are now f2p no.
I am talking about it from a player point of view for once, not at how to make more money for the publisher/developer.
Still, not all of them are and not all of the ones that are do sell something very gameplay altering via micro transactions.
I would avoid the ones that do... if I wanted to gamble I would gamble on something where I could win something back.
Nonsense. Art is not limited to fantasy or colours or monochrome style. It takes skill to come up with art that is realistic but in an imaginary environment; spaceships do not exists, interstellar space travel does not exist, space dog fights do not exists, the systems and clusters and planets you see in Star Citizen are not put there by an algorithm but by hand. The planet themselves might be randomly generated at first but it is populated manually by hand and it's location is determined manually too. All of this is important because it takes skill to arrange all this in a convincing manner more so because people know about these things (as such it is realistic) but have never experienced it themselves (which is where imagination comes in)Amazing how a game can have so much funding, yet have such poor art direction.
They could but then there is a problem where you have backers with massive accumulated quantities of UEC when the game goes live... Everything gets periodically wiped in the alpha
You might want to point out the ability to permanently unlock it in the game is not yet implemented. Alpha UEC != UEC.
The only way to get these ships and macrotransactions is pay. And no refunds on the Voyager Direct store!
You can't even earn them in game yet, the thing the backers all surprisingly fail to mention is the ability to do so is "planned", not actually implemented, even though we're in the fifth year of development.
I'm assuming players still get to keep the items they bought? The existing players buying such ships and items will already have an advantage in that case when it goes live.
If going the final release is the issue they could just inform players who had earned credits any unused UAC will be forfeited upon release. Obviously the system currently is just intended as a means to continue game funding.
Star Citizen threads - the only threads worse with concern trolling than Microsoft ones
The money kept them running for two years...until now when they had to shut down a ton of studios
Bad for crytek but great for gaming as a whole
Amazing how a game can have so much funding, yet have such poor art direction.
Nonsense. Art is not limited to fantasy or colours or monochrome style. It takes skill to come up with art that is realistic but in an imaginary environment; spaceships do not exists, interstellar space travel does not exist, space dog fights do not exists, the systems and clusters and planets you see in Star Citizen are not put there by an algorithm but by hand. The planet themselves might be randomly generated at first but it is populated manually by hand and it's location is determined manually too. All of this is important because it takes skill to arrange all this in a convincing manner more so because people know about these things (as such it is realistic) but have never experienced it themselves (which is where imagination comes in)
And if you knew anything about how spaceships are built in Star Citizen you wouldn't be making that comment.
It looks like there is a clear paid advantage in the game but you are downplaying it because the business of SC isn't sustainable, therefore CIG must sell advantage to cover the costs.
You can debate whether it is a P2W game because of it, but the fact remains that paid advantage is going to be a part of SC if they don't shift to sub-based business model.
It seems like there is an easy path of bashing all the people who write "Scam" or "Trainwreck" about SC, but it is very hard to debate about things like a business model, in-game shop, development goals and deadlines.
Is the SC universe persistent yet or is it all just temporary?
In the Alpha you earn and use aUEC. It is not real UEC. That system isn't implemented yet so you can't earn it nor spend it within the Alpha.
Despite it being a choice one could say you are reducing reasons to play title for little reason.
It is funny. But it is truism of most SC threads.I like the coincidental wordplay that by calling the game a train wreck, someone derailed this thread.
If you're concerned allow me to make a tldr.The plan is that when the game is released no items will be for sale, only the game and a limited amount of UEC. That is it.Can a player instead earn aUAC to buy those items? Not looking to reduce reasons to buy the game, I'll likely be doing so when its released, but for clarification on how players can obtain such in-game items currently since some were brought up as new items in the patch.
It is funny. But it is truism of most SC threads.
Do I have to use the PTU to access these updates?
Is moving my account to the PTU difficult/worth doing?
Do I have to use the PTU to access these updates?
Is moving my account to the PTU difficult/worth doing?
But this is a Star Citizen thread. What did you expect?It is a shame that this thread went off topic into scandalizing the devs. I'm much more interested in hearing feedback from folks that have checked out the patch.
No it's live
Fully agree!
The difference here is that Star Citizen is properly designed sandbox game and in such sandbox games the P2W model just doesnt work. You can buy as much UEC as you want, the biggest ships as you want, the best fitting for ship you can get, but you will be still vulnerable to attack from multiple smaller ships, to countermeasures, to stealing/hijacking or aboarding.
P2W only works if player can get such an advantange that lower levels/lower tier gears just do not even scratch it, by design this is not Star Citizen.
You might want to point out the ability to permanently unlock it in the game is not yet implemented. Alpha UEC != UEC.
This game remains a giant trainwreck.
Are you seriously arguing that there should be a way to earn credits that can buy things in the final production release by playing the alpha?
Don't see any issues with that?
Also in this patch, $70 for a missile
Also in this patch, $70 for a missile
So in short, this game... after all the criticism it's endured, is now changing engines or has it already happened a long time ago?
What is that transforming ship at 0:29 in the trailer and where can I buy it?
Okay, so I just tried it (PU only):
Uninstalling this garbage. Someday I will be able to climb the ladder of my ship and not end up in the roof, I swear.
- Same shitty controls.
- Same shitty performance.
- Same shitty interactions.
Finally got my HOTAS set up properly. About 100 keys all customized.
Flight model feels really bad in this game for some reason with the HOTAS. Like leaps and bounds behind Elite Dangerous. I need to try it with a controller to see if that feels better.
Come to think of it, I'm surprised no one figured it out via data mining along the way. This came out of nowhere.
So in short, this game... after all the criticism it's endured, is now changing engines or has it already happened a long time ago?
Holy crap, this is absolutely nuts.Also in this patch, $70 for a missile
Might as well post the new pics from that german magazine here as well.