Autism is a mental defect. Although we shouldn't be cruel to these people just because of their disease, it is not something to be celebrated. This girl is surrounded by horrible enablers.
Too late. Lost battle.
These days everyone loves to self-diagnose (and then flaunt around) stuff like autism, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive behavior, social anxiety, dysphoria, "asexuality" and what else.
People have decided that what have always been obvious undesirable traits across the entirety of human history, characteristics that at time can make you a borderline dysfunctional individual, are now going to count as bragging rights and oppression points for the internet.
And that's why I will insist until the end of my days that no one should ever feel ashamed to use "ableist language". Someone has to remember people what normality is supposed to be like.
If you are an unlucky one, tough luck for your present and best luck for your future, but fuck if I'm ever going to pretend some of your conditions are desirable or should be considered the new normal.