So we recently had a thread about which was the better franchise, Star Wars or Star Trek? I'm not here to answer which one is better overall, but thinking about it made me realize that for the first time in both series' history they have dueling TV shows. Thanks to Disney, George Lucas' fantasy space opera is now competing with Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future.
But which one is better?
One show features a cast even more diverse than the original. I heard they even have gay people!
The other has an adorable space baby.
People who've read my posts know how I feel about the latter. The Mandalorian is AWESOME. For me it's the best Star Wars media since Return of the Jedi (though I keep hearing from people Clone Wars is also good. I really need to watch it). It's not perfect, but it's still great enough for me that I'm looking forward to the next season. I haven't been hyped for a TV series like this since Doctor Who relaunched back in 2005.
I've not watched Star Trek Discovery, though my brother says it's good (he's a bigger Trekkie fan than me). But he and I have different ideas of what constitutes as 'good.' All I know of Discovery comes from Red Letter Media's hilarious reviews of both seasons (they actually liked The Mandalorian. Shocking!).
Yeah. Both of these convinced me not to give Discovery my time. But what about you GAF? Which show is the better for you? I'd really like to hear everyone's thoughts on this.
But which one is better?
One show features a cast even more diverse than the original. I heard they even have gay people!

The other has an adorable space baby.

People who've read my posts know how I feel about the latter. The Mandalorian is AWESOME. For me it's the best Star Wars media since Return of the Jedi (though I keep hearing from people Clone Wars is also good. I really need to watch it). It's not perfect, but it's still great enough for me that I'm looking forward to the next season. I haven't been hyped for a TV series like this since Doctor Who relaunched back in 2005.
I've not watched Star Trek Discovery, though my brother says it's good (he's a bigger Trekkie fan than me). But he and I have different ideas of what constitutes as 'good.' All I know of Discovery comes from Red Letter Media's hilarious reviews of both seasons (they actually liked The Mandalorian. Shocking!).
Yeah. Both of these convinced me not to give Discovery my time. But what about you GAF? Which show is the better for you? I'd really like to hear everyone's thoughts on this.