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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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Can someone explain to me how the party system works?
I'm in a PSN party with my friend but when I go to select him to be a partner on Pick a Partner, it says "No party members currently in the game."

We cant seem to get it working right.

Not had that problem personally.

Have you tried creating the party using the in-game option? (click on the friend in the top bar with all the avatars and select invite to party.)
Game looks beautiful, controls perfectly, sounds amazing. Best recreation of Star Wars I've seen in a game. Was giddy the first day of playing, couldn't love it more. Gotten to level 20 so far, gold star in all the trials.

Today: uninstalled. After the first honeymoon day, I've ejected the disk twice in a fit of aggravation. The actual gunfights are driving me nuts (besides the grenade spamming, the randomness of maps flooded with powerup pickups, sniping & homing rocket gun, the borderline aimbot strength of the aim assists.)

There's something wonky with the connections, lag comp maybe. In one game I'll be doing fine, head-to-head outcomes look and feel as expected. The next, I'm losing every match-up, even when it appears I've gotten a clear drop on my opponent pumping 5 explosive rounds into them at fairly short range...and they look at me and I'm dead. I die, then I hear their 2 shots that killed me after I'm dead. And dying in the same aggravating ways as I did with CoD - slipping around a corner to avoid shots, then die a moment later after I'm clearly behind cover. I'd feel a little better if I could select my server region and see my ping, if it's a connection issue, but there are no such options.

I haven't been so frustrated with gameplay since I quit playing Call of Duty. Actually, the games feel and play very similar, imo. I recall seeing a video like this Star Wars CoD mod on YouTube years ago. Tbh, DICE's SW:B is closer to this CoD4 mod, than the original SW:BF games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGwEuBkBBso

I would keep Battlefront, if it had big bot matches, like the originals. I'd love to be able to select a map, gametype, number of friendly & enemy bots. But all this BF has are skirmishes, with no way to modify them except for difficulty level.
Really, it's these big bot matches that have kept me and my kids playing SW:BF2 on PC and Xbox for years. They still play it, as a matter of fact.

Maybe in a year, with double the content and hopefully adding some kind of big bot battles to the GotY Premium version, I'll pick it up again. For now, I'm gonna be one of "those" guys who's trading it in. Seeing it on my shelf will just be disappointing, and I can use the $30 PawnStop will give me towards Rainbow Six in 10 days.



Loving the game a lot, playing Hero Hunt mostly, pisses me off though that it's the final shot that gets the kill. Should be who does the most damage gets to be the hero next.
To win in Hero Hunt do you just need to get the most kills as a hero or be at the top of the leader board at the end of the game? I got the most kills and during the game it said I was in the lead, but when the game ended I was in third on the rankings.


Gold Member
Loving the game a lot, playing Hero Hunt mostly, pisses me off though that it's the final shot that gets the kill. Should be who does the most damage gets to be the hero next.

Hopefully enough raise this awareness so they could change it.

To the Twitter!
To win in Hero Hunt do you just need to get the most kills as a hero or be at the top of the leader board at the end of the game? I got the most kills and during the game it said I was in the lead, but when the game ended I was in third on the rankings.

Most kills as Hero.

I won, although I was second on the rankings


Game looks beautiful, controls perfectly, sounds amazing. Best recreation of Star Wars I've seen in a game. Was giddy the first day of playing, couldn't love it more. Gotten to level 20 so far, gold star in all the trials.

Today: uninstalled. After the first honeymoon day, I've ejected the disk twice in a fit of aggravation. The actual gunfights are driving me nuts (besides the grenade spamming, the randomness of maps flooded with powerup pickups, sniping & homing rocket gun, the borderline aimbot strength of the aim assists.)

There's something wonky with the connections, lag comp maybe. In one game I'll be doing fine, head-to-head outcomes look and feel as expected. The next, I'm losing every match-up, even when it appears I've gotten a clear drop on my opponent pumping 5 explosive rounds into them at fairly short range...and they look at me and I'm dead. I die, then I hear their 2 shots that killed me after I'm dead. And dying in the same aggravating ways as I did with CoD - slipping around a corner to avoid shots, then die a moment later after I'm clearly behind cover. I'd feel a little better if I could select my server region and see my ping, if it's a connection issue, but there are no such options.

I haven't been so frustrated with gameplay since I quit playing Call of Duty. Actually, the games feel and play very similar, imo. I recall seeing a video like this Star Wars CoD mod on YouTube years ago. Tbh, DICE's SW:B is closer to this CoD4 mod, than the original SW:BF games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGwEuBkBBso

I would keep Battlefront, if it had big bot matches, like the originals. I'd love to be able to select a map, gametype, number of friendly & enemy bots. But all this BF has are skirmishes, with no way to modify them except for difficulty level.
Really, it's these big bot matches that have kept me and my kids playing SW:BF2 on PC and Xbox for years. They still play it, as a matter of fact.

Maybe in a year, with double the content and hopefully adding some kind of big bot battles to the GotY Premium version, I'll pick it up again. For now, I'm gonna be one of "those" guys who's trading it in. Seeing it on my shelf will just be disappointing, and I can use the $30 PawnStop will give me towards Rainbow Six in 10 days.


Yeah, its baffling how DICE refuses to put bot matches on their games. When I want to play a specific map or game mode, I want to select it and play it; but it can't be done on BF or the new SWBF because you are at the mercy of the servers that are available at any point in time. That's completely backwards.
Game looks beautiful, controls perfectly, sounds amazing. Best recreation of Star Wars I've seen in a game. Was giddy the first day of playing, couldn't love it more. Gotten to level 20 so far, gold star in all the trials.

Today: uninstalled. After the first honeymoon day, I've ejected the disk twice in a fit of aggravation. The actual gunfights are driving me nuts (besides the grenade spamming, the randomness of maps flooded with powerup pickups, sniping & homing rocket gun, the borderline aimbot strength of the aim assists.)

There's something wonky with the connections, lag comp maybe. In one game I'll be doing fine, head-to-head outcomes look and feel as expected. The next, I'm losing every match-up, even when it appears I've gotten a clear drop on my opponent pumping 5 explosive rounds into them at fairly short range...and they look at me and I'm dead. I die, then I hear their 2 shots that killed me after I'm dead. And dying in the same aggravating ways as I did with CoD - slipping around a corner to avoid shots, then die a moment later after I'm clearly behind cover. I'd feel a little better if I could select my server region and see my ping, if it's a connection issue, but there are no such options.

I haven't been so frustrated with gameplay since I quit playing Call of Duty. Actually, the games feel and play very similar, imo. I recall seeing a video like this Star Wars CoD mod on YouTube years ago. Tbh, DICE's SW:B is closer to this CoD4 mod, than the original SW:BF games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGwEuBkBBso

I would keep Battlefront, if it had big bot matches, like the originals. I'd love to be able to select a map, gametype, number of friendly & enemy bots. But all this BF has are skirmishes, with no way to modify them except for difficulty level.
Really, it's these big bot matches that have kept me and my kids playing SW:BF2 on PC and Xbox for years. They still play it, as a matter of fact.

Maybe in a year, with double the content and hopefully adding some kind of big bot battles to the GotY Premium version, I'll pick it up again. For now, I'm gonna be one of "those" guys who's trading it in. Seeing it on my shelf will just be disappointing, and I can use the $30 PawnStop will give me towards Rainbow Six in 10 days.

I agree with you 100% . I feel the same way.


new to playing on KB/M on PC. any advice would be appreciated. I'm playing at 800 dpi with 25% in game sensitivity. Is that a good starting point for a newb? It seems to be the closest to where im not overshooting or undershooting but my accuracy still sucks. what do you guys think?


Gold Member
new to playing on KB/M on PC. any advice would be appreciated. I'm playing at 800 dpi with 25% in game sensitivity. Is that a good starting point for a newb? It seems to be the closest to where im not overshooting or undershooting but my accuracy still sucks. what do you guys think?

my mouse is at 1600 and i have my soldier sensitivity at 22% right now. i'm still getting used to playing with a keyboard/mouse.
So, anybody else having issues with the companion app? :|

"Application Error"
Application couldn't be loaded correctly. Please try again.
The worst dam thing about this game, is having to kick my kids off constantly or waiting for my turn.

Seriously. I set up the Xbone and Halo 5 in their own room a week ago, but all they want to do now is play Star Wars, night and day on my system now.

Needless to say we're going to need multiple copies in the near future...

Seriously though, this is my kids first Star Wars game, and they absolutely ador it. I can only imagine if there were somthing like this for me when I was a kid. I grew up on the neon green starwars arcade box at the pizza place, and that still gives me a nostalgia rush thinking about it haha.

Trade in your physical copy and go digital to share on two Xboxes
On the fence about this. This probably THE game to show off a console's graphical power to a family reunion come Thanksgiving and shit huh?

Never got this mentality. Who buys gaming consoles and games to show off graphics to friends and family? Thats quite the investment to essentially say "look what I got".
Not shown: Me meleeing 3 other dudes before this.

Don't know what they were thinking with the way ships spawn in. So dumb

Yeah I don't know why ships just aren't spawned randomly around the entire battlefield. It takes you 2-3 seconds to get to the other side anyways.

Brainfart by DICE.


Anyon else experienced something like this? Just couldn't damage that guy.

Known bug/glitch at this moment. Any map with flying vehicles, if the person crashes into the ground as they eject(something like that) they become invincible. Supremacy and Walker Assault are a clusterfuck right now because of it.
I really hope they offer all the PS2 and the SNES game in a 20 dollar bundle price. If they really only have them for 10 each that would be terrible.

So, I can't buy them now other than buying a system that I don't really need to buy. Ouch, really wanted to try them to see how they look and play.

The Cowboy

God i love this game, i suck big time but sometimes it just clicks and you place 1st in a 40 player match and you get to spawn as Luke and kill both Vader and the Emperor 1 after another :D.

Also i said it before and I'll say it again, the sound (and visuals) = AWESOME.
Anyone have this and Black Ops, which should I get? I can't decide.

I have both and Black Ops is a solid COD game for people who love COD.

If you want something different and are prepared to buy the Season Pass for more map variety(if something like that bothers you) then Battlefront is really fun.

I've played COD and Battlefront with the same couple of guys the past month and COD is just hyper competitive and stressful where as with Battlefront we just laugh our asses off and have fun playing the different modes. We still enjoy both games but they couldn't be further apart.


Junior Member
Anyone have this and Black Ops, which should I get? I can't decide.

Black Ops is a good game and has a ton of content. Played it for a few days and had a lot of fun.

Didn't even think about firing it up since I got Battlefront 2 days ago, and I don't remember when I had so much fun in a multiplayer shooter. Probably TF2 some 6 years ago.


Anyone have this and Black Ops, which should I get? I can't decide.

Skip Blops 3. The campaign is abysmal and the multi-player is CoD by the numbers with occasional wall running.

I'm very much enjoying Battlefront, but I honestly wouldn't recommend anyone throw down sixty dollars on it either. The content just isn't there.
I've played COD and Battlefront with the same couple of guys the past month and COD is just hyper competitive and stressful where as with Battlefront we just laugh our asses off and have fun playing the different modes. We still enjoy both games but they couldn't be further apart.

I definitely agree with this. Battlefront hasn't made me rage like BlackOps has.

Plus, you get the Star Wars universe vs BlackOps uninspired futuristic super soldier aesthetic.


I have both and Black Ops is a solid COD game for people who love COD.

If you want something different and are prepared to buy the Season Pass for more map variety(if something like that bothers you) then Battlefront is really fun.

I've played COD and Battlefront with the same couple of guys the past month and COD is just hyper competitive and stressful where as with Battlefront we just laugh our asses off and have fun playing the different modes. We still enjoy both games but they couldn't be further apart.

Black Ops is a good game and has a ton of content. Played it for a few days and had a lot of fun.

Didn't even think about firing it up since I got Battlefront 2 days ago, and I don't remember when I had so much fun in a multiplayer shooter. Probably TF2 some 6 years ago.

Haven't even touched Black Ops since this came out.. I actually liked Black Ops too, I'm just having way more fun with Battlefront.

Skip Blops 3. The campaign is abysmal and the multi-player is CoD by the numbers with occasional wall running.

I'm very much enjoying Battlefront, but I honestly wouldn't recommend anyone throw down sixty dollars on it either. The content just isn't there.



Played a little bit of the game with the EA Access.

Eh. It's a competent shooter. I was surprised by how solid the gunplay is; it plays pretty well on the small maps.

The power-ups aren't working for me. It seems like a sloppy way of integrating what Call of Duty would integrate as killstreaks. It just adds this element of randomness that assassinates depth. Even if it were tied to objectives, or something, but it's 'play the game' versus 'hunt icons on the map'.

And the power weapons attached to cards are weird. There's a sniper-type weapon you can unlock pretty early on, and it's pretty much a sniper like any other shooter would have (2 shots to the body, one to the head), so it's strange that it's restricted to being used for one shot before being unequiped.

It's a good game but some of those decisions feel limiting. I feel like it would have been a better game if it adhered more closely to the Battlefield formula; classes, and class abilities, etc.


Played a little bit of the game with the EA Access.

Eh. It's a competent shooter. I was surprised by how solid the gunplay is; it plays pretty well on the small maps.

The power-ups aren't working for me. It seems like a sloppy way of integrating what Call of Duty would integrate as killstreaks. It just adds this element of randomness that assassinates depth. Even if it were tied to objectives, or something, but it's 'play the game' versus 'hunt icons on the map'.

And the power weapons attached to cards are weird. There's a sniper-type weapon you can unlock pretty early on, and it's pretty much a sniper like any other shooter would have (2 shots to the body, one to the head), so it's strange that it's restricted to be using for one shot before being unequiped.

It's a good game but some of those decisions feel limiting. I feel like it would have been a better game if it adhered more closely to the Battlefield formula; classes, and class abilities, etc.

Then it wouldn't be as true to the universe it's based on. I for one am thankful there aren't snipers every game camping with nearly limitless ammo. I like the card style where you get a shot and have to wait.


He did, even before asking in this thread - didn't get a single reply so far. Excited, helpful community? Battlefront 1:0 Blops. ;)

Oh, really? Was curious what they would say but hell! When there is no answer then let them play their little game and join the dark side!
Anyone have this and Black Ops, which should I get? I can't decide.

What do you want more out of a game? If it's multiplayer and you love SW then get this. If it's the whole package then get black ops.

The BO campaign is garbage (even by non COD standards, so in other words, it's downright awful) Zombies is fantastic, in my opinion, but there seems to be a 50/50 split on who likes it and who doesn't. Multiplayer is great fun, but the maps are kind of uninspired, they're all good, but there aren't any great maps in my opinion. Then, there is nightmares mode, where you replay the campaign fighting zombies instead of regular baddies, but it's pretty mediocre. Visually, weaker than AW, music is alright but it's not amazing either considering it was composed by Jack Wall (mass effect). Sound design is trash.

Battlefront has 2 throwaway single player modes, and Survival which is solo or co-op and it's awesome. 15 rounds, wave based etc. Multiplayer is a blast as you'd expect from a DICE game, graphics are on another level, especially Endor, it's the first time visuals really feel next gen to me. Most of the MP game modes are pretty awesome and surprisingly quite varied. Soundtrack is SW, so it's top notch, sound design is incredible. Can't speak on longevity as I've only had it for a couple days. It's content light, but if you're mostly looking for a MP game, then you should be good.

COD definitely has a lot more content. So I say it depends on what you prefer and what exactly you're looking for. Just don't go in expecting a lot of content from SW and don't go into COD expecting the game to be as good as previous black ops titles, because sadly, it's nowhere near as good.


Incredibly Naive
Cod no question. Played bf last night with some friends. It was definitely fun to pick up and play, but it gets old very fast, regretting my purchase already.
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