It is pretty crazy. I have noticed on Hoth they seem to mess with the color of Stormtroopers when they aren't up close they get a blue tint to them to make sure they stand out against the snow. Hell I see it on Boba Fett too as he zips around he gets a weird blue tint to him.
The one map stormtroopers should have amazing camo they make sure to neutralize it.
It is pretty crazy. I have noticed on Hoth they seem to mess with the color of Stormtroopers when they aren't up close they get a blue tint to them to make sure they stand out against the snow. Hell I see it on Boba Fett too as he zips around he gets a weird blue tint to him.
The one map stormtroopers should have amazing camo they make sure to neutralize it.
Fighter Squadron 100%. You are basically raking in points nonstop while you are in the air shooting at everyone(AI and Human). Short time to get into the fray and quick matches so you get award bonus/game bonus/win bonus. If you manage to get a Hero ship you can make over 8k XP if you are decent. I average about 4-5k combat score(without Hero ship) and games typically last 3-4 minutes.
No other game mode comes close.
You sure that isn't PBR lighting? Like Bastables said, on Endor, there is a slight green tint--makes sense, given the light bouncing off all the green.
Homing shot is so annoying.
Walker Assault on Endor in the daylight. Wow
Walker Assault on Endor in the daylight. Wow
Homing shot is so annoying.
I use the homing missile all the time on Hoth. It's a great a weapon and I already made a lot of kills with it. Since it's also easily avoidable I don't think it should be nerfedIt is both annoying and pointless. A single grenade can kill multiple people or force people to take cover, and can be used indirectly, etc. The Ion Torpedo is incredibly useful if there are vehicles or turrets in play. The Pulse Cannon is a sniper. Every frigging thing but the homing shot is actually useful.
The homing shot? It can kill one guy at most, and is mostly useful on Hoth since that map has larger open areas than other maps. The rocket is reasonably easy to avoid if you know where it is coming from. It cannot be even locked on vehicles!
It is a weapon for fools. Anyone with some semblance of skill and sense uses anything else than it.
EDIT That said, i think it should be nerfed still, since it obviously won't be removed. Increase lock-on time by up to two seconds.
Too bad i can't sell it, it was a waste of credits.
Hahaha, I love seeing people rage over the homing missile.
They are so easy to dodge. If there's any balance I think they need, is a slightly longer lock on time. As you can get a missile off just before you die to someone jumps that on you, netting you a kill regardless of whether you die or not.
I use the homing missile all the time on Hoth. It's a great a weapon and I already made a lot of kills with it. Since it's also easily avoidable I don't think it should be nerfed
I use the homing missile all the time on Hoth. It's a great a weapon and I already made a lot of kills with it. Since it's also easily avoidable I don't think it should be nerfed
Oh boy, loving this game so far.
Anybody else feel physically cold on those ice levels? damn those textures and bump maps are impressive.
They're not easy to dodge. Most of the time they're coming at you before you even know where they're coming from.Hahaha, I love seeing people rage over the homing missile.
They are so easy to dodge. If there's any balance I think they need, is a slightly longer lock on time. As you can get a missile off just before you die to someone jumps that on you, netting you a kill regardless of whether you die or not.
When the missile locks there's a red arrow showing you the direction of the missile so you can seek appropriate if its so easy avoidable why do you make so many kills then? its not easy on an open map like hoth and even worse when you dont know where it comes from!
Why would you run through trees and not just sit behind one tree facing the RED ARROW? Wait for it to impact, boom, you're alive.They're not easy to dodge. Most of the time they're coming at you before you even know where they're coming from.
Plus it keeps locking on even after you break line of sight. I was on Endor yesterday, saw a guy locking a homing missle onto me and ran through some trees and past a rock to break the lock on. It kept on the whole time and it followed me though trees to kill me.
Could you give me some examples of what could add more depth? Some people were expecting Battlefield with a Star Wars skin, but how could that be done in a way that makes it accessible (anything is accessible if explained right in a tutorial, so I consider this a moot point) and makes sense in the Star Wars universe?
I still don't understand who thought it was a good idea to give one side an armored vehicle and the other side nothing. Get with the Star Wars canon team and make some shit up.
They could have gone for some of the Generals in uniform then. Still doesn't make sense as they never fought at the front line, but at least it would be somewhat true to the movies.
so if it´s so easy avoidable why do you make so many kills then? its not easy on an open map like hoth and even worse when you dont know where it comes from!
You don't even get the jetpack until hours into playing the game.It's not because other people don't know yet how to avoid the homing missile that it's not avoidable. If you get locked, just jetpack away, hide after a rock or start jumping.
Officers and the Imperial Navy Troopers should have been customization options for sure:
...well, Officers at least, since I doubt many people would choose those Imperial Navy bucket heads lol
I like thermal since they help with positioning, but it seems like most people I play against use impact and homing missiles together.Which do you guys prefer? Thermal grenades or impact grenades?
Same here, i have no big issue with 1 side having Walkers etc, i only think they should have 2 rounds per game on Walker Assault - 1 round your Rebels and the next your the Empire.I really dont see the problem.
I still don't understand who thought it was a good idea to give one side an armored vehicle and the other side nothing. Get with the Star Wars canon team and make some shit up.
Rebels should at least have tauntauns on Hoth :-|
would be interesting and different enough for the Rebels, just say they are stolen like the Y-Wings are.
At the very least I wouldn't mind seeing Rebel stolen AT-STs with a different paint job.
I love those helmets, would definitely choose that option.Officers and the Imperial Navy Troopers should have been customization options for sure:
...well, Officers at least, since I doubt many people would choose those Imperial Navy bucket heads lol
Which do you guys prefer? Thermal grenades or impact grenades?
Which do you guys prefer? Thermal grenades or impact grenades?
would be interesting and different enough for the Rebels, just say they are stolen like the Y-Wings are.
At the very least I wouldn't mind seeing Rebel stolen AT-STs with a different paint job.
What about one of these?
The Rebellion used them in the original Battlefronts.
What about one of these?
The Rebellion used them in the original Battlefronts.
So how the challenges work? i completed like 2 or 3 but then there is the option of skipping the ones showing if you pay. Once i pay does it count like if i did the challenge?
So how the challenges work? i completed like 2 or 3 but then there is the option of skipping the ones showing if you pay. Once i pay does it count like if i did the challenge?
The missles are line of sight and can't recognise inanimate blocking objects to circle around them. You're doing it wrong.You don't even get the jetpack until hours into playing the game.
And hiding doesn't really do shit. Like I said I ran behind trees and rocks and the homing missle still locked on and followed me.
I've gotten killed from homing shots in all of those situations. Unless I can move from being outside into a tunnel and down the hall a bit I'm going to die.It's not because other people don't know yet how to avoid the homing missile that it's not avoidable. If you get locked, just jetpack away, hide after a rock or start jumping.