2-5 shots, it's pretty good now. The night vision comes in handy sometimes as well.X8 Sniper still just bad, wow man. I mean I crank people with it and it feels like it takes 900 shots
2-5 shots, it's pretty good now. The night vision comes in handy sometimes as well.
Yeah, you really have to use it Jack Ruby style, which I dislike.I really do not like getting scout pistol kills.
Couldn't find any full Walker Assault matches tonight. I wonder if skirmish is now splitting the player base even more.
Couldn't find any full Walker Assault matches tonight. I wonder if skirmish is now splitting the player base even more.
I feel Hutt contracts are stifling the creativity of the development team, because they're coming up with slight variations of existing weapons just to give the illusion that we are getting something extra to work to.I'm glad there are options, but I find slogging through Hutt challenges to be so arduous (I really wanted to use that word). I feel like the best guns are ones that you get at start or right after, but the compulsive gamer in me feels like I must unlock everything - even if that means I gotta get a bunch of kill streaks with a shitty gun.![]()
Above post also reminded me that I haven't seen the rebels win a WA match in ages. Granted, all I play is pubs so that doesn't help, but when the game was released I felt like it was about 50/50.
I suppose they could release him as a free hero but I seriously doubt it at this point. I thought someone here was saying there were rumors Alec Guinness isn't down with them using his likeness...So chances of getting obi wan as a playable hero is 0 now right? Since next one is Chewbacca and final expansion is the women from rogue one.
Alec Guinness has passed away. The issue (if true) is that DICE would have to pay a royalty to his estate and given how DICE has been cutting a lot of corners with this game, they probably don't want to do that.I suppose they could release him as a free hero but I seriously doubt it at this point. I thought someone here was saying there were rumors Alec Guinness isn't down with them using his likeness...
Bit of a mini-rant here, why is it that I keep getting put into teams where the majority of the other players do not know what they need to do?
On Walker Assault, Drop Zone, Supremacy and Sabotage especially on Bespin, when we are the Rebels they can see what the Empire team does to win, but when the sides are switched they don't do what the Rebels were doing and vice-versa, it's really getting me down the last couple of days, it's happening 80%-90% of the games the last couple of days, I finish in about the top half of the leader-board but it's like doing the job of two or three other players.
I know you cannot win every game but it's starting to grate me now, the jump-pack needs to be banned from Cloud City, I am forever getting paired with a player that likes to sit atop a roof/dome picking people off with a sniper
Sorry, I just had to get this off my chest and wondered if anyone else has or is experiencing this?
I feel your pain. Most players on this game aren't very bright.
And bring back classes, ffs.Jet packs should be removed from the game, and Supremacy changed into Conquest.
In with you on wanting a real conquest, but i can't get on board with your anti-jetpack madness.Jet packs should be removed from the game, and Supremacy changed into Conquest.
Jet packs should be removed from the game, and Supremacy changed into Conquest.
Jet packs should be removed from the game, and Supremacy changed into Conquest.
And bring back classes, ffs.
Nah, Jump Pack is fine. If anything, they should buff it. Double the jump height and speed and making us invulnerable while jumping, while shortening the cooldown to 5 seconds.
Oh, and DICE should add it to all future Battlefield games as well, including BF1.
That's the first time I've ever seen someone complain about the jet pack. I never read the official forums though.
Jetpack nerfs/locking/banning would be the fastest path to me binning the game for good. Jetpack makes the game and is essential to a more complex mobility and positioning metagame.
It should probably just be defaulted to everyone
Thinking of buying this game.
Since it's MP only, what's the current status of it?
Userbase wise. Is it still packed with players or is it a wasteland?
PS4 version, by the way.
Thinking of buying this game.
Since it's MP only, what's the current status of it?
Userbase wise. Is it still packed with players or is it a wasteland?
PS4 version, by the way.
The trench layout on the last stage of WA at Echo Base is phenomenally well designed. It makes me very optimistic for Battlefield One.
The single player campaign is expanding, but MP on the PS4 is where it's at.
My prediction is that we won't start to see a dramatic drop-off in player population until the mid-to-late October when Battlefield One comes out. There are two other DLC packs to be released although by the time the Rogue One DLC is released in December the userbase will be very fragmented.