I feel like a simple change of only allowing the bactabomb to work on your teammates and not you or letting it work on everyone, including enemies, might just fix it. It's horrible as it is now though.Start by scrapping bacta bomb.
I feel like a simple change of only allowing the bactabomb to work on your teammates and not you or letting it work on everyone, including enemies, might just fix it. It's horrible as it is now though.Start by scrapping bacta bomb.
I feel like a simple change of only allowing the bactabomb to work on your teammates and not you or letting it work on everyone, including enemies, might just fix it. It's horrible as it is now though.
Seriously, nobody will carry it if it only heals your teammates, like nobody will carries Scout Binoculars. Hardly anybody carries Ion Torpedo in WA, even on an alternate hand, which potentially can turn around most games.
The only solution is to make it heal your opponents, as well, so you don't use it 1 sec before you die and then quickly turn around to kill your opponent while you are invincible.
Cycler rifle does decent damage on AT-AT's because you can aim it at the belly of the beast, where it really hurts. You can consistently get +15 per shot, while the Ion Torpedo is on cooldown.Tell me about it, on WA as Rebel my second hand, is always Ion Torpedo - Ion Shot - Ion Neutraliser.
If you knew then what you know now, would still buy it on PC?
The Disruptor card is perhaps the dumbest ability ever in a videogame. I only play Supremacy so I don't see it used that much but there was this one yesterday who would use it endlessly. Good god DICE.
The biggest issue with all the cards is that there's literally no drawbacks to using them so so there's really no semblance of balance. Charges are super cheap and the cool downs are all low so you can just essentially spam them without worrying about it.
Just straight up ragequit for the first time in a long time tonight, I can't deal with how legitimately fucking stupid the weekend kids are on this game. Multiple game modes I am on teams full of complete fucking idiots.
The biggest issue with all the cards is that there's literally no drawbacks to using them so so there's really no semblance of balance. Charges are super cheap and the cool downs are all low so you can just essentially spam them without worrying about it.
It's so funny how the trait that all horrible players share is doing a laugh emote after every kill. They end 6-12 or something awful and yet when they catch you at times off guard or in the middle of a battle, or when you have like no hps, they guaranteed every time do the laugh emote. Just noticed it lately
There's always an exception to the rule.
PintSizedSlasher uses that emote and he's one of the best players i've seen.
Speaking of fighter squadron; during areal combat, regardless of mode, does anybody else have a problem where there appears to be visual indicators of hit feedback but no actual damage dealt?
I frequently find myself trailing behind an opponent, fully locked on, hammering my blasters. There's a trail of sequential sparks seemingly aligned with impacts, but the opponent's health does not budge. No shield, no buffs I'm aware of. It's like the game is telling me I'm landing hits but there's no measurable difference.
Lag maybe? It happens a lot, even on local servers.
Speaking of fighter squadron; during areal combat, regardless of mode, does anybody else have a problem where there appears to be visual indicators of hit feedback but no actual damage dealt?
I frequently find myself trailing behind an opponent, fully locked on, hammering my blasters. There's a trail of sequential sparks seemingly aligned with impacts, but the opponent's health does not budge. No shield, no buffs I'm aware of. It's like the game is telling me I'm landing hits but there's no measurable difference.
Lag maybe? It happens a lot, even on local servers.
Playing now on Bespin - Turning Point as Rebels, the people I am playing with don't know that you have to capture the areas highlighted on the HUD *sigh*
Had a game earlier today of Sabotage and 90% of the team didn't know you could/had to activate the gas generators *sigh*
The problem with this game is not the game, it's how many seem to be playing it, really depressing now.
On the two Sabotage missions on Administrator's Palace and Carbonite Freezing Chambers why don't the Rebels go straight for the "B" gas generators it can be done on Carbonite Freezing Chambers, but on Administrator's Palace "B" in the dome building must be blown first, everybody needs to head to this, many times I am the first Rebel there, trigger the bomb then get killed, everyone seems to leave it to the last one to trigger and by then it is too well fortified it's impossible to breach.
Yes there is a flip side when playing against a team that doesn't know what to do, but then it's no fun as it's too easy.
People keep saying that DICE need to do this and that, imo they need to put up instructions before each match or re-set the game and have players do a trial of each game, really frustrating at times now, I know I have mentioned this a couple of times now, but it seems to be getting worse and worse![]()
i do emotes after killing people sometimes and i'm not very good
i also completely disregard the objective in order to get certain challenges done sometimes. im sorry
I really don't think it's unrealistic to assume that lots of young children play this game. Like, 6-8 young.
People keep saying that DICE need to do this and that, imo they need to put up instructions before each match
They nerfed bounty hunter? Shit, how did I miss that, I use it a lot. I know they nerfed berserker, and rightfully so, but not that many people use bounty hunter unless they were doing the jump caster combo back before the bowcaster nerf.Did they ever go back to Bounty Hunter and, you know, unscrew it. They nerfed it into oblivion in a previous patch.
They nerfed bounty hunter? Shit, how did I miss that, I use it a lot. I know they nerfed berserker, and rightfully so, but not that many people use bounty hunter unless they were doing the jump caster combo back before the bowcaster nerf.
Bounty Hunter: Modified drop chances and cooldowns - Level 1: 25% Drop chance, Level 2: 50% Drop chance, & Level 3: 50% Drop chance AND 75% cooldown on each kill
I really don't think it's unrealistic to assume that lots of young children play this game. Like, 6-8 young.
in my defense i feel like the game kinda forces my hand a little.
like if i need to kill 10 AT-STs, i'm not gonna get that done unless i'm solely focused on killing AT-STs. or i need to kill 10 T-47s, or whatever. so i'm running around in supremacy with ion torpedo trying to blow some shit up first and foremost so i can finish these challenges, and sometimes the objective becomes secondary ...
So, with the PlayStation NEO supposedly being revealed a month from now, what do you guys think? Will we see DICE supporting the NEO and release a patch for the PS4 version?
If Battlefront 2 releases at Xmas 2017, I would say there's a decent chance of this happeningSo, with the PlayStation NEO supposedly being revealed a month from now, what do you guys think? Will we see DICE supporting the NEO and release a patch for the PS4 version?
Take that back, the T21 rules! ;p It's significantly outclassed at short range, by it's pretty damn good in medium to long range engagements. It does a lot of damage per bullet, but don't rely on keeping the trigger down. You need to tap fire it.T-21 is an awful blaster.
The amount of recoil for a long range weapon is disgusting. I'd take the EE-3 over it anydayTake that back, the T21 rules! ;p It's significantly outclassed at short range, by it's pretty damn good in medium to long range engagements. It does a lot of damage per bullet, but don't rely on keeping the trigger down. You need to tap fire it.
The amount of recoil for a long range weapon is disgusting. I'd take the EE-3 over it anyday
I only use the T-21B when I play on the Imps side in Turning Point. It's not really conducive to Objective based play, unfortunately.Just use the T-21B.
That's why you tap fire it, if you wait the correct amount of time between shots there is almost no recoil.The amount of recoil for a long range weapon is disgusting. I'd take the EE-3 over it anyday
Definitely not lag. Also happens in Skirmish and it's infuriating. It's god awful when you're shooting at a rebel ship and it seems to be invincible inbetween shield cooldowns.
Happens all the time for me, even in single player. Just buggy code.
Survivors of Endor is a terrible map for Supremacy -- the center capture point is a bad meat grinder that favors the Imps too much because of bias spawning and terrain. To make matters worse the subsequent capture point for the Imps is far too close and difficult to defend.I
Tattooine seems like one of the better Supremacy maps. It has its interiors but they've multiple entry/exit points and generally the map has a good flow. I like it as a Walker Assault map too. I'm also really fond of the DLC Endor map too.
Nice detonator!I forgot that Extraction (barring Luke, he can be a heavy annoyance) is pretty damn awesome.
We couldn't make it through the final push, so I flanked them and really had one of those 'DAMN' moments.
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Gravemind IV/video/20408745
Also, my back is hurting so damn much.