Reddit says the OHK bonus from Escape Artist level 3 still doesn't kill a bacta user :/
Reddit says the OHK bonus from Escape Artist level 3 still doesn't kill a bacta user :/
New Hutt Contract and Trait available!
Get 10 Uplink defenses
Get 5 melee kills
Levels 1 and 2 improve sprint speed, Level 3 gives OHK melee attacks.
So what are you Battlefronters thinking about the BF1-beta? I saw some people thought it was very similar to Battlefront.
So what are you Battlefronters thinking about the BF1-beta? I saw some people thought it was very similar to Battlefront.
I am LTTP, just picked up the deluxe edition for PS4 along with a season bonus thingy. Anyways, this game is fucking hype yo. Rushing across the sands with a bunch of other rebels/imperials, shooting down walkers, the lasers everywhere with the Star Wars music. I really should have gotten this sooner.
Edit: I just played my first round on Endor, wow.
Edit 2: Wow I actually got MVP. I shot Vader in his stupid back too, took him down.
Supremacy/Walker Assault Jakku and Hoth are the maps that definitely give you that feeling of "holy shit, I'm in Star Wars."
...even with all the clunky gameplay imbalances
I love fighting the walkers but I feel like two is too much. I also melee killed Vader, lol. I bet that guy/girl was pissed.
Compared with the rest of the character roster, even without the DLC, I think Vader is the weakest villain to use in terms of the big maps. He can totally massacre droves of troops that decide to huddle up at an indoor control point or corridor (Got a 15 killstreak one time because of this). Out in the open though, you're more than likely to get yourself brutalized if you're playing him. You may still have a fighting chance if you're familiar with the maps' pathways and know how which abilities to use right.
What's funny is that he still seems to be the most used villain anyways, so you know people are picking him simply because it's fuckin' rad to be Darth Vader.
Every character has their advantages and disatvantages. Vader is great in close quarters, but not that great for ranged encounters. It always bothers me when my team is unable to push into a bunker to turn off an uplink and someone chooses Boba Fett just to sit up top a hill and attempt to get some kills. Morons.
Reddit says the OHK bonus from Escape Artist level 3 still doesn't kill a bacta user :/
Talk was that EA's servers were getting DDOSed.Ever since the BF1 open beta started, the SWBF servers have been laggy as fuck and I keep getting random disconnects from the EA servers. Good job DICE.
I cannot get in, it won't let me log-in/connect!
I want compensation!
Yep somethings gone wonky at EA
So what are you Battlefronters thinking about the BF1-beta? I saw some people thought it was very similar to Battlefront.
Do we have a release date for the Death Star DLC yet other than September? If not, do we at least have a date for an event where they will reveal the release date?
Who plays battlefront and loves it but just can't seem to love battlefield?
As I said above they're both so different, but I'm a fairly adaptive shooter fan... However there's something about battlefield series that I just can't quite put my finger on. Like I don't know of its the controls or how the gun play feels, but man something always prevents me from going full battlefield love
I love battlefront and battlefield, but I can't seem to get into battlefield 1. I wrecked im bf3, I miss that game.
Played a shit ton of BF4 and Hardline, loved those games, but after playing the beta, BF1 isn't day one for me anymore. I'll wait a few weeks and check out impressions and get Mafia III instead.
I actually had a pretty hard transition from SWBF to BF I, but after 5-6 hours everything clicked and it was glorious. Since I played so much BF4 I didn't expect to have a hard time picking up the beta, so it was a surprising turn of events for me. Don't get me wrong, I have a list of things I would like to see changed, but none of them are major changes and I'm still having a ton of fun playing with it as is.What do you guys don't like about it?
I love it![]()
What do you guys don't like about it?
I love it![]()
It sucks. Its just Battlefield 3/4 again. Nothing feels unique or inspired about it. I mean for fucks sake, even Battlefield 1943 was more accurate and play significantly different from Bad Company 1. BF1 just feels like a total conversion mod for BF3/4.
^ I would say about zero %. The game already looks amazing on PS4 with (almost) flawless 60 FPS. If the game would have been 30 fps then maybeIt's not that I don't like it, but it doesn't give me that "day one feeling" that Battlefront gave me after playing the beta. Man, those days between the beta and release we're excruciating, but now I will gladly wait a few weeks and see how it all plays out. Definitely going to buy it at some point ;-)
On topic:
I was thinking about the PlayStation meeting today. What are the odds of seeing some upgraded Battlefront footage to show of Neo's power? Don't know if the marketing deal is still in place for Battlefront, but if I'm not mistaken, the last few big conferences Sony did all had some sort of Battlefront presence. It will also be a good moment to release another Death Star trailer and give us the release date.
100% no drops.Battlefront is 60fps on PS4...?
Battlefront is 60fps on PS4...?
BF1 beta done so I'm back on this. 1080p would be nice on PS4 but to be honest the IQ already looks incredible considering it's only 900p and the framerate is almost always 60. They should definitely be able to it to 1080/60fps with ease on the Pro.
Do we have a date for Death Star yet?
News today, release in two weeks