Socreges said:What are the odds that Hayden Christensen has a similar voice to James Earl Jones? Good?? Because Jones will be doing the voice of Darth Vader in Episode III. It'll be interesting seeing that transition.
Shit, I still haven't seen Episode II. I'd like to. Kind of like how you run outside after hearing a car wreck.
DeadStar said:The problem with the prequels for me is:
Atrocious acting - im usually tolerant of bad acting and usually doesnt deter my liking of genre films, but in these movies, good lord...the acting is horribly horribly bad, surprisngly these are good actors too. George is a horrible actors director, and this has been know for a while. obviously poor scripts dont help the matter much.
jar jar binks + gungans + other atrociously silly CGi creatures - 'nuff said
Thats basically it for me....
Yes, he was rather good in Life as a House, I havent seen shattered glass though...Substance said:To restate Deadstar's point, the actors in the prequels are talented and capable of the roles, but fault is usually placed on Lucas' characterisation.
Christensen's acting talent should not be dismissed. He succeeded with the right nervous energy when starring in the critically acclaimed indie film the previous year named 'Shattered Glass'. And 'Life as a House', while not the best of films, was mostly recognised for its performances, to which Hayden convincingly worked with a brooding edge. If you ask me, his skills should be put into question.
Eh, sure, he was more whiny than angry in select scenes of Ep.2 but like many have already said, Luke had to have gained that brattiness somewhere.
Substance said:To restate Deadstar's point, the actors in the prequels are talented and capable of their roles, but fault is usually placed on Lucas' characterisation.QUOTE]
Fine i know Lucas has a problem with characterisations and what he wrote for EP II was the most stiff dialog i have ever heard.
but its not ONLY up the director to make the actor act out his role!
an actor has to be able to show emotions,if he is sad or happy and many other diffrent emotions but hayden coul not pull it off!
in some scenes he is so bad that a first year acting student could pull it of better!
the one in charge of casting for EpII should take alook at what she/he have done !
he has to have a talent for getting in to his character and hayden did not pull it of in EpII IMO!
He isn't supposed to have a voice similar to Jones. The original Anakin actor (old version) didn't have a voice that was similar to Jones' either.Socreges said:What are the odds that Hayden Christensen has a similar voice to James Earl Jones? Good?? Because Jones will be doing the voice of Darth Vader in Episode III. It'll be interesting seeing that transition.
Shit, I still haven't seen Episode II. I'd like to. Kind of like how you run outside after hearing a car wreck.
That actually does look a lot better than the SE cut. His head no longer jerks in convulsions. It still doesn't explain how Greedo could have missed at point blank range though.DarthWufei said:Ah, forgot about that::
Got it from the MF boards.
Tritroid said:That actually does look a lot better than the SE cut. His head no longer jerks in convulsions. It still doesn't explain how Greedo could have missed at point blank range though.
I wish he hadn't adjusted this scene at all frankly. It gave Solo that 'badass' atmosphere, and having Greedo shoot first takes away some of that.
Either way, anyone could have hit Han from where Greedo was sitting. I can understand him being a bad shot from distances while he's moving, but he's sitting down with his target motionless right in front of him. Yet somehow he manages to shoot completely off to his right? Unless he's got a broken wrist that never fully healed and causes him to hold his gun off center to the right, that makes no sense.evil ways said:You had to have read the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia to know Greedo is/was a terrible shot.
evil ways said:You had to have read the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia to know Greedo is/was a terrible shot.
I don't know, I'd probably miss. I'd get all tense and think to myself, "All right, you're going to do it...any second quick about it...GO!" and then I'd whip my gun out all wildly due to being so nervous and keyed-up and I'd probably shoot one of the members of that stupid shitty band that was playing instead of Han.Tritroid said:It still doesn't explain how Greedo could have missed at point blank range though.![]()
Boogie said:Yeah, but I'm guessing that was written AFTER the Special edition was made, as some sort of weak excuse/explanation for it.![]()
His blaster was already out though. He had it pointed at Han the entire time. Meaning he had the perfect opportunity to fricking aim the thing if he wanted. I could understand whipping it out and missing, but this is just unrealistic.human5892 said:I don't know, I'd probably miss. I'd get all tense and think to myself, "All right, you're going to do it...any second quick about it...GO!" and then I'd whip my gun out all wildly due to being so nervous and keyed-up and I'd probably shoot one of the members of that stupid shitty band that was playing instead of Han.
Boogie said:Actually no. I'm a self-admitted Star Wars geek, yes. I would have bought it. I would have bought it with the Emperor changed in ESB. I would have bought it even with the crap from the Special Editions. But with this change, I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I am not buying the Star Wars DVD. This is where I draw the line.
Phoenix said:He corrupts our franchise, and we fall back. He rearranged entire scenes, and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn HERE. This far NO farther. And *I* will make them pay for what they've done.
robertsan21 said:Substance said:To restate Deadstar's point, the actors in the prequels are talented and capable of their roles, but fault is usually placed on Lucas' characterisation.QUOTE]
Fine i know Lucas has a problem with characterisations and what he wrote for EP II was the most stiff dialog i have ever heard.
but its not ONLY up the director to make the actor act out his role!
an actor has to be able to show emotions,if he is sad or happy and many other diffrent emotions but hayden coul not pull it off!
in some scenes he is so bad that a first year acting student could pull it of better!
the one in charge of casting for EpII should take alook at what she/he have done !
he has to have a talent for getting in to his character and hayden did not pull it of in EpII IMO!
I was responding mainly to your suggestion for Hayden to take acting classes, to which I disagreed greatly. As for the performance, I dunno, he was kind of erratic and slithery throughout. The regality of some of his lines weren't convincingly delivered I guess.
Phoenix said:He corrupts our franchise, and we fall back. He rearranged entire scenes, and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn HERE. This far NO farther. And *I* will make them pay for what they've done.
Phoenix said:He corrupts our franchise, and we fall back. He rearranged entire scenes, and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn HERE. This far NO farther. And *I* will make them pay for what they've done.
karasu said:wasn't this proven to be fake by an interview with Lucas.
karasu said:wasn't this proven to be fake by an interview with Lucas.
karasu said:weird. I wonder what's gonna happen with that scene where Darth takes his helmet off then.
karasu said:weird. I wonder what's gonna happen with that scene where Darth takes his helmet off then.
karasu said:weird. I wonder what's gonna happen with that scene where Darth takes his helmet off then.
IAWTPBuddyChrist83 said:individual covers = not that bad
disc art = sex
Warm Machine said:Why do I have a feeling that no one outside of lucasfilm and the DVD production company actually has the actual discs yet. Wouldn't someone have leaked them onto the net by now or at least have taken more screen grabs? Both shots of the emporer look differn't in detail and lighting (to me at least) and the shot of the ghosts is still way too suspect for me to believe just yet.
ManaByte said:Final cover art:
BuddyChrist83 said:me? i still refuse to believe that water is wet.
Warm Machine said:I believe that the endor shot is real. I don't believe the ghost shot is real. The aspect ratio alone of the frame in comparison to the endor shot is differn't. Why would a screen grab be so differn't. Did whoever grabbed it crop the sides as well as the letterbox? I've also seen another shot of the emporer and the background and the emporer himself is differn't, not just in posing but lighting too.
I don't doubt they changed stuff but I've also heard no official word that any of these changes are real aside from The Digital Bits saying that changes are being made. I like TDB and all but they haven't seen the discs. The shots of the packaging in the beginning are obviously scanned from a marketing flyer.
Edited in: As well, if the insert EPIII SPOILER HERE is true and that is the reason for the change, why would the SPOILER be added now...before EPIII is even out in theaters?
Ecrofirt said:It completely changes the way you look at Han's character from that point on in the film.
Warm Machine said:I believe that the endor shot is real. I don't believe the ghost shot is realQUOTE]
Why wouldnt the Endor shot be real? does it not look like it did in the Original Movie?
Error Macro said:Which is exactly why Lucas did it. You see, in 1977, Lucas wanted Solo to be a renegade bad-ass. 20 years later and Lucas gets all soft inside and wants Solo to be a pussified good guy. He actually said in some interview I read along time ago, that the reason he changed the shot was so that people wouldn't look down on Han Solo as a "darker" character.
robertsan21 said:Warm Machine said:I believe that the endor shot is real. I don't believe the ghost shot is realQUOTE]
Why wouldnt the Endor shot be real? does it not look like it did in the Original Movie?
Real as in a grab from the DVD. When you screen cap a DVD everything comes along including the letterbox. If the movie is anamorphic there is some minor scaling you have to do in Photoshop or whatever to reframe it properly. The Ghost shot has been fucked with after the grab. The letterbox is gone and it isn't in the same aspect ratio as the film. Sure someone could have done some weird cropping to it but...
If Lucas has made changes to the ghost scene at the end I don't care...but I do think that shot is a fake. I think it is fake because all three characters were filmed on a film plate and the background on another. it doesn't make sense to me that lucas would spend the money on digitally erasing the old anakin's head off the body and motion matching Haydens on. Why not recomposite the shot with an all new Anakin on his own plate and completely mask out the old one? It could be done in less than a day from shooting to final composite. Otherwise it would take a hell of a lot longer.