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Star Wars : Galaxy of Heroes |OT| The best chance to unlock Kylo-Ren


It's not often you see a CU that more-or-less destroys a game, but I think we have a contender here. The developers seem to be under the impression that they are not making a mobile game, nor do they have any respect for their players time.

This exactly.

When I read they were adding in Guild raids and chat I thought what type of game are they trying to make here? I'm not interested in playing an MMO on my phone. And now with this new protection stat it makes completing GW a bitch and adds more time to doing everything else in the game. I really don't know what the devs are thinking....this is a mobile game!!!
This exactly.

When I read they were adding in Guild raids and chat I thought what type of game are they trying to make here? I'm not interested in playing an MMO on my phone. And now with this new protection stat it makes completing GW a bitch and adds more time to doing everything else in the game. I really don't know what the devs are thinking....this is a mobile game!!!

They are trying to make Clash of Clans.
Welp, the new changes have killed my interest in the game. I logged on daily for the last couple months for some fun Final Fantasy-esque battling and considered it a good trade for my time. I had been having some hard times in the game recently because I have been wading into whale territory since hitting level 60. I'd usually brush up against them, lose a lot, then have a few days where I was more evenly matched. I just considered it part of the game.

The new changes, though, just makes whales and players more entrenched than I am even more of a pain in the ass. The relative rarity of a lot of equipment mats has made it so only 2 members of my team have barely made it to equip level 7. What this means is that I'm just hopelessly outclassed every time I get pair against anything near even-level. Sure, me and my opponent have the same ability to hit each other, but I have to do almost double the damage to his guys, plus it gives time to deploy healing to them.

I went from 80% to 0% fun over the course of a day. I'm just kind of stunned.


Game got so fucking hard now, barely beat galactic warfare and it took about 30 minutes longer than usual. Most of my guys hit like wet noodles now and the challenges require me to manually play them or else my guys get obliterated.

0% chance on beating mace windu tomorrow. The strength challenge dommed me and today's I have to manually do to beat.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Man this patch sounds pretty great you guys
Wow, unanimous dislike for this update. For the past couple weeks I've only been using the clear tickets to farm a few characters as I focus on the current Avengers Academy event, so I haven't experienced any of this, but damn. This doesn't sound good at all.

Also I noticed they lowered the daily amount of rewards you get from Arena. Wtf is up with that?

Not Spaceghost

Wow, unanimous dislike for this update. For the past couple weeks I've only been using the clear tickets to farm a few characters as I focus on the current Avengers Academy event, so I haven't experienced any of this, but damn. This doesn't sound good at all.

Also I noticed they lowered the daily amount of rewards you get from Arena. Wtf is up with that?

You get more from the daily reward but less from the tier reward, it's to help new players out who can't rank high to begin with but I think they could have just you know increased the daily reward without lowering the rank reward.


Responding to a bunch of stuff:

1- You don't need a dark side healer. Playing with a healer (IMO) is playing the PvE content "wrong" 9 times out of 10. I've 3 starred everything using the kill-everything-faster strategy and it works great. Your heals simply aren't going to be able to keep up with the damage. Stuns/Kills are way more important. Daka is the best because she brings both stuns AND healing (and rezzing) if it ever comes to that.

All that said, Talia/Tusken Shaman are your only decent options and one is PTW so...

2- The challenges I'm not having too much trouble with so far. The STR challenge requires manually targeting the droids now and you benefit a lot more from saving your assist callers (if they're buffed, they'll hit for buffed damage but not lose the attack buff when called)... I haven't lost a character yet but it's been close. Agi challenge is still simply, Phasma (L)/Poggle/Daka makes it pretty auto-pilot. I have dooku/JC in there as well, Dooku for multi-proc chance from his basic and JC for the "oh shit, he actually got an attack off" heal if I need it. The INT challenge may end up being tough... we'll see. Boba Fett still a joke, Cad hasn't been an issue so far. I'm guessing Vader won't be either.

3- Protection sucks. Everything just takes longer. RNG has more time to fuck you over. Galactic War is the biggest offender, you basically need a "B" team to burn through the first 6 battles, an "A" team to battle through the next 6 battles, and a bunch of fillers in case you lose anyone and don't want to reset. It's do-able if you have the roster, but very new player unfriendly and incredibly unfun.

4- Nerfs didn't impact me that much. Everyone's complaining about less damage, but EVERYTHING is dealing less damage for the most part. So yeah, your FOTP is nerfed but so is everyone else...

5- Unless you're named Geo Soldier, who hilariously, seems to have been ignored. Hes a fucking beast still which is kind of funny considering his stats. Good HP, Speed, Damage, abilities... hilarious.

(EDIT) Bonus post; after playing this a while longer, I feel like buffs/debuffs are WAY more important than ever. Base damage sucks, healing still isn't great so you need buffers like Phasma and Offense up from Poggle/Dooku to really excel. Defense down seems pretty useful too. I think Phasma/Dooku led teams will ultimately be the norm. I'm going back n forth between Phasma/Dooku, Daka, Han, Geo Soldier for Arena... Dooku lead gives better RNG/Han survivability, Phasma lead gives better damage/burst. If I go Phasma lead I may not even need Dooku and could opt for QGJ or Rey... decisions decisions.


4- Nerfs didn't impact me that much. Everyone's complaining about less damage, but EVERYTHING is dealing less damage for the most part. So yeah, your FOTP is nerfed but so is everyone else...

But the problem is that FOTP has bottom of the barrel health and speed so if he can't kill something during his turn, he's a wasted slot. That was his advantage before IF he got to his turn (and that was kind of a big if since a warm breeze could and can kill him) he'd kill somebody.


But the problem is that FOTP has bottom of the barrel health and speed so if he can't kill something during his turn, he's a wasted slot. That was his advantage before IF he got to his turn (and that was kind of a big if since a warm breeze could and can kill him) he'd kill somebody.

I can only speak for Galactic War/Challenges as I haven't brought FOTP to Arena, he's worked fine there. His special actually hits hard now (I got an 11K crit off of it) so it's actually worth using now. His basic hits for less, but again, so does everyone's. He's also got a guaranteed crit with advantage on the first hit of his basic which he didn't have before. Again, it's not pre-patch level but it's better than the numbers really tell you when you compare it to what happened to everyone else.

Also, no one has lost health. Everyone has gained health. The AI can't focus for shit, I haven't lost a character in the first turn in combat in any mode yet.

On Defense? Yeah, he sucks. So does everyone. There isn't a defense team on the planet that consistently wins though so who really cares? Slap him with Dooku Lead and RG like everyone else and hope RNG is on your side so he can dodge shit and RG's taunt triggers. Your team probably won't focus fire anyway and lose regardless.
4- Nerfs didn't impact me that much. Everyone's complaining about less damage, but EVERYTHING is dealing less damage for the most part. So yeah, your FOTP is nerfed but so is everyone else...

I can't beat anything in the last two tiers of Cantina Battles, because not only do the enemies have about 2x the HP, they hit ridiculously hard now. It's a good thing I cleared all of these prior so can just use tickets on them, because I can't deal with 5 enemies who all can AoE for 6k+, and I have no chance to kill them before they get to go. And even if I manage to disable enough of them to get to the final boss, the final boss can one shot anyone(seen 15K non-criticals) unless I stick some kind of debuff on them. And, oh by the way, Debuffs don't stick on the final bosses nearly as reliably as they used to. I've tried the Dooku shard cantina battle 6 times now and I haven't even come close to winning one of these. And I'm using Tier 8 geared 7* level 72 units, it's not like there's a massive power-up I'm missing.

Today's challenge didn't seem different except the enemies have way more health than they used to, but there is no way someone can claim the Strength challenge is still reasonable. 30K hits used to take over half enemy health, now it takes maybe 20%, and it's not like anyone, even with the post-droid buff, reliable hits for 30K, that's a high-end crit on a better unit.

Incidentally, I think the problem with the strength challenge is that they massively buffed HP/segment, but didn't change the number of segments enemies have. This impacts everything, but in the case of the strength challenge where the whole challenge is based on using the one-time droid buffs to kill the bosses, totally borks it, because the one-time droid buffs don't do enough damage anymore.

EDIT: And I won't even get into "Protection" which was advertised as a feature which helps you, but in reality makes Galactic War suck and has basically no impact anywhere else.
EDIT2: Just checked and the party I've been using is all Tier 8, no tier 7s left.


I can't beat anything in the last two tiers of Cantina Battles, because not only do the enemies have about 2x the HP, they hit ridiculously hard now. It's a good thing I cleared all of these prior so can just use tickets on them, because I can't deal with 5 enemies who all can AoE for 6k+, and I have no chance to kill them before they get to go. And even if I manage to disable enough of them to get to the final boss, the final boss can one shot anyone(seen 15K non-criticals) unless I stick some kind of debuff on them. And, oh by the way, Debuffs don't stick on the final bosses nearly as reliably as they used to. I've tried the Dooku shard cantina battle 6 times now and I haven't even come close to winning one of these. And I'm using Tier 8 geared 7* level 72 units, it's not like there's a massive power-up I'm missing.

Today's challenge didn't seem different except the enemies have way more health than they used to, but there is no way someone can claim the Strength challenge is still reasonable. 30K hits used to take over half enemy health, now it takes maybe 20%, and it's not like anyone, even with the post-droid buff, reliable hits for 30K, that's a high-end crit on a better unit.

Incidentally, I think the problem with the strength challenge is that they massively buffed HP/segment, but didn't change the number of segments enemies have. This impacts everything, but in the case of the strength challenge where the whole challenge is based on using the one-time droid buffs to kill the bosses, totally borks it, because the one-time droid buffs don't do enough damage anymore.

EDIT: And I won't even get into "Protection" which was advertised as a feature which helps you, but in reality makes Galactic War suck and has basically no impact anywhere else.
EDIT2: Just checked and the party I've been using is all Tier 8, no tier 7s left.

I'm not high to test the new cantina battles, but that does sound shitty. Reminds me of that 4-L lightside battle that was BS way back when. I don't see how the damage nerf really makes a difference though with regard to that. It's just a poorly tuned encounter like 4-L was from the sounds of it. (EDIT) Oh, when I said everything dealt less damage I was talking about the heroes, not the enemy.

And yeah, I didn't have trouble beating the STR challenge but I was lucky enough to have the "right" heroes at the right gear level probably. Sidious (L), Rey, Geo, IG-86, FOTP with only Rey/Fotp at 6* and everyone else at 7*. So long as you focus down Veers (with droid buffs), I was fine. It certainly came close when RNG was not on my side (assist calls calling in people who weren't droid buffed) but I didn't lose anyone. It certainly sounds like people without some of the more "ideal" characters are running into issues... again, I chalk this up more to being poorly tuned than the damage nerf though.

Protection does suck though, but to say it impacts nowhere else is a bit silly. Arena is much different now. It's harder to lose (easier to draw though!) because of how scatter-brained the AI is and everyone having a "turn" helps too. I also found AoE/DoT's to be a bit more reliable... I run Sidious in my GW team to exploit the healers and he's basically able to freely AoE at the start of every match because it never ends up effecting health, just protection.

I dunno, I guess the mechanical changes I just don't mind as much. It's almost like they released this poorly tuned mechanic to draw attention away from the Whale hunting they're doing with the Omega event. 1200 crystals a day for 4 more Omega powerups than your FTP player and nobody is harping on that? No one is going to bring up the apple-only event? The an/droid outrage seemed pretty big, but barely a peep about of this.


They reverted the Challenge adjustments and sent out a bunch of free stuff to say sorry. If they can adjust GW as well, which they are "looking in to", I'll be okay with the game again.


They reverted the Challenge adjustments and sent out a bunch of free stuff to say sorry. If they can adjust GW as well, which they are "looking in to", I'll be okay with the game again.

Yeah, the Int challenge was easy today. Mace is back to never getting a turn (the one time he got a turn, he was stunned...). Trash mobs are again trash. I'm actually pretty glad it was a STR/Agi day that gave rewards on, double the rewards for those 2 days is pretty great.

They basically gave out the max payment for EACH tier at 5 times each, so tier 1 rewards x5, tier 2 rewards x5, etc. I'm starting to surplus to purple computers... time to level up some other guys I guess.


Coming from a newer players perspective, update is painful. I liked the game because it wasn't a heavy time commitment and I could progress at a decent rate, get all the challenge materials, etc even on auto while I'm doing something else.

Now having to micromanage a lot more means it simply won't get all done and knowing I'm throwing away stamina/challenge tries, galactic war, just makes me more disinterested.

I'll keep it on the backburner, maybe they'll change their minds about their balancing some more but who knows. Enjoy folks

Not Spaceghost

Man so my QGJ basically feels useless, he does so little damage and has so little HP now that it feels pointless to have him as lead when phasma with the advantage change basically provides more on demands burst, is more tanky, and has a really fun leader skill that I personally think ends up providing more value.

Not having a despeller is rough though when taunts come at the wrong time so I might try to fit ventress in there somewhere but right now my setup:

Geo Solider

Seems to be working really well.

That sorry we fucked up package was pretty great though, shame the patch is such a mess or I'd be more excited about all the free stuff.


Man so my QGJ basically feels useless, he does so little damage and has so little HP now that it feels pointless to have him as lead when phasma with the advantage change basically provides more on demands burst, is more tanky, and has a really fun leader skill that I personally think ends up providing more value.

Seems strange that your biggest complaints for QGJ are his damage/low HP and your replacement option is... Sidious (nerfed damage/Low HP) and Ventress (slow so QGJ out-damages her over time and also, Low HP).

QGJ still has an 1-turn assist call, dispel with team wide Offense up, and high speed. He's Dooku bait but almost a necessary evil for the tanks in the game. The other dispel options are strictly inferior in every way (dispel plus team wide O-up is just a MASSIVE upgrade over anything else). That's reason enough to keep QGJ in the line up IMO.


Double attacks and bonus attacks is the most annoying thing about the game
especially the animation advantage in PvP that makes a double bonus attack team win on time
it is bullshit


Saturday Patch just went up (at bottom). Biggest changes: Lando is now a Rebel, Ackbar/Solo/Phasma/Lando/X just became a "thing" I believe. QGJ O-up on dispel even if target dies is pretty awesome too.

BTW, whoever said the new unlocked PvE content is ridiculous hard wasn't lying. Just hit 74 and the new levels and trash mobs are 1-shotting my maxed out guys... anyone with an assist call has to die round 1 or you'll lose a character. It's kind of crazy. Stun teams or bust atm, they'll have to patch it down at some point anyway.

Here are the update notes for 4/16/2016
Character Updates and Bug Fixes
The "+50% Offense" buff the Geonosian Soldier receives after using "Aggressive Advance" basic ability, now expires at the end of an encounter
Lando Calrissian is now a “Rebel"
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s (Old Ben) Evasion Up effect from “Elegant Form” basic ability no longer persists through phases
Leia’s Crit Damage buff is now able to be dispelled
Kit Fisto’s Potency Up buff no longer persists through phases
Qui-Gon Jinn's Humbling Blow will now correctly grant Offense Up even when defeating its target (Once upgraded to grant Offense Up on Dispel.)
Offense up obtained from Qui-Gon Jinn’s Humbling Blow will no longer persist between encounters
Qui-Gon Jinn will now only use Humbling Blow to Dispel when driven by AI or Auto-Battle
Fixed an issue with Count Dooku and Talia pausing during combat and displaying improper VFX
Fixed Darth Vader’s Culling Blade throw from extending beyond the character after the unit has been revived
Other Updates and Bug Fixes
Audio added for tapping Daily Activities
Reward Crates now have audio when tapped
Collecting rewards in Inbox now has audio
In Squad Arena, the tiered rewards leaderboard list now has audio when the user taps on a list item
The song from the Tatooine Cantina environment will now be stopped when the music is off
Fixed an issue with the Find menu displaying issues in locked challenges
Fixed an issue with ability materials being transparent in the pack opening sequence for Jedi Master & Apprentice bundle packs

Not Spaceghost

Seems strange that your biggest complaints for QGJ are his damage/low HP and your replacement option is... Sidious (nerfed damage/Low HP) and Ventress (slow so QGJ out-damages her over time and also, Low HP).

QGJ still has an 1-turn assist call, dispel with team wide Offense up, and high speed. He's Dooku bait but almost a necessary evil for the tanks in the game. The other dispel options are strictly inferior in every way (dispel plus team wide O-up is just a MASSIVE upgrade over anything else). That's reason enough to keep QGJ in the line up IMO.

Well phasma replaced QGJ as lead, I might bring QGJ in place of sidious, but sidious' ability to block heals from happening and his offense down seems to be more effective than additional damage.of QGJ.

I guess you're right though ventress probably doesn't fit here.


I wonder why they are not fixing the healer AI
all healers heal although there is a no-heal debuff on the only wounded ally
not that I'm complaining, it makes healer teams very easy enemies, but still it's weird, it seems to be an easy thing to fix


I wonder why they are not fixing the healer AI
all healers heal although there is a no-heal debuff on the only wounded ally
not that I'm complaining, it makes healer teams very easy enemies, but still it's weird, it seems to be an easy thing to fix

it is stupid to see 3 heals get burned on one unhealable avatar, while the rest of the team is at full health

while "UnHealableAvatar" heal=0
if "TeamAverangeHP" =>70% heal=1
if "TeamMateHP" =>60% heal=1

I can't program, but I can work this magic
tsc tsc


it is stupid to see 3 heals get burned on one unhealable avatar, while the rest of the team is at full health

while "UnHealableAvatar" heal=0
if "TeamAverangeHP" =>70% heal=1
if "TeamMateHP" =>60% heal=1

I can't program, but I can work this magic
tsc tsc

I have a feeling they leave this in on purpose. I have little doubt that the programmers couldn't do this (or focus fire) with the AI, but simply choose not too because it lowers the value of heal block. Maybe it's just me, but I sort of view it as a strategic decision to leave a character low/heal blocked and burn healer turns that way than just killing it off and moving onto the next target (but taking damage).

Not Spaceghost

It makes me sad that my Aalya Secura I pulled from my first 350 pack will be a 3 star hero for pretty much forever, because she's really awesome.


It makes me sad that my Aalya Secura I pulled from my first 350 pack will be a 3 star hero for pretty much forever, because she's really awesome.

Yeah, I used her for a long time and then just couldn't anymore :( On the plus side, Ahsoka got buffed so #notalltwilekjedi

Not Spaceghost

Yeah, I used her for a long time and then just couldn't anymore :( On the plus side, Ahsoka got buffed so #notalltwilekjedi

Yeah I've been using Ahsoka like crazy in GW and Arena, she's sturdy, has great burst damageo n low health enemies, really fast, decent healing utility she's awesome.


Yeah I've been using Ahsoka like crazy in GW and Arena, she's sturdy, has great burst damageo n low health enemies, really fast, decent healing utility she's awesome.

My issue with her is keeping track of her passive, the UI just isn't good enough to present that information cleanly so I dislike using her for GW.

Data-mined Guild/Raid stuff sounds interesting:


From the sounds of it, the Raid will have 4 levels of progress, Gamorreans round 1, then 3 rounds of Rancor. Rounds 2 and 3 of the fight sounds like managing the Devour cooldown and the toppled/door control mechanic. Mechanically speaking, you're probably looking at 1-2 tanks, a healer/dispeller (if possible), and DPS/debuffer.

There will be 2 'exclusive' characters with guilds as well, Gamorrean and Jawa Engineer. There will be daily tasks to complete for guild points (?) that'll unlock raids/etc.


My current arena team is pretty beastly. Currently sitting at rank 70. They have much lower power than the others but they make up for it otherwise.

Have HK-47 as the lead with IG-86 and IG-88 to provide the smackdown. Those two plus the boost from HK can get pretty crazy and allow me to gun down teams as long as they don't manage to one shot my 88. I can still win if they do but it is harder.

To back them up I have Royal Guard and Stormtrooper Han to taunt, stun, and mess with turn meters. I'm loving it pretty well so far and the team is totes farmable as a FTP person. I have not spent one cent on this game. The only one that is hard to farm is RG and I am just trucking along gathering a bit at a time. He is 5 star right now.


So my team is lvl 54
1 hit killed

GW matches based on power level of your arena team IIRC. The first 6-7 battles are all lower than your power level and slowly creep up to your level. Unfortunately, it can't factor in lop-sided power builds like that (His Luke is really built but his other characters are low star/gear/level). His overall power level is probably just above your current arena team's power level (you can click on each of his characters and total up all 5 power amounts and compare it to your arena team). I believe it's still comparing it to the last arena team.


Is there a preemptive way to get in the GAF Guild? Hopefully I'm strong enough. Been in this game multiple times daily since launch. I have a feeling it will be this Thursday and that's the one day I am absolutely locked in with work. I can try from my phone but depending on the setup and Guild requirements it would be a lot easier that afternoon from PC.

Also, any tips on who to focus on for GW from this point? Have yet to win and I put a level 50s moderate gear team in Arena, enough to hold me in the 2000s but I still get wrecked in GW about halfway through. Focused on getting Akbar, Luminara, and Talia to 7* right now since they are all so close anyway. Plus Sidious and Phasma gear all the way before the rest. 6*+ focus to level 80.



Neo Member
I'm finding it harder and harder to find the motivation to play after this update. Admittedly, I've been taking it pretty easy in terms of playing, and my team isn't anywhere near the strongest, but they were doing fine on the Cantina battles/"campaign" missions (only one with gear VII, 2 5-stars). But it seems like the devs balanced far too much around Protection, which isn't as powerful as having more HP, and I'm needing to heal a lot more in battles. (Not forgetting that some of my main players got hit badly including Anakin, so now it's back to rebuilding a new team.)

In addition to Arena rewards dropping by 100 at my rank, I'm now no longer picking up a shipment every day (and I'm finding my matches being a lot stronger in terms of power), and I think possibly my time with this app is coming to an end.


In addition to Arena rewards dropping by 100 at my rank, I'm now no longer picking up a shipment every day (and I'm finding my matches being a lot stronger in terms of power), and I think possibly my time with this app is coming to an end.

Arena payout hasn't changed. They lowered the payout by 100 but put 100 more tokens in the "daily challenge" for completing 3 arena fights. So long as you fight 3 times per day, your arena payout is exactly the same.

Is there a preemptive way to get in the GAF Guild? Hopefully I'm strong enough. Been in this game multiple times daily since launch. I have a feeling it will be this Thursday and that's the one day I am absolutely locked in with work. I can try from my phone but depending on the setup and Guild requirements it would be a lot easier that afternoon from PC.

I'm not even sure if there's enough people here to really run a Gaf Guild. Even before the last update, the # of people posting in this thread was pretty small... it seems worse post update. If anything, there will probably be a GAF + randoms guild if I had to guess.

The update is slated for this Sunday (4/24/16 PST sometime, will require manual updating but be a mandatory update on 4/25/16):


My one concern with how guilds look (based on data-mined previews) is it seems to "force" players into pay groups... that is, the FTP players should only guild with each other, mini-spenders another tier, and whales a final tier. The way the daily rewards are structured, FTP players simply can't spend the crystals/energy on the daily tasks to complete the next "tier" of rewards and thus become a burden on the spenders/whales if within the same guild. I'm hoping I'm wrong but it certainly seems to be shaping up that way. Again, wouldn't be an issue with a GAF guild, but I don't know if anyone is stepping up to run one or not....

Also, any tips on who to focus on for GW from this point? Have yet to win and I put a level 50s moderate gear team in Arena, enough to hold me in the 2000s but I still get wrecked in GW about halfway through. Focused on getting Akbar, Luminara, and Talia to 7* right now since they are all so close anyway. Plus Sidious and Phasma gear all the way before the rest. 6*+ focus to level 80.


7* is highly overrated, especially at your level. At level 70, a star is roughly the equivalent (in power) as 10 levels (60 -> 70). It's not insignificant, but it's also not the end all-be all. With the exception of an arena team, you're almost always better off filling out your roster with 5/6* heroes than fully 7* heroes.

your focuses (IMO) should be:

1- Geo soldier (cantina 1-1)- still not nerfed, still an easy farm, still no reason not to max. He's very good in all game modes.

2- ST Han (arena)- You've farmed Ackbar this far, there's little reason to run Ackbar and not be running ST Han. Ackbar doesn't really benefit all that much from higher star level. His damage is mediocre, his skills don't scale off of stars, and he's never the "first" target in PvP so the health increase doesn't matter. You can safely stop farming him and start someone else for Arena.

3- Poggle or finish IG-86 (GW shipments) - There aren't a lot of great characters from GW. You can finish off Lum and then finish off IG-86 or start on Poggle. Poggle is solid overall and does help to make the AGI challenge easier. Pickings are slim once you finish those 2 regardless.

4- QGJ/Daka/Poe/Fives (Cantina shards) - lots of options here unfortunately, depends largely on what sort of team you ultimately want to field. Daka would probably help the most with completing GW on the daily. QGJ can certainly help that too, plus if you ever want to tackle the Yoda challenge you'll likely need him. Poe is out of favor right now, but still a super solid tank. Fives is the new hotness.

that's my two cents :)


Is there a preemptive way to get in the GAF Guild? Hopefully I'm strong enough. Been in this game multiple times daily since launch. I have a feeling it will be this Thursday and that's the one day I am absolutely locked in with work. I can try from my phone but depending on the setup and Guild requirements it would be a lot easier that afternoon from PC.

Also, any tips on who to focus on for GW from this point? Have yet to win and I put a level 50s moderate gear team in Arena, enough to hold me in the 2000s but I still get wrecked in GW about halfway through. Focused on getting Akbar, Luminara, and Talia to 7* right now since they are all so close anyway. Plus Sidious and Phasma gear all the way before the rest. 6*+ focus to level 80.


GW isn't that hard when you get the hang of it. I'm only level 63 though. I'm running Luminara 7*, Talia 6*, Eeth Koth 5*, Jedi Consular 4*. My fifth spot varies, except I usually run Ewok Elder 2* against Sidious. The ability to remove the heal block, and to revive if necessary helps a lot. I like Luminara as the leader as she lets you heal up once you start eliminating enemies. Once I'm down to 1-2 enemies left, I save my specials for the beginning of the next battle. Sometimes I bring in the b-team to take out a specific enemy. I don't mind if they all get wiped, as long as they take out their target.


So, I just had a run in with Fives in arena. I blew apart his entire team and it was Fives versus RG, HK, 88, 86, and ST Han.

He blew away my entire team. RG failed his stuns and he just opened up an entire case. I couldn't kill him. Crazy


I usually do dooku last, I ignore teams with fives, he is an incredible killer

most teams have a sidious und I usually kill him first because his debuff is a game changer
what characters do you guys usually kill first or last?


I usually do dooku last, I ignore teams with fives, he is an incredible killer

most teams have a sidious und I usually kill him first because his debuff is a game changer
what characters do you guys usually kill first or last?

I try and stun Dooku with Eeth Koth every chance I get. If he gets stunned, he goes down first.

I finally got a team of 5 dark side gear level 7s so they have protection. I've got 7 light side characters with protection. Those get 20 of this item, which only seems to drop once a millenium are a pain in the ass.
I actually leave Sidious for last because 2 of my characters, Mace and Luminara, whiff on him repeatedly. I'll take Dooku out first or Daka if she is present. Or whatever character has the lowest health to gain the numbers advantage.


I usually do dooku last, I ignore teams with fives, he is an incredible killer

most teams have a sidious und I usually kill him first because his debuff is a game changer
what characters do you guys usually kill first or last?

I roll with a stun comp (Dooku, Daka, RG + 2 assist callers) so I'm basically attacking whoever is not stunned. I tend to leave jedi for last so Dooku gets the better stun odds/multi-hit.

I don't really worry about Sidious much anymore since I don't really rely on healing. Protection lasts me through ~4-6 battles before I start taking actual health damage.

Dooku/counter-attackers get ignored until I land a stun. I'll fish for a stun with RG usually then unload on them. Healers dragging out the battle isn't a big deal for me since it means I can use Daka's "heal" as a heal and not a rez and still have it off cooldown for the next fight.

If counter-attacks start to become a thing in arena, I imagine Lum or healers in general may see a resurgence. You basically just need 1 healer to shut down a counter-attacker.


Out of reflex I happened to open the game I guess the day after they patched all the missions and sent forgiveness baskets out. I found simming all the stuff to be easy again. I think I hang around to catch this guild battle thing to see if it's any fun and unlock 7* Yoda since I wasted forever getting all my Jedi ranked up.

Just wondering who to spend my 10k arena funds on. I have Han and Sidious at 7*. Is IG-88 my next best choice?

I gave up doing most of the GW stuff. I sim through the first 6 and call it quits now. Magma, IG-86, Poggle, Lumi and Phasma all 7*. I guess Biggs might be useful, but he's fine at being a 4* right now.

Cantina credits I finally started investing into Daka when I pulled her from a bronze pack. She's on her way to 7*. QGJ is my other 7* from there. I sunk a lot of credits into Boba Fett and 5s. They are both at 5*. I might just hoard my credits until I see where the meta moves in the next major update.

My arena team I decided to be a dick like everyone else, so now I have Dooku, Daka, Han, Lumi and usually QGJ just for the assist and debuff. I tried subbing in RG and Rey, but they seem to need another star or something for more hp.

I guess I'll hang around and continue to play part time with my star wars toons


Arena doesn't really have any "must have" characters, so pick who you like. You already have Sidious/Han which are probably the 2 best characters for arena so whoever else you pick will just be to fit that niche you're looking for:

88/HK for droid teams
Ventress for stun team/nightsisters team
Ackbar for rebel teams
Greedo/Nute for future Scoundrel event (data-mined)
Eeth if you need a quick farmable 7* jedi for Yoda
Opress if you don't like your other options
Ugnaught and CUP never

I've only maxed Sidious but have a 6* ST Han, 88, HK, Ventress and 5* Greedo/Nute/Eeth/Ackbar. Currently slow-starring Greedo/Nute for the Scoundrel event.
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