Karak said:Man. I really enjoyed this. Just beat it. Had a great time. Gameplay was a blast with less rough spots than many supposed "AAA" games released this year.
Plot was ok and no where near as bad as the reviewers were spewing. Almost laughable to see reviews of this versus how much the couple of us played through it had. But then again we play for fun, not to write a review.
jediyoshi said:Does it look better on console? I'm going through on the PC maxed out and the technical issues alone are killing it for me.
You have basically played half the game alreadyMedalion said:Ive played someof the game already, up to the fight with the Barons ship firing at me from a broken bridge...
The game seems somehow less polished compared to the demo I played before, i dunno... Lot more screen tearing and lag and load times. Layout and wave of enemies way too repetitive... Those Sith acolytes are so freakiin annoying
Gotta come back to it later tomortow
The entire game crashed on me during this part.Rated-Rsuperstar said:Did anyone else's framerate crash during the casino area? It became a clip show for about 30 seconds. It was really bad.
FTWer said:That actually sounds like a lot of replay.
I guess getting 100% means a close to 10 hour game.
Medalion said:Ive played someof the game already, up to the fight with the Barons ship firing at me from a broken bridge...
The game seems somehow less polished compared to the demo I played before, i dunno... Lot more screen tearing and lag and load times. Layout and wave of enemies way too repetitive... Those Sith acolytes are so freakiin annoying
Gotta come back to it later tomortow
I also play for fun, but I don't think I should lower my standards because of that. While I did enjoyed the game somewhat, the story was total garbage. It's dumb, hollow and lacks any cohesiveness. It even fails to move the game forward because it's so uninteresting. It's pretty meaningless too. It's a story that didn't need to be told, and I have a hard time believing that even the most passionate Star Wars fan would find anything worth of being remembered in this tale. The plot itself can be told in it's entirety in one line, which would be ok if there was any characterization. There isn't any, AT ALL.Karak said:Man. I really enjoyed this. Just beat it. Had a great time. Gameplay was a blast with less rough spots than many supposed "AAA" games released this year.
Plot was ok and no where near as bad as the reviewers were spewing. Almost laughable to see reviews of this versus how much the couple of us played through it had. But then again we play for fun, not to write a review.
Karak said:Man. I really enjoyed this. Just beat it. Had a great time. Gameplay was a blast with less rough spots than many supposed "AAA" games released this year.
Plot was ok and no where near as bad as the reviewers were spewing. Almost laughable to see reviews of this versus how much the couple of us played through it had. But then again we play for fun, not to write a review.
heringer said:I have a hard time believing that even the most passionate Star Wars fan would find anything worth of being remembered in this tale.
heringer said:Basically, it's worse than most fanfics out there. It really is.
Kimosabae said:Anyone else have serious problems with the ad campaign for this game?
I assume you're on the second stage? I remember thinking something along those lines at this point in the game. To me the first two stages were great, but it went downhill after that.iratA said:Ok got the game here are some impressions as promised.
I love the look, the feel, the art style it all just works! The choice of colours, the draw distance, the little cinematic touches here and there, and the general polish all add up to give it a more 'Star Wars Movie Vibe' than the first game could ever accomplish. Even though the first game is longer, much longer.
The combat feels better than the first, but probably because I enjoy the little set ups in this one more. Mind tricking an enemy sniper for example, or reflecting freeze blasts or missiles into other enemies, force pushing enemies into giant turbines and so on.... it all just feels more dynamic and more like emergent gameplay opportunities.
If you read my comments earlier based on having read reviews and at that time not having played the game, you can see this is a big turn around for me. At this point I think this game is a keeper. Yeah its short and the story isn't anything groundbreaking, but hell if this isn't a great game with some terrific designs and fun gameplay.
A 7 ish score is probably warranted If your using the entire 10 point scale.
Oh did I mention this is pretty?!
Not 100% on this, but i think you can do so if you play a harder difficulty via level selectzorbsie said:Does anyone know if you can take your leveled character to a harder difficulty, or do you have to start with a clean slate?
three posts up:CAW said:
CAW said:
BattleMonkey said:Wanted the PC version but it's not on steam (WTF), and Best Buy didn't get any for some reason.
I3rand0 said:
BattleMonkey said:When did it get added? Tried yesterday afternoon and it wasn't on the store so just said fuck it.
Can't believe I missed that, thanks.Stallion Free said:three posts up:
Are they fucking serious, locking the FPS at 30 on PC again? Why the fuck does Lucasarts keep farming these ports out to Aspyr. They fucking blow. Also, there is no v-sync and forcing it through control panel or through d3doverrider with triple buffering makes the cutscenes choppy as shit. This is fucking lame.
Just fired up steam and noticed it as a news items. Wonder why they added it so late.BattleMonkey said:When did it get added? Tried yesterday afternoon and it wasn't on the store so just said fuck it.
Kimosabae said:Anyone else have serious problems with the ad campaign for this game?
Stallion Free said:Are they fucking serious, locking the FPS at 30 on PC again? Why the fuck does Lucasarts keep farming these ports out to Aspyr. They fucking blow. Also, there is no v-sync and forcing it through control panel or through d3doverrider with triple buffering makes the cutscenes choppy as shit. This is fucking lame.
SpudBud said:The PC version is capped a 30FPS and doesn't have v-sync? Who the hell okay's this shit?
At 40 bucks I would have bought it but damn.
BattleMonkey said:Yea it's pretty lame. The graphics and gameplay improved, but the story was pathetic and totally lacking in content.
Game feels like a completely different team which is obvious since much of the first games team was supposedly let go. This feels like they just refined the gameplay a bit but lacked on everything else. The first game had much more story, locations, and in each location there was unique enemies to fight for said location. This one just has you fighting the same shitty enemies over and over again, and most are not fun at all to fight, like those fucking shield droids.
Games first two levels feel pretty fun and it seems like a solid game, but after that the game goes to crap with highly repetitive level design and gameplay. The visuals also seem to nosedive in the 2nd half with lot of low polygon models for objects and shitty texturing.
It's sad that most of the length of the game also comes from lots of repetitive padding. I thought the first game was a C game as it was entertaining, but this was just shit on a stick rush job. Maybe if there is lots of DLC or something and it eventually gets a cheap game of the year rerelease it might be worth something.....![]()
Don't really have a problem with the light side ending (which is the one thats part of continuity apparently), but the Dark Side ending was so much much better and would have made for an interesting sequel basis.
Tadale said:Took about 5 hours to finish the game on hard. Is it just me, or was the writing really bad in this game? Kota and Starkiller are really annoying, and the ending was just rancid. The last boss fight was tedious and boring.