GDI Bioware. That was the best option ever.
Do we even know that the F&F is operating on the release build? It seems weird we don't have any patch notes for a mysterious 100 MB update.
GDI Bioware. That was the best option ever.
I know.Well, Bioware said the next build is the release build, and if they're continuing to play on the same set of servers, how could it not be? Bioware did say that patching from Nov 25 Beta Weekend Build -> Release will not be a full re-download like the previous release's "patch" process was.
I'm just going to casually PVE my way through this sucker with no pressure to get the next big piece of gear or worry about raiding. It will be a single player game I play with a select group of friends and the occasional pug. I like that the game is basically designed that way.
Well, Bioware said the next build is the release build, and if they're continuing to play on the same set of servers, how could it not be? Bioware did say that patching from Nov 25 Beta Weekend Build -> Release will not be a full re-download like the previous release's "patch" process was.
Of course.Release build, but we can still get patches before release right?
Ok wow. I thought it was kids acting like kids. Boobies!!
Pretty much this, though I am admittedly more interested in PvP. I just don't have the time for "hardcore" raiding - especially not when I still plan on playing single player games in my backlog.
Yea, I wasn't even in a hardcore guild and it felt like another job. I no longer want to spend 3 hours a night on one boss wiping over and over again for something.
Gradual progression, easier bosses on front, harder near the end. Hard mode for hardcore players.
I don't care at all about raiding and hope that we can have MMOs without it in the near future.
I'm with you on this, but man Huttball was disappointing.
Why the hell would they remove it. What the hell is the point.GDI Bioware. That was the best option ever.
There's three Operation difficulties: Normal, Hard, and Nightmare. Other than that, not much.Have they said anything about Hard Modes? I really hate the current WoW incarnation of them.
Why the hell would they remove it. What the hell is the point.
I don't care at all about raiding and hope that we can have MMOs without it in the near future.
If they made Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup into a cooperative MMO... oh man. The best. Fuck raiding, SURVIVAL is your goal.
There's three Operation difficulties: Normal, Hard, and Nightmare. Other than that, not much.
So, do we have an ETA on when we will know our early access dates? Although since I pre-ordered on the day they opened, I am hoping 1st day for me.
And on same note, when pre-loading can begin?
Check your browser default language settings, German is probably set as the first one.
If you played in the weekend beta you're already pre-loaded.
If you want you can just drag and drop the SWTOR folder wherever you want, like with WoW.I am getting a new SSD, will need to re-install
If you want you can just drag and drop the SWTOR folder wherever you want, like with WoW.
One thing I would like to see, that just won't happen, is the use of DCUO's style system. Some of those helmets are fucking ugly.
When I hit 30 I got a hold of some really nifty red armor for my bounty hunter, and I would have loved to have kept that look throughout the game.
General testers get access tomorrow morning at 11:00AM CST.
Can't wait! I hope they fixed my broken companions.![]()
Doing what instead exactly? WoWs already proven the difficulty of scaling down encounters to fit a 5-10 man group. You'll never see the same kind of challenging content with a 4/5 man party.
Every game with equipment should have this!
Doing anything but loot whoring. Player cities, player economy, massive world events, player sponsored fight clubs, etc. etc. I simply cannot bring myself to do a dungeon-based loot collection end game ever again in an MMO.
Based upon user commentary and consumer surveys, the profit potential for The Old Republic is high. We see little risk of failure for The Old Republic, Divnich added.
It's a release candidate, that shit better be fixed.
No joke, I like how DCUO handles some things like equipment look, colors, and achievements. While achievements were a grind they did more than just give you a neat little trophy, they actually were the main party of increasing your stats passed level cap.Every game with equipment should have this!
A couple of analysts are saying that SWTOR has very little chance of failure:
I was a hardcore raider for most of TBC and all of Wrath. It was extremely satisfying getting server first(especially yogg 0 25man), but man does that take its toll on you. I was raiding for 4 nights a week on progression content starting from 7pm-1am. It got to a point where it was pretty much a job and after I quit WoW at the end of WOLTK, I told myself I wouldn't do that again when I play SWTOR.
Guild drama sucked too.
Is there a way to tell what kind of tester you are? I got invited a while ago but I never downloaded the client because at the time I didn't have a capable pc. Now that I do I want to see how well it runs. I wanted to play this past weekend but the servers were off by the time my download finished. I know the servers are supposed to go back on tomorrow but I can't seem to find out if I'm a general tester or not![]()
I just can't take the boredom for the sake of increasing numbers. That's what gearing became in WoW: read a forum post on Elitist Jerks, kill the bosses that can drop your BIS items, repeat next week. All to marginally increase your stats.
If they made loot progression more interesting (which they never will) then I might be a little more into it. Sadly, if there's one thing Diablo 2's patch 1.10 taught us, it's that players don't like interesting items like Enigma and HOTO being added to their multiplayer games. Wouldn't want emergent gameplay to evolve out of giving the players some real variety to the gear now would we?
Especially when I was playing as a close range character. It sucks because every single person ends up clumped up around the ball carrier in a massive blob so you can't even tell who you're targeting and where you need to be facing.
When you get the email to reset your password, try opening the link in a different browser. Password reset link didn't work for me in Firefox but was fine in IE.Since I've put in my preorder code I have been unable to login to the SWTOR site. Attempts to reset password all fail as well. Fired off an email 2 days ago but have yet to get a response.
I'm just describing what happens. Not my fault that everyone just treats it as a huge melee.