Someone wants me to use this as my avatar
You bastard!
Anybody know what all is available/accessible in the CE Store?
I don't have it, but just curios
Vanity items. Stuff that collector edition guy's can get to show off they have the CE. Stuff like CE armor that's probably just coloured differently. Example is that weird ass yellow crystal for preorders.
Though I did hear that there are CE club only companion kits. Not sure if it is true though.
Also, all General Chat = Barrens Chat
Pretty much. I experienced both Chuck Norris jokes and Thunderfury spam on both of my weekend betas. It's going to be quite the experience.Fixed that for ya.
Pretty much. I experienced both Chuck Norris jokes and Thunderfury spam on both of my weekend betas. It's going to be quite the experience.
Pretty much. I experienced both Chuck Norris jokes and Thunderfury spam on both of my weekend betas. It's going to be quite the experience.
If you happen to be in a Barnes & Noble and have some time to kill, I can seriously recommend looking through the "Art and History" book. Some cool concept art I hadn't seen before and a little backstory to flip through.
So I've been trying to log in to for like four days now, and every time I get the message that a "SWTOR.COM PASSWORD IS REQUIRED" after I input the proper e-mail/password.
Are their servers just going nuts, or is this some idiotic way of telling me that my password is wrong or my account is locked for some reason?
So, I was thinking I need something to play while I wait for TOR.
Why not KotOR 1?
But I finished that already... maybe a Bioware game I never played?
Jade Empire?
Screw that, I'll just replay KotOR.
Hell no KOTOR 2 was just a mess.
The problem with KOTOR2 is just that it wasn't finished when it came out. It's a great game with a bunch of really strong characters that falls apart at the end.
The restoration patch doesn't fix all its problems, but it definitely helps.
Yes but even unfinished it has great characters and writing (dare I say superior). I really hope there are nods to KoToR2 somewhere in ToR. Not sure if they will be since they are 2 different developers associated with each game but one can hope.
Yes but even unfinished it has great characters and writing (dare I say superior). I really hope there are nods to KoToR2 somewhere in ToR. Not sure if they will be since they are 2 different developers associated with each game but one can hope.
Yes but even unfinished it has great characters and writing (dare I say superior). I really hope there are nods to KoToR2 somewhere in ToR. Not sure if they will be since they are 2 different developers associated with each game but one can hope.
Even without the community patch it is the superior game. Kreia and Atton are infinitely more interesting character's than anyone from KotOR imo. Only Jolee Bindo really holds a candle to them. Sure Malachor V comes a bit out of nowhere, and various plot points (HK assassin droids) are left uncompleted, but it still comes across as a more interesting game. With the community patch that adds in a lot of the content that was incomplete at the time of release it's even better.
Even without the community patch it is the superior game. Kreia and Atton are infinitely more interesting character's than anyone from KotOR imo. Only Jolee Bindo really holds a candle to them. Sure Malachor V comes a bit out of nowhere, and various plot points (HK assassin droids) are left uncompleted, but it still comes across as a more interesting game. With the community patch that adds in a lot of the content that was incomplete at the time of release it's even better.
Does HK-47 not count because he is in both games?
I disagree completely. I was never grabbed by Kotor 2, which has lame enemies, lame good guys and a boring story.
KotOR II HK-47 is a much, much, much better character than KotOR I KH-47
Hell, T3-M4 in KotOR II is better written than half of KotOR I's cast.
There was some good ideas and potential, but to me the story was a mess in KOTOR2 and I just didn't agree with alot of the crap they tried to say about the force. KOTOR 1 was a more simple story but also fit with the nature of Star Wars, and it was a far more complete experience. The gameplay improved greatly over the first, but for the most part I thought everything was inferior in 2. The Exile also I felt was just not as interesting a character to play as.
I am not really invested in Star Wars or the force as a concept so maybe that's why KoToR2 stood out to me. I also thought The Exile was much more interesting to play as since the story is about discovering motivation rather than being led by destiny.
To me the clearest reason 2 is a better game than 1 is that I remember all of the main characters in 2. Your companions, each of the Sith villians and of course the protagonist. I can't really say that about 1, even though I've replayed both a good number of times.
To each his own, they are both certainly good games in their own right. I hope that the events of KoToR2 aren't brushed aside though because of who is making the "3rd" installment.
So after reading up some more, I think I've settled on rolling a consular/inquisitor. Is there any sort of consensus on which class has a better story?
Does HK-47 not count because he is in both games?
So after reading up some more, I think I've settled on rolling a consular/inquisitor. Is there any sort of consensus on which class has a better story?
Aren't you part of the Obsidian Detriment force? Not just a member, but the president?
Inquisitor story is probably more interesting. The general consensus is that consular has the worst story.
So I've been trying to log in to for like four days now, and every time I get the message that a "SWTOR.COM PASSWORD IS REQUIRED" after I input the proper e-mail/password.
Are their servers just going nuts, or is this some idiotic way of telling me that my password is wrong or my account is locked for some reason?