I know I said I was disappointed in the game, but the fact that this CE appears to be so limited has me tempted.
Yay or nay?
edit: I guess I'll order it...I can always return it anyways.
You might as well hold on to it and sell it later for 200%+ profit.
Ordered it.
They'll be sending me the early access code so I assume I can play the early access and still return or resell the CE afterwards?
Seemed like a no brainer, I suppose.
ROFLMAO, yes it's a bug.Oh, I was gonna ask during the freebie weekend but I forgot to.
This happened while I was playing:
This is a bug, right? lol
Oh, I was gonna ask during the freebie weekend but I forgot to.
This happened while I was playing:
This is a bug, right? lol
Oh, I was gonna ask during the freebie weekend but I forgot to.
This happened while I was playing:
This is a bug, right? lol
Oh, I was gonna ask during the freebie weekend but I forgot to.
This happened while I was playing:
This is a bug, right? lol
The chronological order of the cinematics is the reverse of the order they released.
I too am disappointed that Satele isn't featured on more of the marketing material to represent the Republic over some guy who died considering that she's the leader of the Jedi at this point and she isn't overly sexualized. Plus, in the time of the game, she's around 50-60 years old. You don't see that every day.
ROFLMAO, yes it's a bug.
Oh, I was gonna ask during the freebie weekend but I forgot to.
This happened while I was playing:
This is a bug, right? lol
I guess Jedi Guardian would work, but in EU Luke becomes the most powerful Force user in existence due to him being the son of Anakin (who was born from the Force), but we never really see him doing that in the movies.
She doesnt look a day older than 30´ish
Must have some good genes i guess... or shes like scourge and immortal born out of a dark sith ritual. Take your pick.
Those trilogy books that follow the movie, he doesn't use the force that much.
He also had sex with a cyborg, if I remember correctly from one of the books.
I've heard many conflicting reports of this but is it confirmed now that we have to uninstall our beta clients and install the new one for release?
He had sex with that one chick before she became a cyborg. Hes dipped his wick in many places
I've heard many conflicting reports of this but is it confirmed now that we have to uninstall our beta clients and install the new one for release?
She doesnt look a day older than 30´ish
Must have some good genes i guess... or shes like scourge and immortal born out of a dark sith ritual. Take your pick.
Did Nomura draw this? What's with all the belts.They tried to age her, in game she seems more roundish looking in the face to me and far more grey than the concept art of her aged persona.
Did Nomura draw this? What's with all the belts.
They tried to age her, in game she seems more roundish looking in the face to me and far more grey than the concept art of her aged persona.
ROFLMAO XD To be fair - Nomura would have put at least 5x more belts than that. And Zippers.Did Nomura draw this? What's with all the belts.
ROFLMAO XD To be fair - Nomura would have put at least 5x more belts than that. And Zippers.
The war had been going on for 28 years, both sides were strained to the limit supposedly and it was the Emperor and Dark Council that ordered the attack to strong arm the Republic into agreeing to terms. The Sith couldn't have taken Coruscant, they would have had to retreat anyways and the war was likely to continue for a long time more when it basically turned into a stalemate for so long.
I didn't mind what they did with Revan, I thought it was interesting thing to do which I think is greatly influenced simply because of the existence of TOR which limited what they could have done with the character. If a KOTOR 3 had been made, I think we would have seen things more differently. Instead everything was just obvious set up story wise for TOR.
What I didn't like from the novel was how they handled the Exile, that was meh.
That novel was a travesty in my opinion. What a silly way to wrap up the Revan / Exile stories from the kotor games... overall it was a poor attempt at story telling and only goes to show that Bioware are not that good of a storyteller, the industry is just so bad as to make them look better than they are.
I would spoil it but the way they end the Revan story in TOR is even more insulting... seriously.
I just want to know if I can play the 15th, dammit. Going out of town the 17th until the 20th.
I guess it's worth mentioning that the plan on the Empire's side was to raze Coruscant, but the Emperor ordered forces to pull out <inappropriate joke here>. According to something I read, this has all gone according to the Emperor's true plan. Of course, that could be writer's taking the easy way out and building up later or the Emperor's way of saying, "Oh, um, I meant to do that."
The plan to most Sith was to raze Coruscant since they would have had to retreat and couldn't hold the world, but from the book Deceived they seem to make it out that the higher up Sith Lords knew about the plan to simply hold the planet for ransom basically. The Emperor and the Dark Council apparently knew at least but the Sith doing the attack were kept in the dark it seems.
I'll work on some headers and class images sometime tomorrow. Tons of work that needs to be done tonight.
The FAQs mainly. I can't do any fancy graphics.Billy, what part of OT you plan to work on?
The FAQs mainly. I can't do any fancy graphics.
StephenReid said:I wanted to let everyone know that we're very aware of the interest in this feature.
We've spoken with the development team and we'll have further comment on it soon - before the 10th, we hope.
You can now download the game client and patch the game. Watch for an email invitation from The Old Republic team to begin your Early Access.
11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch
On my pre-order section of my account, there's now a download link and it says:
Just a heads up.
interesting I just checked my account at swtor.com and under code redemption this showed up
I just checked this on Monday and it only had the CE Pre-Order code from July
On my pre-order section of my account, there's now a download link and it says:
Just a heads up.
NM my post, just checked the SWTOR forums.
"If you have played in our game testing program at any point from November 25th onwards, you will not need to re-install the game client, as you should already have the launch version installed.
To verify that you have the launch version installed, you can check for the "assets_swtor_main" version file in the following location on your computer: \Program Files (x86)\EA\BioWare\Star Wars The Old Republic (assuming default installation). If you have that file present, you do not need to reinstall the game client."