Aion, Vanguard, Warhammer Online, Rift, LoTRO, Age of Conan, etc.
Welp, guess I just played MMOs that didn't have them.
My copy is on Origin, so no problem for me. 8D
Aion, Vanguard, Warhammer Online, Rift, LoTRO, Age of Conan, etc.
Oh yeah, people will be max level before the game comes out. It's no surprise really.
Really? WoW..I guess some people have alot of time or is it just a "I got to 50 before you did" type of thing? I mean, don't you miss alot of content by rushing through the game just to hit the level cap? I personally, want to enjoy and take my time with the game.
I do agree about getting out of the starter areas prior to when most people will get the game. I had the head start in RIFT and decided to make a 2nd character when the "official" date hit and damn were the starter areas jammed. For me, since I work retail and will be dead ass tired, my goal is to get off the starter planet prior to the 20th or so..but then plan to take my time when I am not working as much to really enjoy the game, do the side quest stuff etc.
With a 7 day heardstart people will most definately be max level halfway through the headstart and you will indeed skip alot of the content. I don't think the starter areas are going to be a bad as some other games since there will be instancing.
I thought head start was only 5 days max? The 15th. When did it change to a 7 day head start? I registered my pre-order the day pre-orders started, so I should be in the first wave, but this is the first I am hearing of a 7 day head start.
I thought head start was only 5 days max? The 15th. When did it change to a 7 day head start? I registered my pre-order the day pre-orders started, so I should be in the first wave, but this is the first I am hearing of a 7 day head start.
They just changed it today.
With a 7 day heardstart people will most definately be max level halfway through the headstart and you will indeed skip alot of the content. I don't think the starter areas are going to be a bad as some other games since there will be instancing.
Weekend beta test sort of proved that the method worked well. I didn't have much of any problems with overly congested areas of players and leveled pretty well overall.
Apart from a little competition for a few quest mobs it went relatively smoothly.
Really? WoW..I guess some people have alot of time or is it just a "I got to 50 before you did" type of thing? I mean, don't you miss alot of content by rushing through the game just to hit the level cap? I personally, want to enjoy and take my time with the game.
I do agree about getting out of the starter areas prior to when most people will get the game. I had the head start in RIFT and decided to make a 2nd character when the "official" date hit and damn were the starter areas jammed. For me, since I work retail and will be dead ass tired, my goal is to get off the starter planet prior to the 20th or so..but then plan to take my time when I am not working as much to really enjoy the game, do the side quest stuff etc.
Really? WoW..I guess some people have alot of time or is it just a "I got to 50 before you did" type of thing? I mean, don't you miss alot of content by rushing through the game just to hit the level cap? I personally, want to enjoy and take my time with the game.
I do agree about getting out of the starter areas prior to when most people will get the game. I had the head start in RIFT and decided to make a 2nd character when the "official" date hit and damn were the starter areas jammed. For me, since I work retail and will be dead ass tired, my goal is to get off the starter planet prior to the 20th or so..but then plan to take my time when I am not working as much to really enjoy the game, do the side quest stuff etc.
Some people will always level really fast in MMOs. There is no way around that, and it shouldn't ever get in the way of YOUR enjoyment of the game.
Early Game Access* will begin on December 13th at 7:00AM EST, 2011 and ends on December 19th, 2011 at 10:01PM EST.
From the preload email. So early access ends even sooner now.
So, where do I add my subscription to my account? I've looked everywhere, but I see nothing. The launcher also states that I need to add a subscription.
So, where do I add my subscription to my account? I've looked everywhere, but I see nothing. The launcher also states that I need to add a subscription.
Some people will always level really fast in MMOs. There is no way around that, and it shouldn't ever get in the way of YOUR enjoyment of the game.
You can't until early access begins at the soonest.
It's 7 days instead of 5 now.
So, where do I add my subscription to my account? I've looked everywhere, but I see nothing. The launcher also states that I need to add a subscription.
BTW...What is the preferred voice communicaiton method most of you will be using to play the game?
For like raids and stuff? I heard Mumble is the best voice software for MMOs now.
The amount of whining in this thread is truly mind boggling. We just found out we are getting the game 2 days sooner than previously thought, and after years of anticipation people will be playing the game on Tuesday, and some of your first reactions are to complain about when you get your email?
I think "yay, I may get the game two days earlier" or "wow, Bioware must be really confident that the game is ready to go" are much more appropriate reactions to this news.
The way the tweet was worded is implying that SOME people will get in on the 13th...there's no guarantee as to when everyone will get in the early access. For all we know, some of us might only get in a day ahead of launch.
The amount of whining in this thread is truly mind boggling. We just found out we are getting the game 2 days sooner than previously thought, and after years of anticipation people will be playing the game on Tuesday, and some of your first reactions are to complain about when you get your email?
Early Game Access* will begin on December 13th at 7:00AM EST, 2011 and ends on December 19th, 2011 at 10:01PM EST. During this time, we will be emailing invitations to join Early Game Access based on the order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code. Pre-load the game client now, so you're ready to play when your Early Game Access invitation arrives. Note that download time can vary and may take awhile.
The way the tweet was worded is implying that SOME people will get in on the 13th...there's no guarantee as to when everyone will get in the early access. For all we know, some of us might only get in a day ahead of launch.
It's not so much that you have to wait for an email to get access, it's that you don't know when you're getting access. It would be annoying to constantly check your email for five days, only to get in the sixth. I can imagine a lot of people were also planning to take off of work etc... it's just really backwards. I don't see why they can't let people know the day they should expect access.
It's not so much that you have to wait for an email to get access, it's that you don't know when you're getting access. It would be annoying to constantly check your email for five days, only to get in the sixth. I can imagine a lot of people were also planning to take off of work etc... it's just really backwards. I don't see why they can't let people know the day they should expect access.
I really hope they're shipping copies early as well, with the "no grace period" news.
edit: just got the email to download the client
Who cares if people get to 50 so fast. Play the game at your own pace, join up with a guild, shoot the shit with some friends as you play and have a good time.
I want mine. 8(Nice, just got email to preload. Doing so on both my laptop and desktopcan't wait till next week!!
So, I will be one of the last to get Early Game Access since I pre-ordered yesterday? Meh.
I'm downloading something now? Would this be the beta that everyone has been playing?
Beta is over, you're just preloading the game so you're not sitting there downloading 27GB on launch day.
Ok say you play with 3 other friends. They get 7 days early access, you get 1. Don't you think that would mess up the plan when they are all already playing and have 6 days head start on you? That's the only problem I see with it. (I won't be getting much time ahead myself /shrug)
I don't care about getting to 50 first - I care about them not following through with the grace period that they offered so I'm going to have to stop playing after the early access for a couple of days while I wait for my CE to arrive.
Tell your friends to not play early? You all have the option of starting on the 20th if you want.
When Origin is the best place to buy a game you have done something seriously wrong
ordered the digital deluxe edition from them
You make me sick.