BattleMonkey said:It's part of the universe, with having majority of the galaxy charted, and alien species coexisting and sharing technology, the universe has come to a point where not many advances happen. Generally technology improves over the years, becomes efficient, etc, but few major breakthroughs really happen.
Me first.DrBo42 said:I need to get into this damn beta.
a176 said:Sith Sorcerer :lol
I find your refusal to allow me first place in line... disappointing.czartim said:Me first.
antonz said:Sith Sorceror seems to be like a Shadow Priest in that they are damage dealer and can do some healing.
BattleMonkey said:I don't even see how they compare
Darklord said:Wasn't the original(not the game) KotoR universe really primitive? Then Bioware came along and used it as a reboot pretty much.
Sith Sorceror is going to be my primary class for sure. Gotta play me some Palpatine inspired classSafe Bet said:I find your refusal to allow me first place in line... disappointing.
/force choke
I agree the class title leaves something to be desired.
Darklord said:Wasn't the original(not the game) KotoR universe really primitive? Then Bioware came along and used it as a reboot pretty much.
Safe Bet said:Although...
I agree the class title leaves something to be desired.
antonz said:Gotta play me some Palpatine inspired class
Safe Bet said:
darthbob said:You recall that they (Bioware) originally wanted to name the Jedi equivalent, Jedi Wizard.
:lol oh lawdy
I believe Space Cowboy is the genre name but I could be wrong..BattleMonkey said:Don't really see issue so much as SW is primarily a fantasy set in space..
leaker said:Questing : 9/10 The questing is one of the best parts to me. After sooooooo many mmos with gather quests, you get to the point you ignore the story, just click on the quest as fast as possible, then look for markers. With the engaging quests, you really feel like you are part of the story. Ive yet to get bored of the voice overs and the cinematics. Both the class and world quests are a blast to do, even though they have placeholder text and voice overs for a lot of them atm. My biggest fear is that the instant gratification age of gamers will lose patience and in the end it will hurt the game. There is NO way to skip the story. You just have to listen and click buttons when it comes up. I guess if people dont want to read the story, they can just cycle through the options and choose the light / dark icon and not give a damn about story. I just hope the game doesnt suffer because of it.
Crafting : 8/10 Its such a relief to not have to not have to sit in one spot crafting for hours. I tell my non active companions to go get material and they do. Its added to my inventory , I get skill ups, etc, all the while I am fighting and continuing on with what im doing. Letting my active companion gather stuff while I fight helps a lot too. It really keeps the game flow going. I have tried them all, but my favorite is Artifice (lets you create color crystals and other modifications for your saber). There arent any glaring weaknesses with crafting, with the exception that its not totally implemented in the build we got to test.
"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader."a176 said:Sith Sorcerer :lol
^One of the few times he's outranked by Moff Tarkin, who tells him to "Stop force choking a bitch."Ignis Fatuus said:"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader."
- New Hope
It will suffer to some degree. There's options to skip cutscenes in Guild Wars, and you're often outvoted by more experienced players even if you haven't seen it all yet. They're infrequent and certainly less important compared to TOR, but what happens when you've watched the same bit of dialogue ten times over? What happens when a group of people have been through it ten times over?Questing : 9/10 The questing is one of the best parts to me. After sooooooo many mmos with gather quests, you get to the point you ignore the story, just click on the quest as fast as possible, then look for markers. With the engaging quests, you really feel like you are part of the story. Ive yet to get bored of the voice overs and the cinematics. Both the class and world quests are a blast to do, even though they have placeholder text and voice overs for a lot of them atm. My biggest fear is that the instant gratification age of gamers will lose patience and in the end it will hurt the game. There is NO way to skip the story. You just have to listen and click buttons when it comes up. I guess if people dont want to read the story, they can just cycle through the options and choose the light / dark icon and not give a damn about story. I just hope the game doesnt suffer because of it.
Dresden said:First MMO that I'll play for the solo experience.
I wish someone in the beta with a decent PC (or monitor even) would leak some screen shots. Something a bit higher res and perhaps with some AA on.antonz said:Another new Beta leak was posted. Just a shot of a bindpoint aka cloning terminal though another good view of UI and you can see a companion UI addition.
CAW said:I wish someone in the beta with a decent PC (or monitor even) would leak some screen shots. Something a bit higher res and perhaps with some AA on.
This is what i want to hear/read. Especially after the failure of Cataclysm to make good quest design. MMO quests need to be totally rethought like they are in TOR and not just turds being polished like WoW.Questing : 9/10 The questing is one of the best parts to me. After sooooooo many mmos with gather quests, you get to the point you ignore the story, just click on the quest as fast as possible, then look for markers. With the engaging quests, you really feel like you are part of the story. Ive yet to get bored of the voice overs and the cinematics. Both the class and world quests are a blast to do, even though they have placeholder text and voice overs for a lot of them atm. My biggest fear is that the instant gratification age of gamers will lose patience and in the end it will hurt the game. There is NO way to skip the story. You just have to listen and click buttons when it comes up. I guess if people dont want to read the story, they can just cycle through the options and choose the light / dark icon and not give a damn about story. I just hope the game doesnt suffer because of it.
CAW said:I wish someone in the beta with a decent PC (or monitor even) would leak some screen shots. Something a bit higher res and perhaps with some AA on.
BattleMonkey said:Early betas possibly have lot of graphical options turned off or not available yet. Game is still some months away, the client will probably be upgraded as we get closer to release. The gameplay vids from various events have had much better visuals running than these leaked beta screens, so it's either shitty pc's or just the beta client. The size of the interface compared to other vids/screens seem to indicate that the leaked shots are running at a really shitty low resolution too.
BattleMonkey said:Cinematics design update up on the site. The 2nd video :lol
So I wonder if at character creation you have options for a specific voice or is it the same voice depending on class and sex you choose? I can't imagine they would have recorded tons of the same lines by different actors just to give you a choice.
Anasui Kishibe said:I guess it will be the same voice for male/female characters, Bioware can't be THAT maniacal
but hey, you never know. Maybe they just tweak the original voice for different races
Wait WHAT? Do you mean descendant of Bastila? If not WHAAAT?antonz said:Jennifer Hale (voiced Bastila in KOTOR and female Sheppard in Mass Effect) will be voicing Satele Shan(descendant of Revan) and others
Deadly said:Wait WHAT? Do you mean descendant of Bastila? If not WHAAAT?
Speculator said: