Neat my prelaunch guild is already there
antonz said:I have to imagine it will have a degree of polish better than most at launch. They did do what wasnt allowed to happen with Galaxies. Delayed it. I still have alot of faith in the team as many of the guys I know put their all into it.
Should have stayed in touch better so I could have gotten into beta lol. How i miss beta testing![]()
BattleMonkey said:Rift is probably the most solid MMO launch I've ever seen for the most part. Every other MMO that has come out has had tons of issues at launch and the product often felt like a beta test at launch. I was of the opinion that it was almost impossible to launch a MMO that worked so well, but they proved me wrong. I'm hoping that TOR comes out in a similar manner.
I doubt a delay would have helped Galaxies much. They had so much stuff in the game that was flat out broke and despite numerous patch attempts, they could not get working along with all the stuff that had to be cut at launch. The engine also felt like it was also always trying to play catch up or was too advanced for the hardware at the time.
BattleMonkey said:I don't really blame Vogal for the countless technical problems that plagued Galaxies. So many things just never worked, and would just get changed greatly and cut altogether from the game because it was a broken game. Database problems were a recurring thing also but not all of it was the fault of the Database. The engines terrain generation had lot of LOS issues that really never got ironed out and so many abilities that just didn't work and took months to get working was so sad.
The whole game was full of grand ideas of such large scale that just didn't work well. It's common that when trying to fix things in MMO's that other things break, but it was never worse than it was with Galaxies.
Morn said:Every single problem that the game faced from launch forward rests solely on the shoulders of the launch dev team, which Vogel oversaw. They didn't document ANY of their code. None of it. So when future development teams were hired, they were lost and didn't know how anything worked or interacted because of sloppy leadership who didn't crack the whip on the programmers to do their job correctly. It's hard to fix something when you have ZERO documentation or notes in the code.
BattleMonkey said:Was it Vogal who told them not to do it? The dev team was not a handful of guys and every programmer knows they are supposed to document code. Hes obviously to blame for many issues, but not everything was his whole fault. There was a ton of things wrong with Galaxies and they way it was handled, so much blame to pass around.
I would hope that the folks at Bioware and others putting so much into this project have more sense than to do something so stupid again.
Derwind said:I'm kind of worried about the Space portion of the game. I hope that it becomes more than just a tunnel shooter minigame for when you want to move from planet to planet. I hope they get add a little bit more depth to it.
They've said it will be epic scenes like the asteroid scene with the millennium falcon not open world and not 'shoot the orbiting planes' like KOTORDerwind said:I've been following this game since its announcement. Was kind of bummed out we wouldn't be seeing a Kotor 3 but this is still pretty good.
I'm kind of worried about the Space portion of the game. I hope that it becomes more than just a tunnel shooter minigame for when you want to move from planet to planet. I hope they get add a little bit more depth to it.
The guild I joined kind of self-destructed. If anyone's looking for one more Jedi Consular. I'm your guy.
Anyways, I can't wait for the release of this game.![]()
ElectricBlue187 said:They've said it will be epic scenes like the asteroid scene with the millennium falcon not open world and not 'shoot the orbiting planes' like KOTOR
I dunno, that sounds pretty cool when you put it like that.Morn said:It's still a rail shooter. It's just Starfox but with better graphics.
It's nothing like Jump to Lightspeed, EVE, or STO.
Darklord said:I dunno, that sounds pretty cool when you put it like that.
BattleMonkey said:Don't think it's going to be used for travel, but is meant to be tied into actual missions or unique missions on their own.
Morn said:Except that every single other scifi MMO, including the only other real Star Wars MMO, includes real space combat. SWG, EVE, STO all give you full control of your ship.
Darklord said:They want to release it this year, and apparently Q2.
BattleMonkey said:Keep beating that dead horse
Morn said:Except that every single other scifi MMO, including the only other real Star Wars MMO, includes real space combat. SWG, EVE, STO all give you full control of your ship.
Ignis Fatuus said:Do you work for Blizzard?
Morn said:How the hell is it a dead horse? It's a valid point and it just shows laziness in the development side of things to NOT try to at least meet the bar set by other games.
It's like making a MMO in the post-WoW world with no mount/vehicle system at all.
BattleMonkey said:It's been talked about to death here and on other boards.
Also that bar is pretty laughable considering Galaxies didn't ship with space combat portion, and then made you buy it seperately. EVE Online is a space game with no ground component, and STO shipped with virtually no content and an awful ground combat portion with so many cut features.
Morn said:How the hell is it a dead horse? It's a valid point and it just shows laziness in the development side of things to NOT try to at least meet the bar set by other games.
It's like making a MMO in the post-WoW world with no mount/vehicle system at all.
Morn said:SWG released JTL as an expansion, but soon after it was included for everyone. And the JTL space part was developed by the same people who did Privateer.
EVE's been showing off their walking in stations tech for a couple years now. And as with EVERY EVE expansion, everyone is getting it for free.
Either way, past mistakes by other games are no excuse for laziness. People should learn from past mistakes and make the game good from beta on. That's what Trion did with RIFT and they're reaping the rewards now.
Darklord said:SWG was very average at best. It planned to have space combat at launch but delayed it, then released over a year later in an expansion. STO was cool when you flew a ship, for about an hour then got boring. The ground missions are horrendous. And EVE has no ground stuff at all and you never even get out of your ship, oh except on space stations. So obviously you can't compare those two. Is that lazy because EVE didn't incorporate full worlds that you can run around on?
I already have an empire guild but I'd roll republic for a GAF guild as long as it's not the same serverczartim said:If no one wants to start one, I will. Ideas for names?
We should probably have sister guilds for Empire and Republic too. I know I and quite a few others plan on rolling both.
czartim said:If no one wants to start one, I will. Ideas for names?
We should probably have sister guilds for Empire and Republic too. I know I and quite a few others plan on rolling both.
Kinda writes itself, don't it?DrBo42 said:Go for it. Naming it is the real trick. I'd think a tongue-in-cheek RP sort of thing would be appropriate. Galactic A___ F___
Galactic Archer Federation?Trouble said:Kinda writes itself, don't it?
Morn said:SWG released JTL as an expansion, but soon after it was included for everyone. And the JTL space part was developed by the same people who did Privateer.
EVE's been showing off their walking in stations tech for a couple years now. And as with EVERY EVE expansion, everyone is getting it for free.
Either way, past mistakes by other games are no excuse for laziness. People should learn from past mistakes and make the game good from beta on. That's what Trion did with RIFT and they're reaping the rewards now.
I'm headed there tomorrow to find out!Derwind said:I wonder what Pax East has in store. Must be something big considering how many sweet updates we've just seen.![]()
BigAT said:I'm headed there tomorrow to find out!
Derwind said:I wonder what Pax East has in store. Must be something big considering how many sweet updates we've just seen.![]()
At this point johnny boy is just trolling EA's shareholders.BattleMonkey said:Also this month comes the 2nd novel in the Old Republic series.
Salz01 said:Galaxies was awesome at the start. Or shortly after launch problems. I remember running around with my AT-ST pet and Stormtrooper henchmen followed by an attack Droid, fighting bases and other players. And then they nerfed it and nerfed it.. and nerfed it some more and listened to all the whiners about not being able to unlock Jedi. Once they went down that road I stopped playing because it was no longer fun. Other than that it was the most fun I had in an MMO. (Till they went down the nerf path)