Billychu said:Making progress on my Consular. Made her a Sage. Time to finally start working my way through to end game now.
nataku said:I'm stuck trying to decide between Consular and Smuggler. The only thing pushing me away from the Jedi classes is the fact that they're probably going to be everywhere.
But there's 4 different ACs each with 2 roles so you could have a team of four Consulars fulfilling 2 DPS roles, a tanking role, and a healing role.nataku said:I'm stuck trying to decide between Consular and Smuggler. The only thing pushing me away from the Jedi classes is the fact that they're probably going to be everywhere.
Fox the Sly said:If the beta was any indication then it won't be a problem. I saw plenty of non-Jedi running around when I left Tython.
Carm said:I really don't want to stir the hornets nest so I'll keep it brief.
I currently have the CE preordered, after playing over the entire weekend, there is 90% chance that preorder will be cancelled, 90% of the reason is performance related. Nothing, I repeat, nothing is wrong with my computer, performance issues are not caused by some debug tool. Performance issues are hitting quite a few people from reading the testing forums.
For how the game looks I should'nt be running in the teens or low 20's in a lot of places, even on low settings. Yes I checked different drivers, no change.
This game can be downright ugly in some place, environment wise and npcs. I was shocked to see how low res a lot of the textures are on the highest settings.
Voice acting got old fast for me, I'm sure quite a few people will dig it, I didn't care for it.
Light side/Dark side system is useless if it's only there to determine what equipment you can wear. Being able to switch sides at the end of your personal story is how that should have been handled.
No major complaints about UI besides some listed in this thread. I wish I could create waypoints on the map.
Maybe you can move to cancel it, I don't remember. There was a channeled melee strike as a Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight that seemed you couldn't cancel out of and npcs could get out of the way of? If so, that needs to go.
It was hard to take a fat ass Darth Baras seriously.
Best moment playing: Bitch slapping a Twi'lek as a Jedi Knight after she betrayed my master.
If you don't run into performance issues and you wanted WoW, but in space with a dash of Mass Effect and smidge of Kotor, you'll enjoy the game, otherwise you most likely won't. I knew going in it was just gonna be WoW in space, I don't have an issue with that.
Fox the Sly said:If the beta was any indication then it won't be a problem. I saw plenty of non-Jedi running around when I left Tython.
Nobiru said:It wont be. MMO players get into betas, but the average Star Wars fan will want to be a Jedi.
gatti-man said:Post your specs, maybe we can help. Also no drivers exist for swtor yet so we could see 20-50% improvement over time as bioware optimizes and nv/amd make decent drivers.
Non Jedi classes seem like great fun, but David Hayter ensures that I play as a Jedi Knight first and foremost.BattleMonkey said:Non jedi have the better stories too![]()
Effect said:Anyone know how long the beta being conducted is suppose to last?
gatti-man said:Post your specs, maybe we can help. Also no drivers exist for swtor yet so we could see 20-50% improvement over time as bioware optimizes and nv/amd make decent drivers.
CcrooK said:Well another week with no invite. No biggy. Y'all need to come join up in Dark Souls if you want something to pre-occupy your time![]()
It didn't work for me.Fox the Sly said:You could do what some are doing and create multiple accounts to increase your chances of an invite. It works.
I did. :3
Yes it is. Phenom x4 needs to be tossed in the garbage. This game is very cpu dependent. Every person that complained of low fps in general chat had an old/bargain cpu. I can see why you are taking the stance you are since you would be replacing half your hardware to upgrade but it is what it is.Carm said:Again, the problem isn't my computer.
AMD Phenom x4 945 3ghz
MB: ASUS M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless Edition
EVGA 460 GTX Superclocked Edition
8gb memory
7200rpm hd
Windows 7 64bit
gatti-man said:Yes it is. Phenom x4 needs to be tossed in the garbage. This game is very cpu dependent. Every person that complained of low fps in general chat had an old/bargain cpu. I can see why you are taking the stance you are since you would be replacing half your hardware to upgrade but it is what it is.
None of what you just said changes what I said. So are you saying their are people with 3ghz+ i5/i7 cpus and decent gpus with low fps? Remember I have access to the same forums and probably have read the same threads as you.Carm said:LOL god I hate people like you. There was a huge thread on the testing forum, with various configurations, AMD,ATI,Nvidia,Intel, with low fps. Newer and older cpus/video cards.
Carm said:LOL god I hate people like you. There was a huge thread on the testing forum, with various configurations, AMD,ATI,Nvidia,Intel, with low fps. Newer and older cpus/video cards.
Carm said:Look at this graphically/cpu intensive screenshot *rollseyes* Relevant stats in upper left corner.
Notice shadows are turned off, everything else is on highest settings, otherwise it would be 5 or so less fps. It's great a lot of people are not having issues, but don't go saying someone has a shitty computer just because of their performance.
No one is saying shitty computer. This particular game doesn't like low end cpu at this particular point is all im saying.Carm said:Look at this graphically/cpu intensive screenshot *rollseyes* Relevant stats in upper left corner.
Notice shadows are turned off, everything else is on highest settings, otherwise it would be 5 or so less fps. It's great a lot of people are not having issues, but don't go saying someone has a shitty computer just because of their performance.
BattleMonkey said:Something is off, at highest settings the textures should look nothing like that.
gatti-man said:No one is saying shitty computer. This particular game doesn't like low end cpu at this particular point is all im saying.
Weird. Swap the i5 for an i7 and that's basically my computer (no SSD though). I'm getting 60 with everything maxed and with AA on at 1920x1200.Carm said:
i5 750 @ 3.2ghz
4gb ddr3 ram @ 1600
80gb ssd
560TI OC
15-20 FPS at default video settings (1920x1080)
Now I wish I got into that beta instead of the last one!Orgun said:The one I got invited to is Thursday - Tuesday aww yeah
MaddenNFL64 said:Maybe your client was buggy? I dunno man. Those textures in that picture are awful no doubt. Hope your problems get fixed sooner than later.
Carm said:Look at this graphically/cpu intensive screenshot *rollseyes* Relevant stats in upper left corner.
Notice shadows are turned off, everything else is on highest settings, otherwise it would be 5 or so less fps. It's great a lot of people are not having issues, but don't go saying someone has a shitty computer just because of their performance.
Giolon said:There's something wrong or run that poorly. It shouldn't look like that at max settings. I'd post a screenshot from my machines, but that's an huge NDA violation. You should be looking for assistance with this issue on the Beta forums and from Bioware anyways, not the peanut gallery on GAF.
Carm said:There were others but they were lower spec or I didn't feel like looking up to see how powerful the cpus were.
i5 750 @ 3.2ghz
4gb ddr3 ram @ 1600
80gb ssd
560TI OC
15-20 FPS at default video settings (1920x1080)
Absolutely unplayable.
Sent you a PM.Phloxy said:Anybody interested in getting into the beta,pm me.
Gvaz said:And for the fraps overlay on the screenshot
I'm just picking on youMoaradin said:Well he was complaining about bad fps.
Giolon said:There's something wrong or run that poorly. It shouldn't look like that at max settings. I'd post a screenshot from my machines, but that's an huge NDA violation. You should be looking for assistance with this issue on the Beta forums and from Bioware anyways, not the peanut gallery on GAF.
Moaradin said:Game doesn't look like that. Here's what mine looked like at max settings. It's probably the worst place to show it on but I was just testing the experimental AA but you can tell textures are noticeably better.
sorry for bad compression.
Carm said:Look at this graphically/cpu intensive screenshot *rollseyes* Relevant stats in upper left corner.
Notice shadows are turned off, everything else is on highest settings, otherwise it would be 5 or so less fps. It's great a lot of people are not having issues, but don't go saying someone has a shitty computer just because of their performance.