I want to ride a Rancor at endgame.
yeahe and i want a Death Star with a lvl 50 Sith...BattleMonkey said:I want to ride a Rancor at endgame.
syko de4d said:yeahe and i want a Death Star with a lvl 50 Sith...
sry but i don´t want to see 100 Rancors in Town ^^
TheKem0sabe said:2. The story from the second planet revolves, for the jedi, around finding a magical aspirin for your sick master, for the sith... you get to join a cult of revan, you get to find revan´s mask, you get to kill a Sith master by using his body guards against him as well as shooting a lot of lighting at anything that even remotely looks at you funny.
4. The UI is one of the worst i have had the displeasure of using in a mmo, no customization, silly instance mechanic (zones have several instances of themselfs, but if you change to join a group for an heroic quest, it teleports you to your binding point, even if its miles away from your current quest location)
Any questions, ill be happy to answer.
MaddenNFL64 said:Your 3rd random thought is pointless, but other than that, i'm fine with all the rest.
Kem0sabe said:4. The UI is one of the worst i have had the displeasure of using in a mmo, no customization, silly instance mechanic (zones have several instances of themselfs, but if you change to join a group for an heroic quest, it teleports you to your binding point, even if its miles away from your current quest location).
MaddenNFL64 said:okey dokey.
And ya, no need to spoiler tag your gameplay criticisms. were posting beta footage for petes sake.
BattleMonkey said:I tried to play both Jedi classes and they made me sleepy. Such boring story starts. Everyone else is pretty interesting and has unique/fun characters you interact with.
Kem0sabe said:Ill post some impressions from leveling a Jedi Consular / Shadow and a Sith Inquisitor / Sorcerer to 20. Some minor early game spoilers.
Some random thoughts
1. The game will be fun to play if you enjoy quest grinds, that's all it is, nothing more.
Any questions, ill be happy to answer.
Deadly said:Thestuff is most likely available for both sides as it is a sidequest, it isn't part of the class storylineRevan
yay we agree on somethingAndrex said:I like the UI.Or at least the aesthetics and how it's structured. I look at screenshots of LotRO, WoW, RIFT, etc. and have to hold back from gagging.
Andrex said:I like the UI.Or at least the aesthetics and how it's structured. I look at screenshots of LotRO, WoW, RIFT, etc. and have to hold back from gagging.
Billychu said:yay we agree on something
Then a sort of equivalent on the Republic planet.sangreal said:Drumond Kaas is only for imperials
Andrex said:I like the UI.Or at least the aesthetics and how it's structured. I look at screenshots of LotRO, WoW, RIFT, etc. and have to hold back from gagging.
IPoopStandingUp said:I played about 10mins of PVP this weekend at ComicCon, so I'm not expert.
But is it just me or is the combat really off in the game? Like, I imagine there are two sides of the spectrum for MMO combat - Warcraft's auto attacking/laggy combat on one side, and DC Universe's action oriented on the other.
Old Republic manages to be some bastard child of the two. Having to face your enemy/be in very close melee range makes it feel like WoW but the lack of auto-attack makes it feel like DC. It feels very off, at least for Melee.
IPoopStandingUp said:I played about 10mins of PVP this weekend at ComicCon, so I'm not expert.
But is it just me or is the combat really off in the game? Like, I imagine there are two sides of the spectrum for MMO combat - Warcraft's auto attacking/laggy combat on one side, and DC Universe's action oriented on the other.
Old Republic manages to be some bastard child of the two. Having to face your enemy/be in very close melee range makes it feel like WoW but the lack of auto-attack makes it feel like DC. It feels very off, at least for Melee.
It was a Sith something. Mostly saber attacks that involved building up rage.Marrshu said:What class were you playing? I find Jedi Consular was very awkward to play.
IPoopStandingUp said:It was a Sith something. Mostly saber attacks that involved building up rage.
MaddenNFL64 said:I think people need to get used to being involved is all. I do see alot of standing around or not using abilities a ton in the public event vids. It's annoying.
Marrshu said:Sith Warrior then. I guess that would be pretty awkward if you just jumped right in.
Fuck, I see this in the game itself. I was doing a heroic (group) quest, and the tank was largely using the default attack (the one that costs nothing other than a GCD to use), and completely ignoring the other mobs. Meanwhile, they proceeded to gun me and the other healer down once our Cryo Grenades wore off.![]()
The_Squirrel_Menace said:Be prepared for the first few weeks even first few months to experience this kind of events a lot. SWTOR will bring its share of "first timers" in MMO and completly new to the mechanics involved. Tanking, and what not.
Not that is a bad things though.
BattleMonkey said:The facing is what is going to cause lot of issues. My GF who is long term WoW person was so confused and had a while to get used to having to keep facing your enemy actively in combat. People not used to it are going to be a bit weirded out at first especially if they come straight from WoW or other similar combat systems.
Marrshu said:The facing isn't really any different than WoW.![]()
BattleMonkey said:It's much much more strict on facing when attacking, especially in close combat. WoW almost has auto facing with how loose it is with ones aim. TOR requires you to be more precise with your facing for many of the attacks to go through so you will be smashing a button trying to hit a moving target and it keeps not working.
Makes the game force players to be much more active with the combat but for many it also is going to seem like it's less responsive since WoW was much more lenient.
Marrshu said:I have no idea what you're talking about. I've had no facing issues on my Jedi Knight. Nor my Commando, for that matter.
BattleMonkey said:I have no issues as well but it's there, and it doesn't bother me as I adapted quick. You mainly notice it in PvP where players are more bouncy and mobile in combat compared to NPC's who usually stand still or move in straight lines. Some players are going to find things a bit janky perhaps when they start out in pvp?
FLEABttn said:I'd argue the facing in SWTOR is more lose. I was shooting things behind me on my Smuggler.
Yeah definitely more noticeable in PvP.BattleMonkey said:I have no issues as well but it's there, and it doesn't bother me as I adapted quick. You mainly notice it in PvP where players are more bouncy and mobile in combat compared to NPC's who usually stand still or move in straight lines. Some players are going to find things a bit janky perhaps when they start out in pvp?
It's also only melee I'm talking about, the ranged stuff auto compensates for movement, but up close in pvp melee you notice it.
FLEABttn said:I'd argue the facing in SWTOR is more lose. I was shooting things behind me on my Smuggler.
Well youre flat wrong, but you do it with style so atleast there is that.Kem0sabe said:The reason why i wrote "failure", is because it will be perceived as such by a lot of people, because of the money spent. It will probably be the largest western mmo after WoW, at least until GW 2 is released, it will also probably be the last "great" "AAA" subscription mmo to be released.
The model is used up, and this game proves it, its tired, more of the same imitation.
BattleMonkey said:Yea noted in my last post that ranged classes aren't affected, it's the melee ones. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, just that it's a bit different and some people are going to have a bit of an adjustment to make coming off other games.
Smuggler's attacks don't use facing. They're ranged. How else would you kite?FLEABttn said:I'd argue the facing in SWTOR is more lose. I was shooting things behind me on my Smuggler.
Kem0sabe said:it will also probably be the last "great" "AAA" subscription mmo to be released.
The model is used up, and this game proves it, its tired, more of the same imitation.
Jump turningBillychu said:Smuggler's attacks don't use facing. They're ranged. How else would you kite?
goat said:F2P can suck my butt. Most cash shops are horribly implemented and you end up spending more than 15 a month to keep up with the Joneses. I'd much rather pay 15 a month and get all the content.
League of Legends does F2P perfectly.bloodforge said:This is exactly the way I feel. It's especially hilarious when people say they will never pay $15 a month for a subscription MMO because they think it's too expensive then end up spending that or more per month on a F2P.
I also find most F2P MMOs to be trash, unless they started as subscription and switched over.
Marrshu said:It is most certainly a bad thing. Thankfully the game does a better job at teaching you than another MMORPG I can think about.
Einbroch said:League of Legends does F2P perfectly.
If an MMO did it like that, I wouldn't mind.