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Star Wars: The Old Republic [Releasing Date: Dec 20 NA/EU - NDA Lifted]

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Jesus, my Skyrim pre-order was delayed by a week! No Skyrim, no TOR... guess i'll shoot some more people in BF3...

And gz on getting your guild ready Woorloog!


WOHOO! NeoGAF Empire is READY for deployment! The site is damn slow, took forever to update the pre-order count.
5 member guild is a bit small though, join the Empire and conquer Republican planets for cookiees!


maxcer0081 said:
I just got an invite for Nov11-Nov13. looks like they're upping the player limit based on the amount of people getting invites in this thread.

EDIT: I got an email earlier this week asking me to change my password. should i go ahead and do that before i accept the beta test?(pending a working swtor.com of course)

You don`t need to that email was telling that in a few weeks you will have to because they will merge everything with one ID/password(Origin,SWtOR/master EA ID)...if you change it now you will have to change it again in a few weeks.

I will download this overnight while i`m sleeping. :p


Neo Member
Good to see RepublicGAF up to 92 members!!!

EDIt: BTW, just got a testing invite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The question is now, what should play? test run the class I had in mind or a class like Trooper that I was also considering, decisions, decisions.
Theoris said:
Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere but can you have characters from both factions on the same server?
On PvE servers you can. I'm not sure how it currently works for PvP but I'm assuming it's the same.
Woorloog said:
That would be our first Warrior... accepting you ASAP, your name at swtor.com?

2 applicants currently: Theoris and JDLewis. Are both GAFers?

I'm surprised more aren't doing Warriors. My GF's guild has 85% of them signed as Inquisitors. Rest is mostly Bounty Hunters. They are trying to convince people to try to roll other things heh.


Okay, it seems Theoris is a GAFer based on search on GAF... accepted you.

A reminder: You want to be an officer? Ask and i'll make you one. The position will have responsibilities... once we determine those.
Feel free to bring your friends and relatives to the guild as well, PM me here (or Empyrus at swtor.com) their swtor.com names so that i know to accept them.
NeoGAF Empire
Use whatever class you wish, as long as i stay guild leader, there won't be mandatory things. The first and foremost thing is to have fun.
I'm going to put what time i have possible in.

If we raid, I am banking for a raid schedule for republic GAF of

Sunday-Thursday 7pm-10pm CST. Though, 730pm to 10pm may work better.


I like how I signed up for beta the FIRST day you could and still didn't get in, yet my gf signs up two weeks ago and already got in. FFF


bounchfx said:
I like how I signed up for beta the FIRST day you could and still didn't get in, yet my gf signs up two weeks ago and already got in. FFF
Yeah, i signed up the day it was possible yet nothing.
Of course i assume they've kept my laptop specs stored despite specs not being needed anymore and that's why i don't get an invite. And of course since in Europe, i'm ignored just like most Europeans.
do weekend testers get recurring invites or is this a one time deal? seems like a waste to have testers with downloaded clients all ready to go and they only use us once.
maxcer0081 said:
do weekend testers get recurring invites or is this a one time deal? seems like a waste to have testers with downloaded clients all ready to go and they only use us once.

They're almost 1 month from launch. I would venture that there may be 1 more opportunity or so.


maxcer0081 said:
do weekend testers get recurring invites or is this a one time deal? seems like a waste to have testers with downloaded clients all ready to go and they only use us once.
I got in the first and second weekend. You have to redownload the client everytime anyways. I think most of the weekends have been new builds each time.


Deadly said:
I got in the first and second weekend. You have to redownload the client everytime anyways. I think most of the weekends have been new builds each time.

That's been mostly coincidental though. The last 2 builds came out pretty close to each other, but most of the builds before it had at least a couple months gap between builds.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Hey everyone! My book just got here; figured I'd snap a few quick pictures for you all.

I haven't had it for more than like five minutes, so I can't really comment on the contents too much. First impressions are that the page and print/color quality are pretty high grade, and the book itself is a good size with some heft to it. Artwork is pretty good; some shots of things like cityscapes look really cool. Unfortunately, though, at first glance there seems to be quite a bit of "recycled" material we've seen before, and some wasted space on a few of the pages. I also wish there were more sketches rather than renders.

Nevertheless, I'm definitely happy I got it, if only to tide me over for the next month or so.






I got my copy as well, it's nice. Art-wise, it doesn't hold a candle to the Guild Wars 2 book, but it contains considerably more information about the game's development.


The_Squirrel_Menace said:
You guys who go invited today, these invites are for NA Beta Week Ends? Any Euro peeps with beta week ends invites?
Bioware has invited Europeans to Weekend Tests in the past but this one is US/Canada only. They said that more general beta testing invites are coming to Europeans soon:
Stephen Reid said:
"We're absolutely aware of how anxious Europeans are to test The Old Republic, and we're going to be inviting many more Europeans to testing ASAP. I'm not going to suggest a timeframe, but we'll let you know as soon as invites are sent. The next batch of invites for Europeans will be to general Game Testing, which will persist beyond a weekend."

How far will I be able to get in about 10-12 hours of play this weekend? Will I even get to the advanced classes?

I'm leaning towards rolling a smuggler when the game comes out and thinking about playing a consular right now. I was also thinking about playing a Gunslinger smuggler for the beta. Hmm.


reggieandTFE said:
How far will I be able to get in about 10-12 hours of play this weekend? Will I even get to the advanced classes?

I'm leaning towards rolling a smuggler when the game comes out and thinking about playing a consular right now. I was also thinking about playing a Gunslinger smuggler for the beta. Hmm.

You'll be able to get level 13 or so. That means you will have the whole origin world, your AC to pick and your first flashpoint to do. You will probably get some time with the republic capital as well.


reggieandTFE said:
How far will I be able to get in about 10-12 hours of play this weekend? Will I even get to the advanced classes?

I'm leaning towards rolling a smuggler when the game comes out and thinking about playing a consular right now. I was also thinking about playing a Gunslinger smuggler for the beta. Hmm.

You can probably get off the starter planet but really that's it.


reggieandTFE said:
How far will I be able to get in about 10-12 hours of play this weekend? Will I even get to the advanced classes?

I'm leaning towards rolling a smuggler when the game comes out and thinking about playing a consular right now. I was also thinking about playing a Gunslinger smuggler for the beta. Hmm.

At the risk of saying too much, I'll say that you should be able to get plenty far enough to gain your AC in about half the amount of time you have available to play.


formerly nacire
Finally selected to test from Nov. 11-13

Only problem is I'm moving on the 11th and my net wont be hooked up until the 13th. Lol!


Junior Member
Just created a guild for the Empire faction on the PvP realm:

The Sith Order

Love to make this a GAF guild if possible. However, it is Sith classes only at the present time.

If you're looking to create a Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor in-game, please feel free to apply.


Kandinsky said:
Can one run the beta from an external usb hdd?
Yes. I don't think it's attached by registry, because I was at least able to copy the install folder to my external and play it from it, as well as two of my slaves.
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