Trouble said:I'll take instancing over server queues, but they need to lose the cooldown.
But you have BOTH now.
Trouble said:I'll take instancing over server queues, but they need to lose the cooldown.
Yep, prior to the special editions, we only had two film appearances of Twi'leks: Bib Fortuna and Oola. Oola always looked pretty great for a green topless babe w/ head tentacles. I never assumed then b/c Bib Fortuna was am ugly mofo that all male Twi'leks looked that way.Billychu said:They looked more human long before SWTOR.
bloodforge said:I just want playable Togruta.
It's probably not physically possible to be considered GOTY 2011. It releases late December and it's an MMO.CottonBaller said:Kinda think this will be my GOTY
Azwethinkweiz said:I played wow since launch. And I remember what it was like. There's no reason a game coming out next month shouldn't have a similar feature to what's been in wow for probably about 2 years now.
Jira said:Bioware has stated that they actually want to build server community, not have you stand around and hit a button to go into an instance and not communicate. I know this might sound odd, but it IS an MMO after all.
We've pretty much been told that they're basically the same items you would find in the game stat-wise but with a different look. So expect weapons, armor, and perhaps other stuff.razgriz417 said:Is there any details as to what the Unique Collector's Shop entails? $150 is pretty steep if its just cosmetic items :/
This is a stress test. I'm hopeful the point of this is to avoid queues at launch.Morn said:But you have BOTH now.
HarryDemeanor said:We've pretty much been told that they're basically the same items you would find in the game stat-wise but with a different look. So expect weapons, armor, and perhaps other stuff.
Alex said:I like this Chiss race, but I wish they could be the Inquisitor class. I don't know shit about Star Wars or any of it's lore or what have you, though.
Because Trandoshans are dumb. That's why.CoilShot said:Why can't I have a trandoshan bounty hunter? I mean its in the movie after all![]()
Inquisitor storyline confirms this.Billychu said:Because Trandoshans are dumb. That's why.
yeah they need more species. I used to play a rodian and my brother played a trandoshan in SWG. Also, SWG's character creation kicks the ass of this one, and the cantina in this game are boring, and you can't even sit down in chairs. /boooCoilShot said:Why can't I have a trandoshan bounty hunter? I mean its in the movie after all![]()
Whenever I think of Trandoshans I think of those stupid Bangaa bounty hunters after Balthier in FFXII.Trouble said:Inquisitor storyline confirms this.
LFG is a great tool, but the community design is also cool.LAUGHTREY said:It's a good idea to not put it and see how it goes, instead of putting something in and then taking it out.
meh, in SWG (of course it wasn't voice acted) you could switch between your native language and basic. I don't see why they couldn't have the option to do that.Anoregon said:The stated reason for not having playable wookies/trandoshans/rodians etc was story constraints. They wanted all playable characters to speak basic and be humanish enough to make romances not be psuedo-bestiality creepy factor. It's a sacrifice to be sure, and one that a lot of people would probably not have made, since lots of folks don't really care about romance/story in general.
Wookiee growls and trandoshan hissing for 50 levels would be pretty horrendous, though. I'll give them that.
Windu said:yeah they need more species. I used to play a rodian and my brother played a trandoshan in SWG. Also, SWG's character creation kicks the ass of this one, and the cantina in this game are boring, and you can't even sit down in chairs. /booo
edit: they basically need more aliens that don't look human.
Anoregon said:The stated reason for not having playable wookies/trandoshans/rodians etc was story constraints. They wanted all playable characters to speak basic and be humanish enough to make romances not be psuedo-bestiality creepy factor. It's a sacrifice to be sure, and one that a lot of people would probably not have made, since lots of folks don't really care about romance/story in general.
Wookiee growls and trandoshan hissing for 50 levels would be pretty horrendous, though. I'll give them that.
Won't happen. We'll get some shit about being "unrelatable", "can't show enough emotion" (what fucking emotion? Still haven't seen facial animation i could emphatize with (ie not realistic enough)), "too hard to make them", "too time-intensive project" or some other shit.CoilShot said:This.
Windu said:servers are back up btw
Fonds said:I'm gonna wish him good luck with thatI think even playing one character (just doing the bare storyline quests needed to reach the level cap and end) takes a whole lot more than a month. Unless he can tackle 200 hours in a month.
Blizzard didn't even try really. The moment battlegrounds were implemented, all world PVP was killed. There was no incentive to do outdoor PVP objectives. And any added incentive wasn't good enough and they didn't bother making them better as BGs were so popular.Vigilant Walrus said:Blizz tried in WoW, but it never really worked. People just didn't bother to fight over world objectives. The hunt for points in a battleground was more convenient!
Vigilant Walrus said:How long lifespan can there be in 3 warzones and an Raid?
K.Sabot said:It's probably not physically possible to be considered GOTY 2011. It releases late December and it's an MMO.
Yep. Count me in the not giving a shit about romances group. Give me more exotic races and less re-colored humans.Anoregon said:The stated reason for not having playable wookies/trandoshans/rodians etc was story constraints. They wanted all playable characters to speak basic and be humanish enough to make romances not be psuedo-bestiality creepy factor. It's a sacrifice to be sure, and one that a lot of people would probably not have made, since lots of folks don't really care about romance/story in general.
Wookiee growls and trandoshan hissing for 50 levels would be pretty horrendous, though. I'll give them that.
Freyjadour said:Yep. Count me in the not giving a shit about romances group. Give me more exotic races and less re-colored humans.
Wraith Squadron had a Human/Bothan romance! Why can't SWTOR?Morn said:SWG had such an awesome selection of races: Human, Twi'lek, Zabrak, Wookiee, Trandoshan, Rodian, Mon Calamari, Bothan, Sullustan, or Ithorian.
Bothan Smugglers would be awesome in TOR.
I guess that's a thing that guilds use. That way we can scream at each other for screwing up and create guild drama!The_Inquisitor said:So republic gaf, are we getting a voicechat thing like mumble or vent? It's crazy, but we are almost 1 month away from early access launch.
The reason was because there's an entire PvP planet along with PvP areas on late game planets so people who want PvP can have it while people who don't want it can just avoid those areas. Me and CzarTim have been playing on a PvP server in the beta. I personally have no preference either way.CottonBaller said:I would like to know the deal with Swotor Gaf choosing PvE servers over PvP? are the guild leaders carebears afraid of being ganked? or is there some other reason.
Agreed. All the random pick up groups I've been in have been great. Everyone has been working together and if we wipe on a boss we sit back and plan our strategy. It's been a very fun experience.Lilsnubby said:So happy Bioware decided to NOT put a LFG button in. The LFG tool basically killed almost all non-guild interaction in WoW. I like just asking to get a group and seeing how it comes together. Some people are jerks but most are pretty cool. There's something about the automated groups that just takes the life out of it. It's pretty much the point of playing an MMO as far as I'm concerned.
Ermmm don't they already have raids?Woorloog said:Blizzard didn't even try really. The moment battlegrounds were implemented, all world PVP was killed. There was no incentive to do outdoor PVP objectives. And any added incentive wasn't good enough and they didn't bother making them better as BGs were so popular.
I hope TOR won't get Raid based end-game. The main reason being they're bad for story stuff, which BW claims is important in SWTOR. So, flashpoints with story content should be given priority, IMO. Also more PVP stuff always. Proper space combat with PVP options.
Yes, there's currently one raid.JWong said:Ermmm don't they already have raids?
They showed off that Empire side one.
More people wanted PVE. With the way PVP is handled in the game, it doen't really matter. I plan on flagging myself.CottonBaller said:I would like to know the deal with Swotor Gaf choosing PvE servers over PvP? are the guild leaders carebears afraid of being ganked? or is there some other reason.
Alex said:I like this Chiss race, but I wish they could be the Inquisitor class. I don't know shit about Star Wars or any of it's lore or what have you, though.
I will always be a dedicated fan of the KOTOR era, but I will not be as happy if there is systems in place like Warhammer Online where I am turned into a chicken for returning to an older area, or am not able to combat any member of the opposing faction. I just don't want to see a Sith, or Jedi dance in front of me while I cannot even engage him, because someone may think it's unfair. That's not Starwars. It doesn't make sense.
Luke didn't get to stay non-flagged when he ran into Darth Vader when he ran into him on Bespin. That would of been a boring movie.
We have. Check the the guild forums. Most people want PVE.CottonBaller said:This was posted in the Bioware forums lol, and yea I think the members of Neogaf guild should vote on which server theyd prefer to play on PvP or PvE