Nooo, Wrexxx.Mendelevium said:Hopefully we can shoot down our companions when they do such things.
*Rerolls same class until he gets it right*BattleMonkey said:So when do we get a report on a MMO addict hurting himself or doing something rash over his in game companion cheating on them? (Bioware said it can happen)
There was a leaked video of it, but I can't find it. Seemed very good though.Derwind said:I wonder how the character creation will be for ToR, I usually spend hours in there alone. I hope we can customize many of the details of out character early on. I also hope that Feeorin is a playable species for Shadow Consulars.
Wookies PLEASE.Derwind said:I wonder how the character creation will be for ToR, I usually spend hours in there alone. I hope we can customize many of the details of out character early on. I also hope that Feeorin is a playable species for Shadow Consulars.
Derwind said:I wonder how the character creation will be for ToR, I usually spend hours in there alone. I hope we can customize many of the details of out character early on. I also hope that Feeorin is a playable species for Shadow Consulars.
Wookiees won't be a playable race, I'm betting. Bioware has been annoyingly tight-lipped on information regarding playable races, but for the most part it seems like they're aiming for near-human races. Probably for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it makes voice acting and armor modularization much more manageable.Deadly said:Wookies PLEASE.
I certainly hope not. Pretty meager selection so far.BattleMonkey said:They are likely done announcing new races.
kitzkozan said:You need space content with a significant amount of depth over the long haul. :] Don't forget that a mmorpg should go on for years. What's in there will do for launch, but they will definitively have to expand on the space part with an expansion or free update as I can honestly expect it to get old given the fact that it's rather limited.
I'd say that JTL was probably one of the great successes of SWG.eastmen said:I rather they focus all their resources on the main game then to divert resources to the space section of the game. That is what killed SWG
Uh Jump to Lightspeed was done by a completely separate team than SWG. SWG (at launch) was done by the UO2 team SOE hired in Austin. JTL was done by a team of ex-Origin guys, most of which worked on Privateer.eastmen said:you don't need space at all. If they want to make a space mmorpg then let them make Star Wars Xwing vs Tie fighter the mmo and keep it seperated from swtor.
I rather they focus all their resources on the main game then to divert resources to the space section of the game. That is what killed SWG
eastmen said:you don't need space at all. If they want to make a space mmorpg then let them make Star Wars Xwing vs Tie fighter the mmo and keep it seperated from swtor.
I rather they focus all their resources on the main game then to divert resources to the space section of the game. That is what killed SWG
fhtagn said:I'd say that JTL was probably one of the great successes of SWG.
Where SWG failed was in the NGE. Well, among other things; it had problems since the start. But I'm certain the space expansion wasn't one of them. That, I think, they got fairly right.
Uh Jump to Lightspeed was done by a completely separate team than SWG. SWG (at launch) was done by the UO2 team SOE hired in Austin. JTL was done by a team of ex-Origin guys, most of which worked on Privateer.
czartim said:There was a leaked video of it, but I can't find it. Seemed very good though.
Derwind said:EA censored it via breaking copyright infringement laws.
I never got to see it though.![]()
SWG failed long before NGE. Players were leaving in droves (myself included) well before that because the game was a broken mess from day 1.fhtagn said:I'd say that JTL was probably one of the great successes of SWG.
Where SWG failed was in the NGE. Well, among other things; it had problems since the start. But I'm certain the space expansion wasn't one of them. That, I think, they got fairly right.
True. I, too, was unsubscribed long before the NGE hit. But it was the final nail in the coffin, methinks.Trouble said:SWG failed long before NGE. Players were leaving in droves (myself included) well before that because the game was a broken mess from day 1.
antonz said:Before the NGE finally hit the game had settled into a pretty hardcore rp or pvp game. NGE finally screwed things up enough that not even the RPers or PVPers could stand to stay.
World PVP for Galaxies was so amazing. I remember battles on Dantooine where like 200 Rebels would fly in on a base busting mission and theyd meet 200 Imperials who teamed up to defend the city and its bases.
PVP was as epic as could be. Then you got guys at Blizzard who say world pvp sucks and people who say otherwise have rose tinted glasses and overlook how it sucks.
Fact is good world pvp will beat battlegrounds etc anyday
Dresden said:World pvp dies when you add a gear incentive to pvp.
I loved arena in WoW but it killed world pvp more than remote instance queues or flying mounts ever did.
As far as I can tell, they've never come out and said "yo, check out these playable races." Most of what we've seen so far is from gameplay trailers and the SWTOR codex thing.Billychu said:What races are confirmed. So far I've only seen Human and Twi'lek.
I doubt it would have mattered, they failed at fixing basic things for years. Game was great in concept, but it was a disaster on almost every level.
Galaxies was an MMO way ahead of its time in many ways and too ambitious in others versus developement feasibility as far as resources to devote to things etc
fhtagn said:As far as I can tell, they've never come out and said "yo, check out these playable races." Most of what we've seen so far is from gameplay trailers and the SWTOR codex thing.
As of now: Chiss, Human, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki, Sith, Twi'lek, and Zabrak.
With glimpses of Chagrian, Kel'Dor, and Togruta in trailers.
Pretty meager, imo. Mostly just shades of human. And a lot of the races seem tied to specific classes (Chiss to Imperial Agent, Miraluka to Consular, Rattataki to Bounty Hunter, etc.), which I think I'm not going to like.
fhtagn said:As far as I can tell, they've never come out and said "yo, check out these playable races." Most of what we've seen so far is from gameplay trailers and the SWTOR codex thing.
As of now: Chiss, Human, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki, Sith, Twi'lek, and Zabrak.
With glimpses of Chagrian, Kel'Dor, and Togruta in trailers.
Pretty meager, imo. Mostly just shades of human. And a lot of the races seem tied to specific classes (Chiss to Imperial Agent, Miraluka to Consular, Rattataki to Bounty Hunter, etc.), which I think I'm not going to like.
MaddenNFL64 said:Rattataki are Sith Inquisitors too. And ya, bioware is trying to keep to human-like for now. I think in the future, they will probably add Trandoshan, the lizard race etc. as playable, with their own dialogue, and companion interactions. Right now, it's focused on speaking basic, and having love interests.
Billychu said:Wookiepedia says that Twi'leks are locked into Smugglers. Why can't I be a Jed Knight when Aayla Secura is the most prominent Twi'lek in the series?
Billychu said:Wookiepedia says that Twi'leks are locked into Smugglers. Why can't I be a Jed Knight when Aayla Secura is the most prominent Twi'lek in the series?
I can settle for Consular, but I'm holding out for Knight.JayDubya said:Bib Fortuna is more prominent - having actual lines and all - but that said, there was a Twi'lek Jedi Consular in the flashpoint video, so looks like they can be those too, at least.
There's also a Twi'lek Companion named Vette.
Billychu said:Wookiepedia says that Twi'leks are locked into Smugglers. Why can't I be a Jed Knight when Aayla Secura is the most prominent Twi'lek in the series?
Yeah, don't know why I posted that when I knew they were Consulars as well. Are they also Imp Agents? Because there was a Twi'lek agent in the "Betrayed" trailer.BattleMonkey said:Twilik jedi player characters were shown at Pax
Billychu said:Yeah, don't know why I posted that when I knew they were Consulars as well. Are they also Imp Agents? Because there was a Twi'lek agent in the "Betrayed" trailer.
I'm assuming you mean 'Deceived'?Billychu said:Yeah, don't know why I posted that when I knew they were Consulars as well. Are they also Imp Agents? Because there was a Twi'lek agent in the "Betrayed" trailer.
Ah, a companion. I wasn't sure if the Empire was xenophobic in this era like they were during the films.BattleMonkey said:They might not, the Empire as presented in the Old Republic novel apparently is pretty xenophobic like the CT Empire, so I could see them just only having near humans and human species as Imp Agents. The Twi'lek in the Betrayed video I believe was supposed to be Vette who is a companion character :
Billychu said:Ah, a companion. I wasn't sure if the Empire was xenophobic in this era like they were during the films.
It seems hard for the Sith to be xenophobic when the Sith race is still kicking.BattleMonkey said:The Empire supposedly is, though the Sith aren't really xenophobic. While the Sith are pretty much in control of the Empire, they are two separate entities in a way.
czartim said: