The Lamonster
Hey guys - based on what we know, does it look like my rig is on the higher or lower end of the spectrum and will I be able to use Ultra settings?

The Lamonster said:Hey guys, based on what we know, does it look like my rig is on the higher or lower end of the spectrum and will I be able to use Ultra settings?
coopolon said:I've been replaying SC1 campaign. Man I suck at RTS's, which is unfortunate, because I keep buying them. I haven't lost yet, but it's taken me wayyyyy too long to beat some levels.
coopolon said:I've been replaying SC1 campaign. Man I suck at RTS's, which is unfortunate, because I keep buying them. I haven't lost yet, but it's taken me wayyyyy too long to beat some levels.
Interestingly enough though, balance for high-level play and balance for low-level play are seperate issues. Some of the problems which can plague balance at high-levels are total non-issues for low-level play (just because low-level players can't do them), while the balance issues that can cause frustration for noobs are often of little significance to pros.Wedge7 said:At the risk of sounding like a jackass, I tend ignore most beta balance complaints. I mean, its one thing if high level players are voicing their displeasure, or if its on sites like TL, but I mean, Joe Warcraft playing starcraft for the first time and complaining about zealot rushing or the OP'ed of roaches is somewhat of a joke. Even moreso when they are using the vast experience of '10 or so games' to back it up.
My greatest fear coming in was every chobo whining about a new thing being imba every other day.
oh god I miss these type of codes in games, still remember 'imacheat' from sim city 2000Zzoram said:If you do get stuck:
power overwhelming (invincibility)
show me the money (+10,000 min/gas)
Corran Horn said:oh god I miss these type of codes in games, still remember 'imacheat' from sim city 2000
FromTheFuture said:Has anyone been getting any invites lately? It seemed like they were streaming them out yesterday throughout the entire day. If they are in fact sending out invites weekly as speculated, I really need to know, because I've been checking my Battle.Net / e-mail like a madman :lol
Avarius said:I wanted to provide an update for players that attended BlizzCon and redeemed their codes, but have yet to receive a beta key invite email. The first wave of invites have already been sent out and a majority of the invites were sent out to BlizzCon attendees. Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of BlizzCon attendees, we could not get everyone in with the first wave. Rest assured that if you did not get into the first wave, you will be included in a future wave, possibly within the next two weeks.
The timing of the next wave will be dependent upon the amount of players that are playing and the load capacity of the servers. Thank you for your understanding and patience through this process.
Does this mean blizzcon tester only?Louminater said:Well I guess we're gonna have to wait around two weeks for the next wave to begin...
I doesn't matter if you opted in first. I opted in the very first day the beta was announced, and I still haven't gotten a key yet.LAMBO said:It think the first opt ins got in first, now the blizzcon people get in, and the next wave for opt ins is within the next 2 weeks.
Calantus said:I bought starcraft a couple months ago, started to watch starcraft 2 live streams earlier and got excited for it. So i decided to finally play starcraft, i'm playing custom games to get into the multiplayer type mode, and i'm getting my ass handed to me. I heard that the difficulty on the CPU is random though.
I guess i need to play the campaign to get better?
If you know how to play the CPU is dumb as rocks.Calantus said:I bought starcraft a couple months ago, started to watch starcraft 2 live streams earlier and got excited for it. So i decided to finally play starcraft, i'm playing custom games to get into the multiplayer type mode, and i'm getting my ass handed to me. I heard that the difficulty on the CPU is random though.
I guess i need to play the campaign to get better?
mannerbot said:[b]jessicajung[/b]
Hey guys, my friend's streaming his platinum league division 1 2v2 games. Come watch and help him get his livestream account verified!
Door2Dawn said:Jesus protoss are straight bullshit right now.
And the fact that the protoss are bullshit
Lostconfused said:Wow certainly sounds like this game is extremely hostile to newcomers and I should never ever play it.
Frustrated_me said:Whoa @ Louder. I was sure he was beat, but he pulled through with crazy micro.
Yeah. I guess all this talk about the beta skewed my outlook on SC2. I would probably enjoy a custom map in the style of dota or something else equally interesting.TheExodu5 said:You'll have tons of fun playing Use Map Settings maps if you never want to get into the regular game.
celebi23 said:Hrm, so I ran that "beta opt-in application" thing on my dad's iMac awhile back & it came up with this:
I just ran the Windows app on my Mac (via CrossOver Games) & came up with this:
I've got a couple of questions:
Should I replace this with what I now have on the Beta Opt-In page?
Will having the OS showing Windows help me get a Beta Key any sooner?
Should my laptop be able to run StarCraft II (its specs are the same except the "real" OS is Mac OS X 10.6.2)?
(Not going to submit this now anyways. I'm installing (2) 2GB RAM sticks tomorrow. Turns out that I didn't have the right screwdriver for those tiny-ass RAM shield screws :lol )
Lostconfused said:Wow certainly sounds like this game is extremely hostile to newcomers and I should never ever play it.
Lostconfused said:Wow certainly sounds like this game is extremely hostile to newcomers and I should never ever play it.
autobzooty said:I'd say just make a new account and sign up with both for maximum odds.
Lostconfused said:Wow certainly sounds like this game is extremely hostile to newcomers and I should never ever play it.
celebi23 said:I was thinking that but, don't you need at least 1 game tied to a account?
FromTheFuture said:Watching everyone else play SC2 is getting agonizing. I'm in the mood for some RTS action. Anyone game for some SC1?
That doesn't affect in the colours in game thoughvocab said:I would but Windows 7 color bug is annoying as hell.
He got straight up out macro'd. The number of gates the other dude had when he scouted them late game was nuts. Dude must have been running on 2 expos which he failed to harrass....Louder is #1 in his Platinum division. He just lost a PvP so he's watching the replay on stream to see what the other guy did and learn.
vocab said:I would but Windows 7 color bug is annoying as hell.
TheExodu5 said:Ew USWEST.
Real men live on the East Coast. :lol