rhfb said:ZvZ is pretty damn boring at my level (Gold) I out zergling them with superior macro, and with the bonus units and slightly better micro the games don't last long. They try to go roaches or spam spine crawlers, but by then my speedlings are just too much. Just wish I could play Random with no mirror matchups![]()
Because I'd prefer to winzoukka said:Why go mass zergling if it's boring?
rhfb said:Because I'd prefer to winI'm just not at a high enough level yet where my poor early zerg game gets destroyed forcing me to improve
Won said:I personally just can't stand Zerg mirrors, so avoid everything that makes me play Zerg.
It's just a random number not based on who created the name first. My nickname is fairly unique (VietBitter) and my code is in the hundreds.Xamdou said:So with the character codes, 111 means the first one to register the name since all cc are three digits?
F#A#Oo said:Where are you all seeing your ingame I.D?
do you mean the character code? hover your cursor over your portrait on the menuF#A#Oo said:Where are you all seeing your ingame I.D?
NIN90 said:Go to "Add Friend". It should show your ID there.
And add me while you are at it.![]()
No, they got rid of name.lastnameMan said:Okay... so this is a bit messy now.
So you have Real ID on top:
Then you can have ingame id's that are:
name + number
Am I understanding this correctly?
Spine crawlers are pretty essential unless they're teching, you should always try to scout to find out.zoukka said:Me: fast expand. Macro.
Opponent: timing push.
Me: fail.
I gotta learn to play it safe. Or to mass spine crawlers.
I had that feeling up until the beta started, that wowness isn't really there for me anymore. Once chat channels come back and I reunite with all my old Starcraft friends, it's gonna be pretty exciting.Victrix said:Is anyone else weirded out by the fact that this game is actually, finally, really coming out?
I mean, seems obvious right? But good lord. Few weeks from now, and Starcraft 2 will finally be on shelves. It's surreal.
Almost like DNF coming out... :lol
Only if you add them as RealID through their email, using Character name and code only displays their nickname.Xamdou said:So when you add someone to your friends list, when you go to their profile do you see their first and last names? I thought Blizzard changed their minds about it.
Xamdou said:So when you add someone to your friends list, when you go to their profile do you see their first and last names? I thought Blizzard changed their minds about it.
BishopLamont said:Spine crawlers are pretty essential unless they're teching, you should always try to scout to find out.
I had that feeling up until the beta started, that wowness isn't really there for me anymore. Once chat channels come back and I reunite with all my old Starcraft friends, it's gonna be pretty exciting.
We need chat channels at the very least.OptimoPeach said:Someone that's not me should put together an end of beta tournament.
Also, OptimoPeach 633. Was mid-to-high diamond last patch, but I suck ass now
I don't see why they would do that. Private channels aren't advertised anywhere.Ice Monkey said:i bet chat channels will make it back in the form of group facebook chats requiring you to be "fan of GAFchat" for channel #GAFchat. Their reasoning will be to keep people from making channels named #tubgirl or #goatse.
BishopLamont said:We need chat channels at the very least.
I don't see why they would do that. Private channels aren't advertised anywhere.
longdi said:anyone faced a bug with windows 7 64bit where you finish a match, and you let the game idle, a few minutes later you get a blue screen of inactivity. i must hard reset my pc and Windows boot with a "windows did not shut down properly" safety screen at bios.
I doubt they're gonna send out anymore invites at this point. Release is imminent and they rather force you to preorder to get in on the action.robochimp said:You could hope that they may send out more invites to people with battle net accounts for stress testing
What about them? All preorders will give you a beta key.Ice Monkey said:what about amazon and gamestop preorders?
BishopLamont said:Edit: Deleted published maps on BNET are now greyed out, no more map not found errors!
I doubt they're gonna send out anymore invites at this point. Release is imminent and they rather force you to preorder to get in on the action.
What about them? All preorders will give you a beta key.
You have to wait for them to email you, the time could vary from 1 hour up until release date. If you're gonna buy the game you might aswell preorder it asap.n3ss said:Wait.. So, I go preorder right now through Amazon I'll get a beta code?
Step your game up.Bisnic said:There's something i don't understand.
If i try to make a match with only CPUs. Let's say 3vs3 with all AIs set at medium.
The AIs that are my allies are always getting themselves destroyed so easily by the other team, yet they are set at the same difficulty.. wtf? It's like i've put the AIs on my team on Easy, even though they are Medium.
Son of Godzilla said:Meh, just got the Work, Work achievement when someone dc'd at the loading screen. I was trying so hard to get that the legit way!