kensk said:Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I played 15 games in the past 12 hours.
This game is going to keep me unemployed for another month.
15 games, averaging 20 minutes, is only 5 hours. You're not beta testing hard enough.
kensk said:Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I played 15 games in the past 12 hours.
This game is going to keep me unemployed for another month.
syoaran said:I think, and understandably, that they worried about changing SC's multiplayer too much would result in a backlash - or worse, that torunements would stick with SC. SC2 is a refined version of the first, a few more units, better graphics and tactical cover - a better multiplayer experiance overall.
Single player I think is where they will show the most radical improvements - and units that can not be balanced. It honestly looks like a cross between DOW2's campagin map, SC's tactical view and Mass Effect's Normandy segements - which is all good.
You should let me play on your account, I r teh prozDemiMatt said:I dropped from 8th on my ladder to 81 overnight. Had a massive losing streak T____________T
Anyone looking for a beta 2v2 partner? I play toss and terran
DemiMatt.Demi add meh!
LiveWire said:Wow, this is really impressive graphically. :O I suck at multiplayer though. :lol I wish there was some singleplayer stuff to play, even if it was just a test mission with no storyline. Or perhaps some vs CPU practice mode.
First game I played I get a message about 30 seconds in: "nub or pro?" Great, just what I'm looking forward to Blizzard. :lol
At least they seem to have made a lot of effort to make the game accessible to new players or people who suck at multitasking like me. Lots of stuff to help identify where you fucked up in your gameplan. It's almost like reading a postgame analysis for a sporting event.
Kronotech said:That's what I was fearing. Not many changes in the factions units either. Why didn't they add a new race or something more to show us that this game truly stands above the first?
Ok so it obviously does stand quite above the first because of the new engine, graphics, etc. but they still didn't change much. As long as it's easier to play MP than it has been using battlenet, I'm in![]()
Vitet said:Maybe we see a new race in the Campaign. It happened before, remember the Naga?
MoxManiac said:One of my favorite things about SC1/WC3 were the elaborate custom maps. I hope this trend continues with SC2.
Ice Monkey said:livewire that was me! I was trying to see if you wanted to do some 2v2, but if you're a pro I wouldn't stand a chance so i was trying to get a 2v2 that was relatively fair :lol
Spire said:I thought RPS summed up my feelings well. Blizzard ignored the past decade of RTS innovation because they were scared to mess up their baby. The game feels archaic, and it brings nothing new to the table.
MoxManiac said:Ice Monkey, so the stuff removed from SC1 will be in the editor?
One of my favorite things about SC1/WC3 were the elaborate custom maps. I hope this trend continues with SC2.
Spire said:I thought RPS summed up my feelings well. Blizzard ignored the past decade of RTS innovation because they were scared to mess up their baby. The game feels archaic, and it brings nothing new to the table.
Spire said:I thought RPS summed up my feelings well. Blizzard ignored the past decade of RTS innovation because they were scared to mess up their baby. The game feels archaic, and it brings nothing new to the table.
Interfectum said:The past decade of RTS 'innovation' has been nothing but bloat and/or dumbing down the genre. StarCraft 2 is a refreshing change from that bullshit.
Spire said:I thought RPS summed up my feelings well. Blizzard ignored the past decade of RTS innovation because they were scared to mess up their baby. The game feels archaic, and it brings nothing new to the table.
Zzoram said:Ya, I feel like the RTS audience has actually shrunk with all the changes that have occurred over the last decade. Modern RTS games have removed many of the things that made RTS fun such as the fast pace of the action and the base/economy management. Also, Blizzard's is still the premiere online RTS service, with the Warcraft 3 system still far superior to anything the competition has even attempted.
Slow plodding RTS games with minimal base/economy management like CoH/DoW may get nice reveiws for being different, but they aren't as fun, wide appealing, nor do they hold the longevity of a Blizzard game due to mediocre online environments.
It's like all the reviewers saying the same thing about NSMB.Wii when it's easily the best mario game ever made, and certainly the most fun to play.
Spire said:I don't know, after CoH Starcraft feels like a step backwards, but that's just me.
BananaBomb said:I was nodding my head and smiling at your post until you put down Super Mario Galaxy. Tsk, tsk.
ZealousD said:If you think StarCraft 2 is archaic, then you never really enjoyed the first game.
Spire said:I thought RPS summed up my feelings well. Blizzard ignored the past decade of RTS innovation because they were scared to mess up their baby. The game feels archaic, and it brings nothing new to the table.
ZealousD said:If you think StarCraft 2 is archaic, then you never really enjoyed the first game.
I dunno, I really think SC2 is much more accessible than SC. The new BNet goes a long way towards this.Spire said:I thought RPS summed up my feelings well. Blizzard ignored the past decade of RTS innovation because they were scared to mess up their baby. The game feels archaic, and it brings nothing new to the table.
Zzoram said:Ya, I feel like the RTS audience has actually shrunk with all the changes that have occurred over the last decade. Modern RTS games have removed many of the things that made RTS fun such as the fast pace of the action and the base/economy management. Also, Blizzard's is still the premiere online RTS service, with the Warcraft 3 system still far superior to anything the competition has even attempted.
Slow plodding RTS games with minimal base/economy management like CoH/DoW may get nice reveiws for being different, but they aren't as fun, wide appealing, nor do they hold the longevity of a Blizzard game due to mediocre online environments.
It's like all the reviewers saying the same thing about NSMB.Wii when it's easily the best mario game ever made, and certainly the most fun to play.
CoH is great for what it is, but it's not the type of gameplay I'd want in StarCraft.
I also wouldn't discount the major innovations coming in the single player campaign and the custom games. DotA, Tower Defense, Footie Wars, etc all born out of Blizzard map editors. I can't wait to see what comes from SC2.
Minsc said:A game isn't a proper RTS to me without buildings and towers.
I will be happy just to see my favorite custom WC3 maps remade for SC2. Specifically Burbenog TD, Element TD, Battleships, DotA, etcSpire said:I wouldn't want Starcraft to be a CoH-clone either, but I was hoping it would innovate at least a little. And things like DotA were spawned from what innovation Blizzard did try with Warcraft 3. DotA wouldn't exist if Blizzard hadn't tried the hero system in WC3, SC2 doesn't break any new ground at all.
Spire said:I wouldn't consider CoH plodding or slow, it just isn't dominated he who has the highest cpm.
I wouldn't want Starcraft to be a CoH-clone either, but I was hoping it would innovate at least a little. And things like DotA were spawned from what innovation Blizzard did try with Warcraft 3. DotA wouldn't exist if Blizzard hadn't tried the hero system in WC3, SC2 doesn't break any new ground at all.
Zzoram said:CoH was a tranny surprise for me.
ZealousD said:
Teknopathetic said:"And things like DotA were spawned from what innovation Blizzard did try with Warcraft 3."
If I wanted to be a dick, I would point out that the Hero mechanic was done in RTSs before Warcraft 3.
Warcraft 3's biggest issues were the heroes being too powerful, especially once they hit level 5, which made most of the game players vs creeps rather than player vs player, so the first 15 minutes of most matches sucked balls and were almost always the same.Zzoram said:CoH was a tranny surprise for me. I was expecting real-time strategy and got real-time tactics. It's even worse than Warcraft 3 for having units that take too long to die and putting too much emphasis on units and not enough on the base.
I find that when units have too much health compared to damage, and everything takes too long to die or respond to your commands, the game is very boring to watch and very slow paced to play. The fact that Starcraft Broodwar had so many instances where huge armies could die in 1 second gave it so much more excitement than playing games where units can lob fire back and forth for a minute.
I love how the announcer is going nuts over the 3rd person view, keyboard movement, and going inside a building/underground, when I was doing all of those things (and many others) back in WC3.ZealousD said:
Spire said:Blizzard did try with Warcraft 3. DotA wouldn't exist if Blizzard hadn't tried the hero system in WC3
MoxManiac said::O
Kenak said:Warcraft 3's biggest issues were the heroes being too powerful, especially once they hit level 5, which made most of the game players vs creeps rather than player vs player, so the first 15 minutes of most matches sucked balls and were almost always the same.
I love how the announcer is going nuts over the 3rd person view, mouse controls, and going inside a building/underground, when I was doing all of those things (and many others) back in WC3.
DemiMatt said:For the new wave of people or any current ones, if you want to 2v2 at please add me. I'll be adding everyone from the sc2 match discussion post tonight,
Spire said:I don't know, after CoH Starcraft feels like a step backwards, but that's just me.
I remember those early previews of Warcraft III. No base building, super zoomed in close camera, small squads, etc... you would apparently hire mercenaries but that was it. The game was all about using your units tactically to set up ambushes and stuff, apparently you could do things like sneak up on enemy camps and listen into the NPCs' dialogue to gain advantages in combat as well.Zzoram said:I think people forget that Warcraft 3 originally had ZERO base management. It was just about managing a squad of heroes that would carry over from level to level (in the campaign), occasionally visiting towns to hire replacement mercenaries and buy loot. Multiplayer would be squad vs squad, with neutral buildings scattered about to buy from and creeps to kill for experience/loot. Then Blizzard realized that the game they created was not as fun as one with base management, and they completely redesigned the game. Blizzard isn't stupid. They chose to make the more fun game instead of making a game "innovative" just for the sake of it. Reviewers and GAFfers care way more about innovation than the real world does, and usually give it far too much weight in judging games. The real world only cares about fun. Refinement of a fun game design to make a more fun, more accessible game is a really great thing.
The fact that Blizzard has a Copper League in their matchmaking system, Very Easy setting for the AI, and Novice versions of maps (they have tons of destructible rocks blocking off bases to seriously delay rushes) shows that Blizzard is making SC2 highly accessible.
Houston3000 said:I remember those early previews of Warcraft III. No base building, super zoomed in close camera, small squads, etc... you would apparently hire mercenaries but that was it. The game was all about using your units tactically to set up ambushes and stuff, apparently you could do things like sneak up on enemy camps and listen into the NPCs' dialogue to gain advantages in combat as well.
Man, was I happy when they decided to pull the camera back and add base-building again![]()
Houston3000 said:I remember those early previews of Warcraft III. No base building, super zoomed in close camera, small squads, etc... you would apparently hire mercenaries but that was it. The game was all about using your units tactically to set up ambushes and stuff, apparently you could do things like sneak up on enemy camps and listen into the NPCs' dialogue to gain advantages in combat as well.
Man, was I happy when they decided to pull the camera back and add base-building again![]()
Zzoram said:I have a feeling that if Blizzard kept that original game design, the game would've been much less successful. Blizzard wouldn't have been in a position to create WoW, and they may not even be around today, or at least only as a much smaller, less important developer.
Ice Monkey said:hehe but if they never created wow, think of all the lives that would have been saved, plus we'd already have sc2 and diablo 3 by now
Zzoram said:Reviewers and GAFfers care way more about innovation than the real world does, and usually give it far too much weight in judging games. The real world only cares about fun. Refinement of a fun game design to make a more fun