Yes... things should improve.
DieH@rd said:Blizzard is not releasing this game just for 2010 PC's, and that is one of the keys of their sucess. Just look at the minimum requirements :lol
DieH@rd said:Blizzard is not releasing this game just for 2010 PC's, and that is one of the keys of their sucess. Just look at the minimum requirements :lol
godhandiscen said:They could be running feedback processes though. I specifically came to this thread after I found my performance to be dissapointing. Core i7 @ 3.7GHz + GTX295. It wasn't bad, definitely 30~40fps at the lowest when i would zoom in, but still really sad given I am used to a perfect 60fps.
godhandiscen said:They could be running feedback processes though. I specifically came to this thread after I found my performance to be dissapointing. Core i7 @ 3.7GHz + GTX295. It wasn't bad, definitely 30~40fps at the lowest when i would zoom in, but still really sad given I am used to a perfect 60fps.
Caspel said:good news, I was able to extract one extra beta key out of Blizzard. I'll be sending all those who have PMed me about the keys details by the afternoon.
woot - finally some good news :-DCaspel said:good news, I was able to extract one extra beta key out of Blizzard. I'll be sending all those who have PMed me about the keys details by the afternoon.
What? Did I miss a contest or something ?Caspel said:good news, I was able to extract one extra beta key out of Blizzard. I'll be sending all those who have PMed me about the keys details by the afternoon.
Just this little bit of hope has made the morning so much fresher. Thanks for the incoming info!Caspel said:good news, I was able to extract one extra beta key out of Blizzard. I'll be sending all those who have PMed me about the keys details by the afternoon.
good to know i can put shadows on low without any significant impact.Minsc said:Nice comparison of the different graphic features here.
The first A/B test is very drastic, Zerg take on a whole new slimy look w/ ultra shaders.
Just one key? sucks.Caspel said:good news, I was able to extract one extra beta key out of Blizzard. I'll be sending all those who have PMed me about the keys details by the afternoon.
better than nothing?!?!Door2Dawn said:Just one key? sucks.
yeah it is better than nothing.Freki said:better than nothing?!?!
Door2Dawn said:Just one key? sucks.
Well thats cool then. Getting one key must of been miracle in itself.Caspel said:yup, just one key. Their PR doesn't want to send out beta keys to any of the media for giveaways but their marketing guys were able to give us one.
They should be grateful you're offering one in the first place. Don't explainCaspel said:yup, just one key. Their PR doesn't want to send out beta keys to any of the media for giveaways but their marketing guys were able to give us one.
Hazaro said:How to play Protoss
They're called sentries. http://www.sc2armory.com/game/protoss/units/sentryLiveWire said:Yea what are those things? My opponent last night ran a shitload of them with Zealots and walkers and halved my Carriers/Void Ray/force pretty quickly. They looked like observers but I could've sworn I saw them attacking?
Caspel said:good news, I was able to extract one extra beta key out of Blizzard. I'll be sending all those who have PMed me about the keys details by the afternoon.
That guy lost to a Sentry rush?Hazaro said:How to play Protoss
LiK said:That guy lost to a Sentry rush?
Ah okFreki said:No - his name is orb - hes on this stream right now http://www.teamliquid.net/video/userstream.php?user=Shauni
He destroyed his opponent and did this in the end to show off *g*
Caspel said:good news, I was able to extract one extra beta key out of Blizzard. I'll be sending all those who have PMed me about the keys details by the afternoon.
Fragamemnon said:
Too passive, microed wrong, didn't boost enough, and didn't make enough zealots.Fragamemnon said:He's (orb that is) is playing David Kim now:
edit: and got owned by david kim
As a Terran player in SC1 I'm really liking the looks of Protoss since the mech factor is played down in SCII (Hellion seem bad, no goliaths :[)Fragamemnon said:oh god that was hilarious
pro tip-don't hide tech right beside a xel'naga watchtower ;p
edit: wish more streams were Terrans. Foreigners always hated playing T compared to P or especially Z, but the SC2 Terran is (IMO) really awesome.
Anybody have any tips for Terran strategy? I am getting so owned.Fragamemnon said:edit: wish more streams were Terrans. Foreigners always hated playing T compared to P or especially Z, but the SC2 Terran is (IMO) really awesome.
Yes, everything on ULTRA. Also, it was a replay. I haven't really played the game yet. I just did the hack to get replays running. I doubt I would notice the dips when I am focused.Fixed1979 said:I have the same/similar build as you, I'm assuming that you're running everything maxed for these results? Just wondering how I'm going to perform.
I'm sure that there will be lots of optimization between now and the official release, sounds like they really need to tighten things up a bit.
Hazaro said:As a Terran player in SC1 I'm really liking the looks of Protoss since the mech factor is played down in SCII (Hellion seem bad, no goliaths :[)
Fragamemnon said:I actually like Hellions quite a bit. They are good when a ZvT/PvT drags out (provided you aren't contained) due to their speed in getting to bases and huge damage against probes/drones, and an outright staple in TvT (the current banshee craze is a flash in the pan in that MU), or at least the way I play TvT.
I do miss goliaths though. I don't like the Thor at all, in PvT I'd rather just take down the colossus with Viking micro.
Go MMM or M&M+M or 3M or M3 or M^3The Lamonster said:Anybody have any tips for Terran strategy? I am getting so owned.
Haven't won a game yet :|
Hazaro said:Go MMM or M&M+M or 3M or M3 or M^3
Marines, Mards, Medivac against toss (before they have colossus)
vs. Zerg I haven't seen much yet.
Hazaro said:Go MMM or M&M+M or 3M or M3 or M^3
Marines, Mards, Medivac against toss (before they have colossus)
Yeah a lot of gas needs to be invested but that is ok since you can pump marrines and medivacs.Fragamemnon said:This is what I do, and it's easy to get out Vikings if they go colossus (just start as soon as you see the support bay) or two ghosts for EMP if you see a fast immortal build (this is common, it has a one gate opening and a really fast robo).
A good EMP against an early Immortal push can be GG double quick.
Caspel said:good news, I was able to extract one extra beta key out of Blizzard. I'll be sending all those who have PMed me about the keys details by the afternoon.
Caspel said:good news, I was able to extract one extra beta key out of Blizzard. I'll be sending all those who have PMed me about the keys details by the afternoon.