Q8D3vil said:so many tvp's, so many loses![]()
If you scout 4-5 cannons that is 600+ minerals.jersoc said:so noob question time. I keep running into protoss who make like 4-5 cannons and VR rush. I suspect the proper answer is banelings to take out the cannons and speedlings for victory?
I've been trying to mass queens, but have had little success as 2 bases is pretty hard to mass some off.
jersoc said:so noob question time. I keep running into protoss who make like 4-5 cannons and VR rush. I suspect the proper answer is banelings to take out the cannons and speedlings for victory?
I've been trying to mass queens, but have had little success as 2 bases is pretty hard to mass some off.
lings and banes dont shoot up.jersoc said:so noob question time. I keep running into protoss who make like 4-5 cannons and VR rush. I suspect the proper answer is banelings to take out the cannons and speedlings for victory?
I've been trying to mass queens, but have had little success as 2 bases is pretty hard to mass some off.
Just use the abilities of your MMM better.Q8D3vil said:thanks Keikaku, holden and corran.
i guess its time to raise my apm to 200 to do drops and macro in the same time.
i guess i need to explore other builds like mech and air in tvp.
I didn't so much read this as watch a .gif in my mind.Pandaman said:lings and banes dont shoot up.
so do this.
scout cannons
build that one building that counters dt's and void rays
build 4 queens
get burrow get hydras
burrow hydras
type 'man... void rays are rly strong wtf'
when he agrees with you or asks if you're mad bait voids over burrowed hydras with queens
type 'oh wait, i forgot these'
unburrow hydras under void
always fast expand.jersoc said:haha, thanks guys.
That's sorta what I did my last game, but I only had 3 queens and 1 spore. he came over with 4 VRs. So I guess I didn't respond quick enough. i didn't expand in time either. So I'll do that ASAP as well.
Pandaman said:
http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2749838 said:OK, so this is the second time in a week I'm going to have to post this PG quote: "Your comment is a classic instance of people on a forum rushing to judgment based on incomplete information. It's isomorphic to the sort of thing one sees on reddit, except that it's about startups rather than the federal government or international bankers."
Edit: it looks like Jiggity (aka Jong-Moon Kim, Warp Prism's creator) has gone and posted a lot more details here: http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/im6r4/there_is_no...
If he's come forward and put all the details on the record, I feel comfortable putting a lot more details here, along with my own commentary on the whole mess.
Jiggity was indeed a co-founder of Teevox, which was in last summer's YC batch. He and Andrew were one always one of the most energetic, technically impressive, and just fun-to-be-around founders in the batch. Seriously, one of the bright spots of weekly dinners was always the corner of the orange room where the Teevox demo was set up each week, greeting passerby with equal parts cheeriness from the founders and magic from the slick Hulu demo.
Which is why it was so heartbreaking when Teevox was one of the first startups in YC S10 to die. It was a sober reminder to everyone that coming up with a clever product just isn't always enough, and we're all in a low-success-rate business.
In any case, Teevox is gone. Dead. Kaput. No longer there. Corporate entity unraveled. It happens to startups. People who spend time here should know that, even though the reddit posters cluelessly assume that Teevox lives on with a team of coders and a "slick marketing team".
Andrew went back to school but Jiggity decided to keep on plugging away at some side projects. One of them turned into Warp Prism. I think that this is fucking awesome. In fact, it's pretty much the classic startup feel-good turnaround story: smart hacker down on his luck, has a startup shut down and fail, keeps on hacking away and eventually stumbles upon something people love to use. He keeps on iterating on the product, out0executing a similar competitor all by himself. (one of the posters in the linked thread said s/he was always suspicious that WarpPrism could ever have been built by one person!) Awesome! This is the classic inspirational never-give-up narrative in action.
Except in this case, some moron hiding behind an anonymous pseudonym does a simple whois search, discovers that the domain is registered to the same guy who happend to found a startup the year before and - gasp - concludes that s/he's unearthed the scandal of a century! WarpPrism can't be the work of a lone hacker, it must have a whole "slick marketing team" behind it! Angry reddit mob, enter stage left!
I do not know why Jiggity chose the name "Jake Frink". (In retrospect, isn't that um, sort of obviously a pseudonym?) I do know that Jiggity has previously used various aliases in everyday conversation, and rarely his real name. But the reality is, aside from that one name, every other detail of the original story is true.
Why was everyone so quick to rush to judgement? Is it a reflexive distrust of anything that might be backed by a company? Is it a predisposition to believe in a made-up but apparently widely perceived trend that, in the words of another poster, "the newer YC bunch are playing dirty to win"?
In any case, this time it makes me upset. It's one thing if people mis-read a boilerplate line in the Dropbox ToS and decide to get angry over that; Dropbox is doing well and will be fine, internet mob or not. But this is different. This is not a large successful company, it's just a friend who has bravely marched straight through the hell that every startup founder has nightmares about. but the one that is never far from my mind when it's racing late at night - the idea that all your hard work will eventually evaporate.
I went through that period once when my first startup died four years ago, and it put me into a rather severe months-long depression. Thankfully my current startup is doing quite well, but the memory of what happened before and the gnawing fear it could happen again is never far from my consciousness late at night when my mind is racing and I have trouble falling asleep. I think pretty much every founder feels the same way all the way until (at least) the liquidity event. It's a special kind of overbearing stress that only other founders can truly understand.
Jiggity pushed right through that, and created a kickass product people loved using. The three months after my first startup died I spent mostly half-heartedly applying for jobs and walking around the streets of Palo Alto in sort of a daze; Jiggity spent that time single-handedly creating the best way to watch StarCraft 2 games in the world. And when those users find out, that gasp, the creator of the product they love so much was using a pseudonym - this is how they react.
I advise everyone who reads Hacker News and is thinking of one day starting a company to think of Jiggity's story as inspirational, and the reaction to it as a warning. In the end though, despite the fact that I was moved to post this long rant, I know he'll get through it just fine. He's thrived after going through much worse.
This seems really obvious. I found it ridiculous to assume that a company had intended to take advantage of r/starcraft through a fucking web streaming service.Tntnnbltn said:Apparently Reddit and TL over-reacted to something that wasn't confirmed.
Ikuu said:Reddit and TL are both cesspools.
Jesus, wow.Keikaku said:Tester and FruitDealer have officially joined StarTale!
bad move by ST.Yoshichan said:Jesus, wow.
V_Arnold said:TL is full of golden posts like "okay, but what does it do FOR THE ESPORT?". Or the fact that while the majority of pro players are actually friends and know each other pretty well, the rabid fanboys and haters are ready to kill each other over their percieved rivalries and "missteps" of each "pro player".
Deadman said:Sly dig at idra?
I'll kill you!
V_Arnold said:Talking about Idra, any notable match from him since he lost in Dreamhack? I have not seen him play since then...
V_Arnold said:TL is full of golden posts like "okay, but what does it do FOR THE ESPORT?". Or the fact that while the majority of pro players are actually friends and know each other pretty well, the rabid fanboys and haters are ready to kill each other over their percieved rivalries and "missteps" of each "pro player".
Unless they get FD to live in the ST house for some major practice time, he's gonna be a waste of time and money.Keikaku said:Tester and FruitDealer have officially joined StarTale!
he will be around if there is beer in the fridge.TheThunder said:Unless they get FD to live in the ST house for some major practice time, he's gonna be a waste of time and money.
Fruitdealer and July getting drunk while trying to figure out ZvZQ8D3vil said:he will be around if there is beer in the fridge.
TheThunder said:Fruitdealer and July getting drunk while trying to figure out ZvZ
I can see it now
Awesome Animals said:What does YC stand for?
867-5309 said:Not sure for certain, but I would assume its the Y Combinator program. It is a startup funding program that twice a year funds a small number of startups and has them move to silicon valley for about three months to help them refine, test, and develop their ideas so they can pitch them to investors in the best way possible. http://ycombinator.com/
prodystopian said:1. Yes.
2. Awesome username
3. The change in the dropbox TOS was essentially saying that they can look at and use the data you upload. If you have anything sensitive going in dropbox, you should either look for another service or encrypt it before uploading.
Yes, I enjoyed them.Awesome Animals said:I should probably not tell the girlfriend this, there are lots of...private...videos and pictures in my dropbox...
g fucking g . Korean domination againDeadman said:http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=242938
MVP and DongRaeGu to MLG Anaheim. Holy shit.
Haunted said:Yes, I enjoyed them.
i feel sorry for every terran who is going to play aliciaAnd SlayersAlicia , Ganzi and choyafOu will go Anaheim too. They will participate MLG with Open Bracket.