Get on and I'll play with you. Even in my weakened state, I can still smack you around like a red-headed stepchild.Tashi0106 said:I wanna play some SC2 but this fucking poker finals has sunk its teeth in me.
Tashi0106 said:I wanna play some SC2 but this fucking poker finals has sunk its teeth in me.
Dooraven said:Holy shit at this whole PPSL tragedy.
Dox on Australian qualifier
YYJ on tournament spot
CubeSalt on tournament spot
CubeRivilius on tournament spot
TheGunRun on travel and accomodation expenses
AZK member
Staff worker on working with Gus regarding streaming and overall event
HON competitor on the tournament
Still just as shady and shitty as it was on the last page. What a cock up.HolyCheck said:Posting again for the new page.
Drama is fuckin insane. That guy is totally fuckedDooraven said:Holy shit at this whole PPSL tragedy. said:Posting again for the new page.
Yoshichan said:Hell yeah, 'bout time Blizzard!
Feats of Strength + Avatar, GET!
edit: I'm pretty sure I did edit my previous post and not post a completely new post ._.
Haha, I want GAF on my Facebook... but I've always thought that US = Myspace <,<?fanboi said:And all of a sudden I found your facebook page...
Yoshichan said:Haha, I want GAF on my Facebook... but I've always thought that US = Myspace <,<?
I'm pretty sure it's a Bioshock reference . . .fanboi said:Read my god damn edit!
Friend req. sent!
It's... Bioshock, lol - who uses their real friends, family and relationship on Facebook?!fanboi said:Read my god damn edit!
Friend req. sent!
Wat.Yoshichan said:It's... Bioshock, lol - who uses their real friends, family and relationship on Facebook?!
You're taking Facebook way too seriously... :lol I would never put too much time and seriousness on a site which fucks you up constantly. Seriously, look at the design of this place and compare it to Facebook 2009. Also, the security-stuff has gone to fuck-hell in 2011. The plan is to completely stop Facebooking + deleting all friends by the end of this year.Keikaku said:Wat.
I have all my friends and my parents on my Facebook. So does almost everyone.
I don't like itHaunted said:I'm torn whether it's terrible or charming. Charmingly terrible?
Me and everyone else, I guess.Yoshichan said:You're taking Facebook way too seriously... :lol I would never put too much time and seriousness on a site which fucks you up constantly. Seriously, look at the design of this place and compare it to Facebook 2009. Also, the security-stuff has gone to fuck-hell in 2011. The plan is to completely stop Facebooking + deleting all friends by the end of this year.
edit: Btw I found it hilarious that fanboi thinks that it was Bayonetta... because originally that "fake" Facebook-character was called Bayonetta with her photo. I changed to Elizabeth Dewitt becuase holy smokes, she's the best female character I've seen in a video game (from judging the trailer).
Yoshichan said:Jacob Rylander likes this.
edit: Holy Check, stop being a pussy and add me instead of stalking me in the corners![]()
Would . . . would you add me?HolyCheck said:I don't add strangers sorry.
I also don't even add people I just "meet" at parties once.
Friends only.
None of this "we went to primary school! how are you!" shit!
I hate you 4everHolyCheck said:no plan, no.
I would set the bar that to add some one from here I would likely need to hang out with them in person a few times!
I don't even have anyone from ausgaf on facebook! one of them lives 2 blocks from me!
welcome back to being a juniorHolyCheck said:Uncharted 3?
Nah. More like Shitcharted 3: My Balls Deception
LOL, it was a joke post on my Facebook...Q8D3vil said:welcome back to being a junior
Evilore enters this thread from time to time tooHolyCheck said:I don't think any mods frequent in here anyway do they?
evilore tends to pop into the GSL threads every now and again but thats about it these days from mods?
Tashi0106 said:Sounds like a plan
My character name: Tashi
Character code: 650
Blah, I'm not even jealous.fanboi said:I have 6 gaffers as friends on the face.
Feels good man.
I never liked you anywaysfanboi said:I have 6 gaffers as friends on the face.
Feels good man.
Yoshichan said:Blah, I'm not even jealous.
No seriously, I'm not.
Okay, maybe slightly.
Gonna PM Panda and ask him if he wants to be my friend... at least I can count on him, y'know, unlike Holy Check!![]()
Keikaku said:I never liked you anyways![]()
Well dude was writing that TL post while people were stuck with a $12k hotel bill trying to find him lol.Dooraven said:Holy shit, so apparently an airline agent could be put in prison because Gus couldn't pay the airline flights.. what in the hell.
Corran Horn said:km/h
Hi, Im sorry for my ability to use my brain and do math outside of simple shit. Sorry, I thought we were not 10 anymore.HolyCheck said:HAI I USE MEASUREMENTS THAT ARE NOT EASY TO CONVERT AND I DISPLAY THE DATE IN A COMPLETLY NONSENSICAL FUCKING ORDER
Corran Horn said:Hi, Im sorry for my ability to use my brain and do math outside of simple shit. Sorry, I thought we were not 10 anymore.
Corran Horn said:km/h
Corran Horn said:Hi, Im sorry for my ability to use my brain and do math outside of simple shit. Sorry, I thought we were not 10 anymore.
You look so young!fanboi said:You should add me!
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