NO HIGHLIGHTS?Haunted said:[13:16] == Haunted [bc6bfb63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #sc2-gaf
My body is ready.
34 hours to go!
edit: wait, #sc2-gaf or #sc2gaf?
~oh nvm, webchat :<
NO HIGHLIGHTS?Haunted said:[13:16] == Haunted [bc6bfb63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #sc2-gaf
My body is ready.
34 hours to go!
edit: wait, #sc2-gaf or #sc2gaf?
Haunted said:Why the hell are people in the sc2-gaf room I've never seen.
ksan I know, but who is the other guy!
I salute you, sir.Façade said:MeOne of the sole residents of the EUgaf channel, nobody plays on eu :/
We're just trying to find a place to talk about the first day of Providence. #sc2-gaf on Quakenet seems to be the meeting spot.ShallNoiseUpon said:Wait, there is an SC2GAF irc channel? What server?
Haunted said:I salute you, sir.
We're just trying to find a place to talk about the first day of Providence. #sc2-gaf on Quakenet seems to be the meeting spot.
Haunted said:New TL horse mascots, anyone?
The Zerg one is fucking creepy.
ACE 1991 said:Thanks for the responses about hotkeying, guys. From what I gather I should really be focusing on my macro game almost exclusively as a lowly bronze player. MOAR QUESTIONS: What should I be doing after I finish the 3 gate robo opening? Should I expand after getting that first colossus and continue massing gateway units/building more gateways and robotics facilities? Lastly, I still don't really know what I should even be doing with the expansion after the Nexus finishes in terms what buildings I should be making. Thanks!
ACE 1991 said:Just bumpin' for new page. Would love some help here! =)
mescalineeyes said:3 gate robo sounds like a terrible opening unless you are planning to go all-in.
I mean sure you can use it to practice getting confident at macroing one base, but in the future try to survive expanding a little earlier and surviving/scouting the enemy's first pushes.
ACE 1991 said:Hmmm, I was under the impressions (according to Team Liquid) that 3 gate robo is one of the safer Protoss openings in any matchup... I don't really have any idea what I'm talking about, though.
finalboss2 said:the TL shirts look ridiculous. why would anybody over 18 want to walk around with a giant horse head on their shirt.
they need something that isn't so loud, not everybody wheres heavy metal band t-shirts.
V_Arnold said:If you have issues with that (are you Hugoboss21? Oo), then you kinda need to man up
A horse head is not neccessrarily a symbol of being a heavy-metal lover or a child. Chess?![]()
mescalineeyes said:anyone out of college should be embarassed to wear any of those.
that, or has no taste.
How appropriate.Zzoram said:Ya the Zerg horse is the weakest of the 3.
And yet people still buy EGs fugly team shirt. Not like many people are going to be wearing these out on the street.mescalineeyes said:anyone out of college should be embarassed to wear any of those.
that, or has no taste.
Nasl season tickets!a176 said:its not like most sc2 players have anything else to spend money on
a176 said:its not like most sc2 players have anything else to spend money on
DE=There is speculation that you may transfer to Starcraft 2.
Hiya=It would be a lie if I said I hadn't thought about it. After Hwaseung disbanded, I tried SC2 at home for a week. I hit diamond very easily. I thought it might be possible, but then I played against fOrGG who recently switched to SC2, and I got absolutely demolished. He was off-racing as Zerg at that, so I gave up right then and there. I am planning to join the military rather than to play SC2.
No full link? Really?HolyCheck said:interview with BW progamer/former progamer Hiya
I had planned on watching despite IPL casters but I forgot about the time. I didn't bother watching after the first 4 games had been played but I see they just forfeit the last game anyways. Why did they play Stephano first?Dooraven said:That Crank build was actually really really awesome, It seems like a perfect counter to the super early 3 base drone drone drone because protoss can't do anything after FFE stuff.
Millennium are being super super unprofessional here.
No clue! Who watches NASL?Hazaro said:How did he lose to drewbie
Hazaro said:How did he lose to drewbie
No full link? Really?
Also Magikarp will be remembered for this, at least to his foreign fans.
Hazaro said:How did he lose to drewbie
No full link? Really?
Also Magikarp will be remembered for this, at least to his foreign fans.
Hazaro said:How did he lose to drewbie
No full link? Really?
Also Magikarp will be remembered for this, at least to his foreign fans.
I love redditDooraven said:That Crank build was actually really really awesome, It seems like a perfect counter to the super early 3 base drone drone drone because protoss can't do anything after FFE stuff.
Millennium are being super super unprofessional here.
damn you!Pandaman said:sorry corran, i was hanging out with my brother.
Haunted said:How appropriate.
thisiswhatprotossplayersactuallybelieveZen said:That would be Protoss.
Pandaman said:thisiswhatprotossplayersactuallybelieve
TheThunder said:I love reddit
(don't click if you're french)
Pandaman said:thisiswhatprotossplayersactuallybelieve
At least we can all agree that Terran is the best race.Zen said:Thisiswhatzergplayersactuallybelieve
zerg.Haunted said:At least we can all agree that Terran is the best race.
I'll be here until the storm settles.Corran Horn said:MLG thread almost done, do we still use this irc channel or a different one now?