Huk now makes me side with the players.
Huk now makes me side with the players.
Over casters? Those problems lie with the producers and admins, not the casters. Really wanna know what Huk and Tasteless said to each other.
More reason to hate Tasteless
Missed that, what did huk say about tasteless?
NASL is one of the things I care about the least in the world.
Today I learned no one on SOTG knows what they're talking about (except for Incontrol...?)
Missed that, what did huk say about tasteless?
Another SotG another night of Anna passing the camera at least 10 times per segment.
Hwanni has passed the camerea 10 times per segment too! that bastard.
Wow JP just cut off the most interesting discussion in the show.
He really dislikes SC:BW because every time the discussion goes towards that, he cuts it off or does weird faces. I was not a BW fan at that time (or even an SC fan), but hell, the story was still amazing and followable...![]()
Is there a tournament or some shit tonight? Big event? Link me please
Ugh I have to sign up and download a player too?! wtf
Ugh I have to sign up and download a player too?! wtf
The dark side of Korean eSports.Thanks.
Ugh I have to sign up and download a player too?! wtf
And the video quality if you don't pay is AHHMYEYESWTFARRGHASFSAGTHJGH
Ugh I have to sign up and download a player too?! wtf
Yea it is. Not gonna pay though.
So is this a Korean league? And can we hear the Korean commentators rather than the Americans, they sound much more hyped up in the background lol.
edit: WTF look at that set! It looks like command room of a Star Trek ship lol
edit2: WTF is this music video commercial shit?! Jeez, major culture shock for me right now hahahaha! I'm really disliking this shit already. God is this how so many people get to like KPop?
WTF chorus of this song is in perfect American English accent. :lol you're in the wrong thread!! I'm really disliking this shit already. God is this how so many people get to like KPop?
WTF chorus of this song is in perfect American English accent. :lol
my internet is back and my hand are feeling good so time for SC2 tonight.
fuck yeah
[/spoiler]i will lose my first 20 games[/spoiler]
we should play but the time difference will make impossible :;/Maybe i should play a few against you so you can get used to winning again.
we should play but the time difference will make impossible :;/
Yeah i know. Well i'll probably be on a fair bit tomorrow. It's midnight here so i can't really play now.
You're still using zerg right? I could use the practice i'm really struggling with PvZ much more than the other matchups (though PvT would be welcome too).
yup zerg although my zerg is mid platinum level.
So is my PvZ. I honestly am struggling to decide how to play PvZ. It's weird at this level i think it's supposed to favour protoss somewhat but i struggle as protoss and dominate as zerg.
It's funny that after thrashing so many protoss with my muta play i now struggle to handle mutas (i'm getting better, getting pis storm instead of just archons is helping).
thing is most ppl in plat just go straight for mutas and have really little army and just spine up ( even in masters...) thats why when they do that i just go blink stalkers as fast as i can and just blink in their main, pretty much nothing they can do;; Thing is most in plat dont scout enough ( even i don't ), but what i dont understand is why zerg dont proxy the spire: is it that hard? its like proxing a darkshrine....
I'm in diamond not plat though. Also yeah i am trying to go more towards blink stalkers. I'm trying to add in more void rays late game as brood lords have been causing me some issues.
I think the issue though for me is the early game and being able to pressure the zerg without losing my army. I have been trying some different things but a lot of the time i either miss control or don't do enough damage. A lot of the time when i harass well i let my macro slip and stockpile minerals early in the game.
I think i just need to spend some more time practising, i might try and play with some gaffers as i haven't done that much as toss.
He said Nick was being a dick to players between games and Huk called him out for it. Also insinuated Nick is known to have a temper but Artosis cut him off before he could finish