claviertekky said:What about Harbaugh?
I refuse to believe anything will come of it.
claviertekky said:What about Harbaugh?
When I was in high school a good friend of mine was a niners fan. This was back when they were in the same division. So much fun trash talking. At the time the Saints were total shit and the niners were good. Now he's a Saints fan too. Who Dat!WedgeX said:9ers fan?
Well, you guys did have Steve Young at one point.
And at least he's not dirtbag.
hoverX said:When I was in high school a good friend of mine was a niners fan. This was back when they were in the same division. So much fun trash talking. At the time the Saints were total shit and the niners were good. Now he's a Saints fan too. Who Dat!
Means he was never a true niners fan. Just a bandwagoner. We dont want those shits.hoverX said:When I was in high school a good friend of mine was a niners fan. This was back when they were in the same division. So much fun trash talking. At the time the Saints were total shit and the niners were good. Now he's a Saints fan too. Who Dat!
Corran Horn said:Means he was never a true niners fan. Just a bandwagoner. We dont want those shits.
Lol he's still a niners fan too but he's happy to see the Saints finally winning.Corran Horn said:Means he was never a true niners fan. Just a bandwagoner. We dont want those shits.
Keikaku said:Your friend is a coward and a traitor, sir!
Jeff-DSA said:My Internet went down (thanks, Comcast!).
Did I miss out on GAF night? I was planning on making my first appearance this evening.
You can only have one team to root for.hoverX said:Lol he's still a niners fan too but he's happy to see the Saints finally winning.
Nice. I had a friend who was a cowboys fan. 90s were interesting time of back and forth shit talking lol.Birdman02 said:Truth.
Niners fan for life!! I've had to put up with a lot of abuse the last few years (or ten) because I've lived in Dallas my whole life. Hopefully, we're back on our way up!
On topic, I have had the absolute worst timing tonight. At least 3-4 early rushes hit my ramp right when I look away to place a pylon...causing me to just miss my forcefield and lose.![]()
Elcheris vs. Yoshim
Ultrabum vs. Corran Horn
Q8D3vil vs. MisterAnderson
Moemoland vs. Terproerg
Paz vs. Pankaks
Vaporak vs. Ultron87
MescalineEyes vs. Trasher
Chanstaa vs. Aylinato
Striek vs. Zargle
Spl1ter vs. Slavik81
BigAT vs. Hazaro
Wedge7 vs. ShallNoiseUpon
Holden vs. Jasonng
SteveWinwood vs. Twosocks
Xenien vs. Lathentar
Pandaman vs. Vasperknight
we can talk about LANTheThunder said:*go into SC2 thread*
*See discussion about handegg*
*Leaves SC2 thread*
no tyCorran Horn said:we can talk about LAN
TheThunder said:*go into SC2 thread*
*See discussion about handegg*
*Leaves SC2 thread*
Side 1
Elcheris vs. Yoshim
Ultrabum vs. Corran Horn
Q8D3vil vs. MisterAnderson
Moemoland vs. Terproerg
Paz vs. Pankaks
Vaporak vs. Ultron87
MescalineEyes vs. Trasher
Chanstaa vs. Aylinato
Side 2
Striek vs. Zargle
Spl1ter vs. Slavik81
BigAT vs. Hazaro
Wedge7 vs. ShallNoiseUpon
Holden vs. Jasonng
SteveWinwood vs. Twosocks
Xenien vs. Lathentar
Pandaman vs. Vasperknight
V_Arnold said:Two nights ago I was so happy going into SC2 games. Then I collapsed mentally (okay, early morning, long day, anyway), I lost 4 game against very.... dumb (go away, Idra sound in my mind!)...protoss players. Then I proceeded into a ZVZ, where my opp went for an exp first with NO GAS and no roach on Tal Darim. I went speedfirst, put down a bane, and obliterated him. Then he BM'd me for minutes, saying that I am dumb for not going for macro game. I tried to ask how he expects to enforce his macro on me when I already invested in speed+lings, but of course there is no answer.
Then, I take a deep breath, proceed to the next game. Terran, Shattered temple. See tech lab on the barrack, and no bunker. Exp, 2 queens, 10+ lings, going for fast lair. He comes then. WITH 3 REAPER, 4 MARINE AND 15 SCV. Yeah, good luck stopping that. WTF....
I am broken mentally. I cant play this game anymore like this. It bears no fruit. Either I hate myself, or the opponents hate me. Worst thing is that I went in so happily, hugging every single loss. But it is hard. Maybe I really should switch to a race with a safer early game. Terran?
twofold said:Terran is ez. Use Trump's 3 rax build and you'll be in Masters in no time at all!
The most difficult part about Starcraft 2, I find, is accepting that losing is normal. Think of every loss as a learning experience. Watch the replay, look for signs to improve your play and go from there.
It's so very easy to rage (I do it nearly every time I lose!), but you have to persevere and ride out the plateau if you want to improve.
Check out the book Mastery by George Leonard. It deals with mindset required to get the most out of skill acquisition. You can read it here -
Alternatively, this dude wrote up a pretty decent summary -
I really recommend reading the whole book - it'll only take an hour or two and you'll learn so much.
V_Arnold said:Thanks for the appreciations, though over the coarse of the last few years, I have been doing competitive games and competitive games only (5-4kyu at Go, a decent Viper in SF, not to mention Halo3 months). And my goal is not to become a master player. If I wanted that, I would cherrypick a few good pressure->kill T/P builds and destroy any random opponents on ladder, but I actually want to become a good player that Master will only be a "side effect" of this
Wow, really?Pandaman said:Bad predictions
bigAT has been playing though, thats the big swing factor in that vote.Hazaro said:Wow, really?
No credit to me at all?
I mean sure I haven't played in like 4 months, but come on.
twofold said:I was being sarcastic about the masters comment.
(Terran really is ezmode, though! ;D)
Seriously, though. Read the book and apply what's in it. You'll be all the better for it. Once you learn to play to practise instead of playing to win, you'll find your results grow exponentially without any effort and you'll have a lot more fun. It's awesome.
I try to read Mastery every 6 or so months - it's one of my favourite books of all time and it's helped me so, so much in loads of different parts of my life.
mescalineeyes said:Terran is not ezmode at all, they just have pretty good units.
shattered temple is one of the easiest map to scout thank to the hidden spot behind the mineral line, you can easily see if he have a expo or taking a second gas which indicate cloaked banshee,Then, I take a deep breath, proceed to the next game. Terran, Shattered temple. See tech lab on the barrack, and no bunker. Exp, 2 queens, 10+ lings, going for fast lair. He comes then. WITH 3 REAPER, 4 MARINE AND 15 SCV. Yeah, good luck stopping that. WTF....
explain to me why i'm not in masters then : |Terran is ez. Use Trump's 3 rax build and you'll be in Masters in no time at all!
so you are interested in seeing 6 rax every gamemost interested in seeing:
Q8D3vil vs. MisterAnderson
did you consider the fact that your style favor terran more than zerg ?I find it significantly easier mechanics wise than playing Zerg so it feels like easy mode to me. After learning to macro as Zerg, macroing as Terran feels so easy. I have so many units out so quickly that I end up overwhelming my opponents with brute force.
I'm sure this changes at the super high levels but I've been beating high diamonds/low masters on the KR server using the ever so simple Trump 3 rax opening and building lots of shit.
When I play Zerg against the same opponents, I lose really, really badly despite playing 500+ more games as Zerg.
elcheris is a masters zerg.AdventureRacing said:Is Elcheris a masters player? If so looks like first round for me.
Is there anywhere i can check what race he is so i know what to practice for?
Q8D3vil said:did you consider the fact that your style favor terran more than zerg ?
Pandaman said:elcheris is a masters zerg.
twofold said:I don't think it's that at all. I think it's just that Terran requires less APM to play effectively than Zerg.
When I play as Zerg, I feel like there's a million things I want to do but there's not enough time to do it all. As Terran, I find it fairly easy to do everything I want to do and keep my minerals/gas low and my production facilities making stuff.
twofold said:I don't think it's that at all. I think it's just that Terran requires less APM to play effectively than Zerg.
When I play as Zerg, I feel like there's a million things I want to do but there's not enough time to do it all. As Terran, I find it fairly easy to do everything I want to do and keep my minerals/gas low and my production facilities making stuff.
Awesome Animals said:Sheth has a very low APM as a Zerg.
and AdventureRacing, check out we have a division there (NeoGAF) I believe.
twofold said:![]()
208 apm is very low? What?
Look, simply put -- Terran macro mechanics are the easiest of the three races, macro decides the majority of games in Master league and below - therefore, unless you're at the tip top, Terran is the easiest to play since it's easier to build more stuff. Protoss is marginally more difficult than Terran due to the Warp Gate mechanic. Zerg is the hardest.
V_Arnold said:Uhm, nooo. No. Nothing difficult about that.
ultron87 said:Well it's slightly more difficult then just hitting the barracks button and hitting DDDDDDDD.
We actually have to look at where we're warping stuff in.
Won said:Building stuff is easy with all three races. There I said it. Deal with it.
Look, simply put -- Terran macro mechanics are the easiest of the three races, macro decides the majority of games in Master league and below - therefore, unless you're at the tip top, Terran is the easiest to play since it's easier to build more stuff.Protoss is marginally more difficult than Terran due to the Warp Gate mechanic. Zerg is the hardest.
V_Arnold said:Uhm, nooo. No. Nothing difficult about that.
Q8D3vil said:so i was right all along, your style favor terran, if you think protoss warp in is harder then constant clicking then i don't know what to say.
jasonng said:All this yapping in this thread and there still aren't any gifs from last night.
i meant that everyone might find a race harder than the other, it just depend on your mechanic and what are you good at.I have absolutely no idea what you mean.
Pandaman said:Predictions