It has been two weeks now.
It was two weeks ago when I decided "fuck ZVZ" (even though pre-infestor buff, I LOVED that matchup, but not it is a horrible broken piece, I switched to terran. I played that race for like a week when I was first introduced to StarCraft 2, back in the beta. Still fascinated by being able to lower depots
Anyways, my ladder MMR has obviously taken a HUGE hit. From "occasionally getting diamond/masters opponents" as a Zerg, it become a "get an occasional gold, usually silver, sometimes bronze" - it is not the same, obviously. I have lost TONS. I did not do any outside-of-ladder practice, I just switched to T and did not care whether my league is plat or will be silver.
I think I will be demoted, but it is okay. I love climbing up on the ladder, slowly improving my skills. TVT, in this two week, was effortless. I died maybe once or twice to an all-in (meaning: SCV-s come with the marines...), but when it was a standard game, I always went for a siege + viking + contain + slow, methodical pushed, and it works awesomely. Some people dont understand why this is so strong, but it really is. It is like trying to hit an unstoppable force with your own units. That shoots rockets in the air and explodes everything on the ground
TVP? Well, it has been fun. Against colossi, I cant do anything, but in this two weeks, I kinda realized that I gotta harass the P as soon as I realize his plan, and once I got to keep my banshees, produce additional ones, and maybe get a good engagement, the ever-growing amount of banshees can help so much that it is not even funny. Key is harassment though, a slipped banshee, a hellion in their base or a perfectly timed drop while he is out trying to attack you is a wonder. I love this matchup, overall. In this level, these dudes do not do air builds. That is sad because it is really, really strong. Oh, and blue-flame hellions eat zealots alive, even chargelots...good to know.
AND TVZ...well, it is hard. For me, especially. I had a tendency to be passive with Zerg always, and as a T against Z, it is even worse

Blue-flame hellion is a must have, because if you do not have that, you cant do anything about that moving blob of lings/blings... hehe. When I can destroy his 3rd without being dealt a counterattack to, I usually win now. Overall, I have much to learn in this matchup.
I enjoy this game again. I still love the feel of the zerg the best, when I am in my base, making stuff, using larva, moving with lings, but with Terran, the application of pressure is Like working with vectors. And I like that. So, I will be demoted hopefully, to Gold if I am lucky, to silver if I am not, but this game is still awesome