finnaly got some extra dota 2 keys, but i suppose everybody has one now..?
How are you? Im MKP.
Thank you, Reddit!!
Following the 1st stream of Prime last week, we are preparing the 2nd live stream on 8th Nov. KST 12:00(GMT 3:00), a day before this week GSTL match(9th Nov.) vs. FXO.
There will be 3 parts in our 2nd stream.
Part 1 : Introduction of Prime players and Q&A
Part 2 : Show match among MKP, Creator, Byun and Maru for Primes Ace position
Part 3 : MKPs Quiz show and raffle with our stream viewers. There are a lot of prizes like players private collection, Prime uniforms, etc.
And our big event!
3,000 viewers watched our 1st stream. Thank you so much. So, if the viewers of our 2nd stream are over 10,000, every member of Prime will dance to Gangnam Style in front of the camera. More extraordinarily, if our subscribers become 2,000, at GSTL match vs. FXO on the next day, we will enter the studio dancing Gangnam Style. It cant be over 2,000, can it?
Prime team is not looking for sponsorship. And your little attention and help become a big help.
Asking your big interest and love.
Thank you!
Prime Stream :
i already have dota2.
*goes back to playing lol*
Why are you playing LoL instead of dota2 or SC2?
You could've been the chosen one for WCG Canada SC2. Scarlett, Huk and Ostojiy didn't participate.
because i'm a huge fucking casual.
because i'm a huge fucking casual.
DotA2 was so hard, I only got to the menu screen. The overwhelming stuff in the menu made me quit and go to SC2+WoW.
edit: I'm not joking btw. I need someone to guide me through that game, hardcore.
I don't know what either of those words mean, but I'm gonna take it you're a big meany to me now!Fake edit: Also, stop being a curmudgeon, hop on either the main GAF mumble or the DayZ mumble and ask for help. Defeatist attitude stinks.
You know what Nix, you're right. I'm too lazy after all
I don't remember feeling like this for SC2 - but I guess times change.
I don't know what either of those words mean, but I'm gonna take it you're a big meany to me now!
Holden plays MOBA games and look at him, he's very kind and humble!No one's trying to be mean, just to get you to try new things and explore the great wide world. Except its the world of MOBAs. Which are evil and bad.Nah, they're fine
You know what Nix, you're right. I'm too lazy after all
I don't remember feeling like this for SC2 - but I guess times change.
I don't know what either of those words mean, but I'm gonna take it you're a big meany to me now!
Well I'm gonna force some GAFers to play DOTA2 with me someday, and it's gonna be glorious.
I was in that Mumble for like 2 months and no one ever visited me in the Diablo 3 channels.
Well, Hazaro did I guess... but that's about it.
Oooh! My bad :3 well, guess I've got no other choice but to go in at some point!Are you sure? I don't recall you ever coming on the DayZ mumble. That's not the address to the main GAF mumble.
Yeah I got another today tooSo I got yet another Dota2 invite given to me after playing for a few hours. Did other people get more too?'
I got 3 yesterday and 1 today to give to friends. Luckily I have many friends who want them.
Dont know if there was an MLG thread, buti wanted leenock to win.
Also, i have dota2 keys, but everyone has one now.
Also, it's hardly still in beta :| isn't this its 4th? year of beta now? are they trying to steal the DNF title or something?
knives is a real bro.
Actually he is a girl...
But since you are french... it might be hard seeing the difference.
what happened to you on the weekend btw EJ?
Also, does anyone know what is happening with SlayerS ?
Are they basically just releasing all their a-teamers and just going to forge ahead and hope to develop their younger players?
add me on skype EscapingJail
Slayers has disbanded.
So what does Jessica do now?
Oh is that what we call (._.) :lol?!