Fnatic (Basically Korean, wouldn't be surprised if it goes the way of FXO in the future)
HoSeo (To a degree...)
TSL (Really improved roster and overcame hardships in the last year)

Fnatic (Basically Korean, wouldn't be surprised if it goes the way of FXO in the future)
HoSeo (To a degree...)
TSL (Really improved roster and overcame hardships in the last year)
Yeah honestly when I say "WoW is amazing", I'm mostly saying that because of my friends in WoW. It's not necessarily the content that pleased me (although I fucking loved 4.1. Kinda hard heroics, raiding was intense etc. 4.3 sucked major ass though).Cataclysm was quite boring, and MoP won't be much different. I liked the Pandaran area while playing the beta, but once you finish it you're back to the same old game. Same boring quests, same repetitive dailies, and the same general sense that your actions have little impact on the world. No wonder subs are cratering, the heart of the game is gone.
Thank god for Guild Wars 2 next month
RacistWow, I just made a protoss friend... teh fuck? The weirdest part about this is that he's pretty smart and has a sense of humor...
Wow, I just made a protoss friend... teh fuck? The weirdest part about this is that he's pretty smart and has a sense of humor...
Oh no you did NOT.The weirdest part is that you made a friend.
Just build a fucking robo with your gate you greedy fuckI currently hate Terran. I'm doing a 1gate expand and I lose to some weird heavy pressure build.
Just build a fucking robo with your gate you greedy fuck
Just build a fucking robo with your gate you greedy fuck
Post replayI do build robo and I swear that I'm no more greedy than the one gate build on TL. Robo goes down usually between 32-40. What I noticed is though if I build two extra gates then the robo (as apposed to other way around) I can hold the pressure but the build says always make robo first so idk what I could be doing better to actually pull the build off properly. It's what I need to work on atm.
I currently hate Terran. I'm doing a 1gate expand and I lose to some weird heavy pressure builds that hit between 6-8 minutes. Seems like every Terran I play 3rax'd or 1/1/1'd their way to it plat/diamond. What are some other good builds if I don't scout an early CC or if I see gas, 2/3 raxs, etc?
Not to mention I get BM'd if I hold the push and end up winning because all they know how to do is make MMM.
The weirdest part is that you made a friend.
The weirdest part is that you made a friend.
Post replay
Have you considered using a mixtape of Gateways alongside Warpgates? Your supply will be higher because you won't have to rely on warping in units all the time.
You guys are all mean![]()
I'm going to go talk to my PROTOSS FRIEND now.
I want that confirmed... do you love me Corran?
I rewatched this for the 2nd time and I think I know what I could have done better here. However I lose often to stuff similar to this. One base pushes. Where am I being too greedy or not macroing properly?
Is that common? I'll need to read up about it. I'm still trying to find a build I like in PvT.
This protoss player is actually pretty cute... oh God, what is happening to me.
Somewhere Foxer is crying.
I called him, he said I'm allowed to do it!Somewhere Foxer is crying.
Hahhahaha ♥ You didn't answer me before Corran... do you love me or not?Dont worry he already is....since he loses all the time.
ThanksDon't grab your second gas that fast, you had surplus gas and nothing to spend it on early on. Then the biggest mistake you made is that you were going for fast tech but decided to go down your ramp and engage him. Don't do that. When you did that you forcefielded his marines away from your zealots, which weren't in front of your sentries anyways. Lastly, you were floating more minerals and gas than he was, ~400/400 around the time of the fight. Also, what is the build you referenced? The standard safe 1 gate FE is MC's and it gets gateways before Robo. KCDC's 1 gate expo also gets gateway before robo.
No answer from Corran means he probably doesn't love me...
Overwhelmed?! That would surprise even me :3Maybe he's just overwhelmed and confused by his feelings for you![]()
I bet Rob Simpson is a better caster than you Corran
I bet Rob Simpson is a better caster than you Corran
"Good forcefields, only missed two". I'm gonna throw up.
The Chinese number font also is the worst thing in eSports.
Being better =/ Not being able to Dislike
What ?!?
If anything, it's the only good thing about their client. With the standard client, Good luck figuring out a 5, 6 or 8 on any tournament stream unless its a godlike Dreamhack quality one.
Nope, If you are not better than someone at what they do, then you are not allowed to even comment on anything they do. That's the first rule of arguments over the internet.
Artosis just talked down on Flash.