God Rachel is so beautiful. Her legs are just amazing. Is she still dating that ginger loser Flame?
DRG isn't really cute though :/
Let's not forget the DRG/Genius bromance and it's eventual dissolution.
Don't be mean :_: It's hard to keep up lately...
Don't be mean :_: It's hard to keep up lately...
I started watching GSL in season 2... the only season worth watching in fact ._.Yoshi...
He was in GSL season 1, the great foreigner hope that wasn't Artosis and IdrA.
God Rachel is so beautiful. Her legs are just amazing. Is she still dating that ginger loser Flame?
Don't change avatar please, stay with the Laure-avatar... she's so pretty.I'm currently debating changing my avatar
Showing off my SC2 swag for new thread
Tasteless in orange hair...? Or what exactly am I seeing in that picture ._.?
Love your setup btw. It may be cluttery but it looks cozy!
Showing off my SC2 swag for new thread
Winamp 4 life ♥Edit: I notice that I'm not the only winamp user. Huzzah!
Did watching my stream help you become the best player?
Finally, I'm home!
I started watching GSL in season 2... the only season worth watching in fact ._.
//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT5| Killing #ESPORTS
Wooo, it's that time again! Awards for the |OT4|~
Biggest disappointment: Not nearly enough ponies
Most rage-inducing thing: The terran hate near the end
Best supporter: Corran
gg: gg <- click that
For a new guy, you're pretty cool: EscapingJail
Why-are-you-banned-again?!: Haunted
The gif-master: Derp :lol
I still believe in you: Tashi
Sexiest, best looking and hottest: An archon, combined with Hazaro and Corran
Cutest couple: Holden and Panda
God-tier: zlatko
WINNER OF |OT4|: Corran Horn! Combine his current hot avatar (NaDa RIP) with the constant 24/7 support he's given me throughout the year and bam, we've got a winner!
And I'm off! See you all next |OT| (be it |OT6| ot HotS |OT|!)~
i've been on battle.net for a while now, NA.
Ugh, I still can't get in. I understand if matchmaking servers need work and those are shut down but I can't even get into the game and practice alone or whatever. So dumb.
No but I will nowhaha did you watch her WCG Ultimate gamer?
No but I will now
Custom built arcades sticks are a particularly unique aspect of the fighting game scene. To celebrate these incredible creations, SRK commissioned a cross-over contest: design and build the ultimate Starcraft II arcade stick. The task was to take all the craftsmanship and flair that goes into a handmade fightstick, but translate it to a different game genre.
Blink is researched from a building called the Twilight Council. It looks like this:Finally got in, played a few games. Made it to top 20 silver but just lost a match to a Protoss who did a blink stalker rush. It was one of those "oh shit" moments when I put it all together. He came in and stole both of my gases. Whatever, didn't need them right away anyway. Did my 1 rax FE. Scouted 2 warp gates and I think a cybernetics core in his base. Figured he was going to do some sort of timing attack so I bunkered up and added 3 more barracks. He pushed with like 3 stalkers to my front door and my bunker scared them away. I collected about 8-10 marines and pushed out right away. On my way there I went through the Xel'Naga tower and those first stalkers he pushed with sitting at the side of my base. I just kept rushing into this base and met some stalkers. He pushed those that were sitting at my base back to his when I saw that he had blink. He beat those marines in his base. I took 3 marines from home and scouted along side the outside of my base looking for pylons when I found a few stalkers waiting there. I pulled all my marines from my natural and pushed them to my main and then I saw an Obs and knew the blink was about to happen. Pulled my SCV's out but then I realized I would probably need them lol.
The ending is just a long drawn out mess of me not wanting to gg out.
That was my first time being blink stalker rushed. How do I scout for shit like that? Where do they research blink?
Idk about all this. The mouse portion doesn't seem well done enough for precision.
They don't expect it to become an actual competitor to real input devices. It was just for funshoryuken.com said:Is this controller as effective as a good mechanical keyboard and mouse? Hell no, but that wasnt the point!
Playing/ beating alot of masters today!