no terran buffs yet :/
D3vil, I've missed you broFucking LoL man, keeps taking away my friends...
True... but I couldn't stop D3vil no matter what I didquoting myself from the dota thread
"friends don't let friends play LoL"
funny because i started playing lol because of friends ;pquoting myself from the dota thread
"friends don't let friends play LoL"
whatareyoutalkingaboutsc2isthetruedefinitionofbalanceohwaitmuch more balanced than fucking sc2.
maybe when dota2 is released i can grind out games with my friends since i hate playing with random noobs at low levels.
It really didn't change that much if you ask me. Hellion expand is still viable, it's still great map control and you can still deny creep (hellions will always take damage against the two/three queens that are out on the map though).btw, last time i played sc2 was before the queen buff so i would probably delete it if i played it now.
hehehe, nice one.
btw, last time i played sc2 was before the queen buff so i would probably delete it if i played it now.
i quit when blizzard released a state about tvp and how they are not going to fix it.If you were moaning about balance before the queen patch, the state of the game probably isn't the actual problem![]()
hey, devil can you stop lieing to yourself.
Attention everyone:
leaving starcraft for a moba because of balance.
its NEVER your fault in moba bro.
Attention everyone:
Stole this crazy ass build from babyknight, haven't seen anyone ever use it. It gets you a safe 9 minute 3rd PvZ. I haven't lost a PvZ today with it...
Pfft I played 50 cent on ps3 for like 40mins. My day was more productive.
You get your skull back?
Im in the process of getting it or die trying.
Stole this crazy ass build from babyknight, haven't seen anyone else ever use it. It gets you a safe 9 minute 3rd PvZ. I haven't lost a PvZ today with it...
Stole this crazy ass build from babyknight, haven't seen anyone else ever use it. It gets you a safe 9 minute 3rd PvZ. I haven't lost a PvZ today with it...
Edit: 3-0'd by Minigun. The fall has completed.
lol, left before the vortex popped.
Well if anyone thought IdrA was going to make a comeback, he just went 1-3 vs Killer and on the last match he said "fuck you".
Now he is down 0-2 to Minigun on the brink of elimination and not qualifying for IEM.
Fun fact: No GG yet from him.
Edit: 3-0'd by Minigun. The fall has completed.
More tournaments need to punish players for bm (not just idra)
I dont mind the no GG, thats just whatever, but I'd be okay with something being done about abuse or harassment.
i hate people who start random conversations in competitive, cringes my teeth in ladder matches.
They just need to put a no talk ingame and only gg like gom / bw does...
no terran buffs yet :/
hey can you switch back to boxer please?
What's the correct viking:colossus ratio?
What's the correct viking:colossus ratio?
you guys were only OP for an entire freaking year x_x